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usiadz i odpocznij

pierwsza by zobaczyc twoje oczy...
druga, druga... by zobaczyc twoje usta...
trzecia po to by zobaczyc cala twoja twarz...


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najpierw zajrzyj tutaj : http://www.przedluzwakacje.xt.pl/ 
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Marcin, ja daleki jestem od 3 x 12, nie ma też klasycznego podziału na partie ciała - ot takie niewiadomoco ale grunt że się sprawdza
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ciekawostka :

Breath Test That Tells Dieters How Much to Eat ; Good Health

2005 April 26 Printer-friendly format Email to a friendEmail this article to a friend


A BREATH test that works out exactly how many calories you should eat has been launched in the UK. It lets dieters calculate the amount of calories they need to achieve their target weight loss.

The manufacturers of the device say that though it's easy to count the calories eaten in food, this does not take into account big differences in people's metabolic rates.

People with a high metabolic rate will burn off more calories than others simply by standing still. This means they can eat more without putting on weight. But people with low metabolic rates would have to eat less just to stay the same weight.

The technology, developed by HealtheTech, works by measuring the Resting Metabolic Rate or RMR, which is the number of calories the body burns to maintain essential functions such as heart rate, brain activity and breathing.

RMR can represent up to 75 per cent of the total metabolism in someone who leads a sedentary lifestyle, and is therefore an important factor in how efficiently calories will be burned off.

The machine, which has four sensors, works by measuring the difference between the amount of oxygen inhaled and exhaled. The sensors take into account surrounding air conditions - the pressure, humidity, temperature and oxygen levels - and from that it calculates how much oxygen is used with each breath.

The more oxygen that's consumed, the greater the RMR.

'Measuring the metabolic rate this way is called indirect calorimetry,' says Dr Sue ***b, head of obesity research at the Medical Research Council in Cambridge.

'You measure the amount of oxygen consumed and the amount of carbon dioxide then produced by the body. It is basically assessing energy expenditure.' A high RMR means you burn up calories more quickly than most. A low RMR means you burn up calories slowly, and subsequently need to eat less than others.

At the end of breathing into the device, software then takes into account the type of job the user has, and adds the calories needed to do that work to the RMR figure.

The same is worked out for the patient's normal levels of self- reported activity.

THE final result is the total required calorie intake that person requires to keep ticking over and to remain at the same weight.

If a patient wants to lose a specific amount of weight, the software can calculate exactly how many calories they need in their diet to achieve that.

The device has been put through seven trials in the U.S. at the universities of Colorado, Columbia and Cincinnati.

At Columbia University, researchers used the device to measure the effects of metabolism on breakfast calories, and say it was so effective it could be used in hospitals and clinical settings where demands for accuracy are especially high.

A study reported in the International Journal of Sports Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism also found it accurate when used by children.

Kimberly Rothman from Weybridge, a 40-year-old weight loss coach, lost nearly a stone with the help of the device she bought from America.

'It helped me lose 12lb over two months. You breathe into a mouthpiece and then up pops the measurement.

'Once I had that information, I used diet and exercise to lose weight.

'My metabolic reading came out at 1,425 calories a day - which is apparently an average reading. I added to that the calories that I burned during my daily activities which came to 200 calories, giving a total of 1625.

'Before that I was eating just under 2,000 calories a day, so I cut back at least 300. Rather than particular food groups, I cut out simple sugars. I was around 70 kilos at the start and it dropped to 64.

'Now I use it with my clients and it's helped each one to lose weight.'
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Szacuny 0 Napisanych postów 361 Wiek 47 lat Na forum 20 lat Przeczytanych tematów 1286
z tymi wakacjami to interesujące.Można się nawet przekonać do polityki,tzn Leszka Millera he he.

tym czasem pozdro i czas na wywiadówke do przedszkola hi hi.

Szukam TEAMU który przyjmie mnie do siebie i umozliwi dalsze starty .
Instruktor sportu kulturystyki.
Mistrz Polski w Klasycznej 2007 IFBB Mistrz Świata OPEN 2008 WFF WBBF vc.Mistrz Świata WORLD PRO !2008 WBBF
Mistrz Polski Athletic NAC 2011
vc Mistrz Świata Athletic NAC 2011

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Szacuny 10 Napisanych postów 4520 Wiek 46 lat Na forum 19 lat Przeczytanych tematów 18018
tylko nie karc swojego szkraba.... wszystko co zle to nie on

Your body cannot go where the mind has not gone first.


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Szacuny 0 Napisanych postów 361 Wiek 47 lat Na forum 20 lat Przeczytanych tematów 1286
newer!!! mały****ek z niego,ale to mój sinuś i włos z głowy mu nie może spaść.Ma ostanio film na miecz i tarcze i nawet śpi z tym,wiec chyba jest przygotowany na to zebranie hi hi.a jką ma panią wychowawczynie... uuu łaa!hi hi-jade...

Szukam TEAMU który przyjmie mnie do siebie i umozliwi dalsze starty .
Instruktor sportu kulturystyki.
Mistrz Polski w Klasycznej 2007 IFBB Mistrz Świata OPEN 2008 WFF WBBF vc.Mistrz Świata WORLD PRO !2008 WBBF
Mistrz Polski Athletic NAC 2011
vc Mistrz Świata Athletic NAC 2011

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Szacuny 10 Napisanych postów 4520 Wiek 46 lat Na forum 19 lat Przeczytanych tematów 18018
ojojoj Tatus uwazaj bo podpadniesz mamusi

Your body cannot go where the mind has not gone first.


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Szacuny 48 Napisanych postów 6008 Wiek 14 lat Na forum 21 lat Przeczytanych tematów 38264
przelotne.. hello wszystkim..
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cześć v3gi
co u ciebie :>

That is when the world will end.

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