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Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 33 Napisanych postów 10257 Wiek 43 lat Na forum 16 lat Przeczytanych tematów 42828
Niestety, wapń suplementowany jest średnio przyswajalny, dlatego zaleca się jedzenie chociaż małych ilości nabiału, żeby tę absorpcję poprawić. Osławioną laktozą nie ma się co podniecać, chyba że ktoś ma uczulenie.

Półmaraton w 1:57:11! :)

Zgłoś naruszenie
obliques Zasłużona dla SFD
Szacuny 188 Napisanych postów 65575 Na forum 16 lat Przeczytanych tematów 188925
Pamietaj, ze ceny przesylki zawsze skacza bo zaleza od masy, a i jeszcze w pewnym momnecie dochodzi clo. Ale u nas tez ceny takie, ze jak kupujemy pare rzeczy na raz to mimo cla i kosztow przesylki nadal wychodzi wszytsko taniej.

Wapn moze malo przyswajalny, ale wystarczjaco, efekt dzialania tabletek z wapniem jest bardzo namacalny i szybko widac, np na paznokciach, nie trzeba laczyc ich z nabialem by cokolwiek poprawiac.
Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 33 Napisanych postów 10257 Wiek 43 lat Na forum 16 lat Przeczytanych tematów 42828

Krótki wycinek:
“Consumption of low-fat milk appears to create an anabolic environment following resistance training and over the long term with training, it appears that greater gains in lean mass and muscle hypertrophy can be obtained. Furthermore, milk may also lead to greater losses of body fat when it is consumed following resistance training.”

Pewnie, że nie trzeba, ale można, a drogo nie wychodzi .

Półmaraton w 1:57:11! :)

Zgłoś naruszenie
obliques Zasłużona dla SFD
Szacuny 188 Napisanych postów 65575 Na forum 16 lat Przeczytanych tematów 188925
ciagle, moze najprawdopodobniej itd itp. Takie babranie sie w drobiazgach na poziomie L-carnityny.
Anekraj puchnie a produkty mleczne sa znane z takich wlasciwosci, dlatego nie zaszkodzi je na czas odchudzania usunac z diety, a przynajmniej dobrze ograniczyc, stad tez suplementacja wapnem bo zawsze wtedy go malo. Ot i cala filozofia.
Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 5 Napisanych postów 3181 Wiek 42 lat Na forum 15 lat Przeczytanych tematów 11710
Niestety, wapń suplementowany jest średnio przyswajalny, dlatego zaleca się jedzenie chociaż małych ilości nabiału
... narazie bede musiala sie zadowolic suplementem . Prawdziwy twarog skosztuje w domciu.
To odsuniecie nabialu(kefir, ser bialy o 'miekkiej konsystencij'-nie twarog),2 tyg. temu, spowodowalo u mnie, ze nie mam wypchanego brzucha, i talia zaczela sie jako tako 'ksztaltowac' ...
Z dieta, to rzeczywiscie jest ciezko, trzeba uwazac na efekty niedoborow i wiedziec co czym zastapic.

"All diseases begin in the gut."
Aktualny dziennik: zamkniety.

Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 5 Napisanych postów 3181 Wiek 42 lat Na forum 15 lat Przeczytanych tematów 11710
Anekraj puchnie a produkty mleczne sa znane z takich wlasciwosci, dlatego nie zaszkodzi je na czas odchudzania usunac z diety
... no wlasnie to mialam na mysli. .

Pamietaj, ze ceny przesylki zawsze skacza bo zaleza od masy, a i jeszcze w pewnym momnecie dochodzi clo. Ale u nas tez ceny takie, ze jak kupujemy pare rzeczy na raz to mimo cla i kosztow przesylki nadal wychodzi wszytsko taniej.
... ja dzis jeszcze obczaje dobrze te strone i porownam ceny. Jak wyjdzie mnie naprawde taniej. To w nstepnym tygodniu juz moge miec witaminy.

Zmieniony przez - akneraj w dniu 2009-03-19 12:56:31

"All diseases begin in the gut."
Aktualny dziennik: zamkniety.

Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 33 Napisanych postów 10257 Wiek 43 lat Na forum 16 lat Przeczytanych tematów 42828
nie zaszkodzi je na czas odchudzania usunac z diety, a przynajmniej dobrze ograniczyc

Ja pisałem tylko o 1 porcji nabiału dziennie, Izabelo .

Półmaraton w 1:57:11! :)

Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 5 Napisanych postów 3181 Wiek 42 lat Na forum 15 lat Przeczytanych tematów 11710
Ja pisałem tylko o 1 porcji nabiału dziennie
... ale my postanowilysmy zrobic ekperyment i usunac go z diety calkowicie (to raptem dwa tygodnie), zamieniajac na ten czas suplementem. Nie zaprzeczam, ze nie powroce do nabialu (czyt: tylko TWAROG, i to polski !!!)

Zmieniony przez - akneraj w dniu 2009-03-19 13:00:53

"All diseases begin in the gut."
Aktualny dziennik: zamkniety.

Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 33 Napisanych postów 10257 Wiek 43 lat Na forum 16 lat Przeczytanych tematów 42828
One of the more pervasive rules of contest dieting is the removal of dairy. Different competitors take it out at different times, typically arguing that ‘dairy makes them smooth’. Despite quite some time looking, I’ve yet to find out exactly what mechanism this is supposed to occur by or where this idea came from.

My best guess is this: back in the day, bodybuilders used to bulk up on whole milk. When it came time to diet down for a contest, they would remove milk from their diets (reducing calories and fat intake massively) and lean out; hence milk became known as a food that made you smooth (a polite way of saying fat). Add to that Arnold’s classic comment in Pumping Iron that ‘milk is for babies’ and a myth is born; dairy must be dropped while contest dieting.

So why is dairy in fact important while dieting? Well one important reason has to do with calcium intake and bone health status. Dairy foods contribute the largest amount of calcium to the diet and ensuring adequate calcium intake is crucial for bone health maintenance (especially for women); this is especially true in the face of a high protein intake (5). Simply put, a high protein intake with inadequate calcium intake causes bone density to be lost; a high calcium intake combined with a high protein intake has a beneficial effect on bone density (5). Female bodybuilders consuming tons of protein and insufficient calcium are risking their long-term bone health because of it.

However that doesn’t really have to do with fat loss per se, since calcium supplements can sufficiently cover needs. So what’s the importance of dairy to fat loss? Well, some aspect of dairy foods increases fat loss while dieting (6). At first it was thought to simply be calcium which in and of itself appears to affect fat cell metabolism, increase fat oxidation (burning) during the day and increase the excretion of fat from the gut without being absorbed. In one study, increasing dietary calcium caused an excretion of about 60 calories extra of fat per day. Over a 12-16 week contest diet, this could add up to an extra two pounds of fat lost (7). However, the effect is only seen with increased dairy calcium, not pills (8).

However, the effect is no longer thought to be due solely to calcium, it’s thought that other components of dairy foods may also play a role. Interactions with the high BCAA/leucine content of the protein or other bioactives found in dairy (especially in whey) may be playing a role (6). I should mention that whey, casein and milk protein isolate (MPI) protein powders also contain dairy and might confer the same benefit for those wishing to avoid dairy foods. I should also mention that some physique competitors insist on dropping out protein powder as part of their diet, in addition to removing dairy, they are losing out on any potential benefit from dairy proteins and the nutrients involved with them.

None of which really addresses why or how dairy got the reputation for smoothing people out. My best guess is that it has to do with the sodium content of dairy which, as discussed above, when coupled with a typically low sodium diet, can cause water retention. Cottage cheese (a frequent staple of bodybuilding diets) can contain nearly 500 mg of sodium per serving with foods such as milk, yogurt and cheese containing 150-300 mg or so.

As discussed above, with a normal sodium intake to begin with, the added amount from dairy shouldn’t cause problems. Since sodium needn’t be manipulated until a few days out from a contest anyhow, avoiding sodium during the contest diet (as described above) is a mistake anyhow. Who cares if your bloated 4 weeks out if you’re losing fat more effectively, you can always drop the water when it’s time to do so.

Another potential issue might be related to allergies to milk which can cause bloating. However, research shows that the true prevalence of allergies to cow’s milk is only 1-3%, although it is often self-reported at 10 times that level (9,10). I should mention that lactose intolerance (lactose maldigestion) is separate from a true food allergy; lactose intolerance refers to an inability to digest lactose often causing gas, stomach bloating and an upset stomach.

The prevalence of lactose intolerance varies by ethnic group but problems can be avoided by choosing lactose removed milk or using lactase tablets. Additionally, individuals with severe lactose intolerance often find that hard cheeses and yogurt can be consumed; consuming dairy with meals appears to eliminate problems with lactose intolerance as well (11). The active cultures in yogurt appear to improve lactose tolerance, in addition to keeping the bacteria in the gut health as well (12).

Clearly individuals with a true allergy should avoid dairy foods but it seems doubtful that every bodybuilder and fitness or figure competitor on the planet is in that 1-3% incidence found clinically. More likely, issues to do with sodium intake on a pathologically low sodium diet are the cause of the bloating and, once again, with normal sodium intakes, this should be a non-issue. In any case, as I mentioned above, who cares if you’re a little bloated during most of your diet, looks only count on contest day.

If dairy gives you problems, drop it a week out from your show since, if you’re doing everything correctly, you should be as lean as you’re going to get anyhow. Manipulate water balance when it’s necessary (1-3 days out from the show), stressing over it 16 weeks out, to the extent of avoiding a class of foods that can actually increase your fat loss is simply silly.

Mam nadzieję, że Cię nie zanudzę - konkluzja jest prosta - wody można pozbyć się bardzo szybko, a jedzenie nabiału ma więcej zalet niż wad.

Pozdrawiam .

Półmaraton w 1:57:11! :)

Zgłoś naruszenie
obliques Zasłużona dla SFD
Szacuny 188 Napisanych postów 65575 Na forum 16 lat Przeczytanych tematów 188925
tu nie chodzi o pozbywanie się wody, tylko niełapanie jej, ale nie jestes kobieta wiec tego nie pojmiesz .
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