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Szacuny 205 Napisanych postów 13874 Wiek -4412 dzień Na forum 22 lat Przeczytanych tematów 158206
kogo przypomina Wam ten stojący...? mnie kogoś z pewnego avatora..
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Szacuny 11149 Napisanych postów 51567 Wiek 31 lat Na forum 24 lat Przeczytanych tematów 57816
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Szacuny 56 Napisanych postów 10091 Na forum 21 lat Przeczytanych tematów 53086
ja nie napisze kogo on mi przypomina


Gory upajaja.Czlowiek uzalezniony od nich jest nie do wyleczenia.Mozna pokonac alkoholizm,narkomanie,slabosc do lekow.
Fascynacji gorami nie można.

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Szacuny 205 Napisanych postów 13874 Wiek -4412 dzień Na forum 22 lat Przeczytanych tematów 158206
mhm! ma Pan soga

jak Pan da linka do działu, gdzie nie dawałem

Zmieniony przez - jakryc w dniu 2005-08-05 09:19:51
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Szacuny 11149 Napisanych postów 51567 Wiek 31 lat Na forum 24 lat Przeczytanych tematów 57816
a o którym stojacym mówisz ? hrhr
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Szacuny 205 Napisanych postów 13874 Wiek -4412 dzień Na forum 22 lat Przeczytanych tematów 158206
o tym, który jest akurat obsługiwany...
mam wrażenie, że jest blondynem
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Szacuny 11149 Napisanych postów 51567 Wiek 31 lat Na forum 24 lat Przeczytanych tematów 57816
coś dla Mavrika :

Sports Nutrition
Sports Medicine Systems,Inc.
Nancy Clark,MS,RD
To fuel the demands of strenuous exercise, you should not only feed your muscles high carbohydrate
foods prior to strenuous exercise, but also refuel them afterwards. By choosing carbohydrate-rich foods
and fluids after rigorous training and competitions, you will recover faster and minimize chronic fatigue.
You might be neglecting your recovery diet if you commonly eat:
1) too much protein, by filling up on steak, for example, rather than extra potato, rolls and other carbohy -
drates at the recovery dinner.
2) too many greasy, fatty foods, such as “eat ‘n runners” who survive on whatever is convenient ... often
donuts, burgers, hot dogs, mayonnaise-filled tuna subs, french fries, chips and other high fat choices.
3) too few carbohydrates, such as easily happens if you get too hungry and ravenously devour potato
chips, peanut butter, cheese chunks, ice cream, cookies and other handy high fat goodies.
4) too few total calories, such as weight-conscious athletes who mistakenly think that carbohydrates are
fattening and thereby diet on protein-rich cottage cheese, tuna, turkey and fish. The rest of their diet
(often salads, vegetables, fruits and rice cakes) generally offers too few carbs to replace depleted
glycogen stores.
To integrate an optimal recovery diet into both your post-training and post-competition meals:
#1. Focus your recovery meal on carbohydrate-rich foods, because your muscles rely upon
carbohydrates for glycogen. For example, choose pancakes (carbs) rather than eggs (protein/fat) for a
post-marathon breakfast because your muscles can’t store as glycogen the protein and fat in the eggs.
#2. Eat these carbohydrate-rich foods as soon as tolerable after a hard workout. Your muscles are
most receptive to replacing glycogen within the first two hours post-exercise. This recovery meal is
particularly important if you train twice per day or compete in double events, such as at a swim meet.
#3. Eat 200 to 400 calories (50 to 100 grams) of carbohydrate within two hours of the hard workout.
Suggestions: a bowl of cereal with fruit for breakfast, or two cups of orange juice and a banana; a dinner
with double servings of rice and vegetables, single serving of chicken. If you have no desire to eat after a
workout, simply drink some juice. The fruit sugars will replace the carbohydrates as well as quench your
thirst. Target 0.5 gm carbohydrate / pound body weight. Repeat this “dose” two hours later.
#4. Eat wholesome fruits, vegetables and juices that contain potassium, a mineral (elec trolyte) that
you lose in sweat. Some excellent potassium and carbohydrate-rich choices include oranges or orange
juice, bananas, raisins, dried apricots, potatoes and winter squash.
#5. If you crave salt, sprinkle a little on your food or select a salty food such as soup, pretzels or
salted crackers. Although you lose a little bit of salt when you sweat, you are unlikely to totally deplete
your body’s supply unless you exercise hard under extremely hot conditions for more than 4 to 6 hours.
You can easily replace salt losses via a hearty recovery meal. Typically, American foods contain 6 to 12
times the amount of needed salt. Typically, hungry athletes consume far more!
#6. Drink enough fluids to quench your thirst -- and then more. If you’ve become very dehy drated (as
indicated by inability to urinate), you may need 24 to 48 hours to totally replace this fluid. Since thirst is a
poor indicator of whether or not you’ve had enough to drink, you should keep sipping fluids until your urine
is clear-colored and of significant amount. Dark colored urine is still concentrated with metabolic wastes. It
indicates that you are not yet in water balance.
#7. Drink natural juices more often than commercial fluid replacers. Natural juices are rich in
potassium, vitamins and carbohydrates - all nutrients that enhance recovery. In comparison, fluid replacement
drinks are more dilute (because they are designed for use during exercise). Orange juice, for example,
contains 20 times more potassium than an equal amount of many popular fluid replacers. Postexercise
juices of all types tend to have more nutritional value as well as more carbohydrates.
#8. Keep eating carbohydrate-rich foods for at least two days after exhaustive endurance exercise to
adequately replace depleted glycogen stores. Your muscles need time to carbo-reload.
#9. Rest your muscles to allow them the opportunity to store (rather than burn) glycogen. Rest is
an important part of both the training and recovery program. You aren’t “being lazy” if you take a day off.
You are investing in your future performance.
Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 11149 Napisanych postów 51567 Wiek 31 lat Na forum 24 lat Przeczytanych tematów 57816
Dzieki wielkie

kurfa to chyba ttym całym miszczem kulturystyki nie bede bo cholera wszystkiego jjem za duzo a jak jjem mniej to wtedy znowu nie rosne ....
Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 11149 Napisanych postów 51567 Wiek 31 lat Na forum 24 lat Przeczytanych tematów 57816
hehe u mnie to jest tak - więcej niż 4 treningi w tygodniu albo treningi dłuzsze niż godzina -> natychmiastowy brak postępów (optimum jak na razie to 3 x 45 min przy maksymalnej intensywności)
no ale tak to jest jak się soczków nie stosuje hyhy
Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 11149 Napisanych postów 51567 Wiek 31 lat Na forum 24 lat Przeczytanych tematów 57816
u mnie troche inaczej dlugo sie rozgrzewam ogolnie i dopiero gdy zaczalem cwiczyc 5 x w tyg zaczelo cos sie dziac

chodz kurde wczoraj same nogi robilismy 2 godziny to w aplauzie pozniej na druiguie pietro to sie po poreczy wciagałem....
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