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Kai Greene - IFBB PRO

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Szacuny 81 Napisanych postów 1126 Wiek 42 lat Na forum 14 lat Przeczytanych tematów 26840
wielka slawa i madrosci Kai powoli wygasly:) i dobrze nie bedzize trzeba sluchac tego pier.dolenia;)
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Szacuny 11152 Napisanych postów 51606 Wiek 31 lat Na forum 24 lat Przeczytanych tematów 57816
Można go nie lubić ale na filmiku sprawia solidne wrażenie, zdecydowanie lepsze niż Wolf na 2 tyg przed AC.
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Szacuny 11152 Napisanych postów 51606 Wiek 31 lat Na forum 24 lat Przeczytanych tematów 57816
Ładnie sie tam prezentował.
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Szacuny 8 Napisanych postów 4951 Na forum 20 lat Przeczytanych tematów 58469

Two-time Arnold Classic Champion Kai Greene will return to the stage on May 28 at the 2011 IFBB New York Pro
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lordknaga Doradca
Jest liderem w tym dziale Szacuny 5617 Napisanych postów 15598 Wiek 40 lat Na forum 14 lat Przeczytanych tematów 389894
z burnejka sie zmierzy



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Szacuny 0 Napisanych postów 240 Na forum 13 lat Przeczytanych tematów 4530
burneika po nim jechal ze w bluzie trenuje nawet w 100 stopniach hehe.
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Szacuny 0 Napisanych postów 597 Na forum 13 lat Przeczytanych tematów 3038
rzeczywiscie, mocny pojazd
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Szacuny 19 Napisanych postów 4315 Wiek 31 lat Na forum 14 lat Przeczytanych tematów 26980
śmiał się z ciężarnej po prostu
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Szacuny 0 Napisanych postów 597 Na forum 13 lat Przeczytanych tematów 3038
burneika juz go prawie dogania pod tym wzgledem
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Szacuny 8 Napisanych postów 4951 Na forum 20 lat Przeczytanych tematów 58469
Pare cytatow o relacji Greene - Arden z RxMuscle (opisuje to Aaron Sigerman z RxMuscle):

I called Oscar to find out what happened.

Arden responded very openly, "I don't know what happened. We were supposed to talk a few weeks after the [2010] Olympia, but my calls and text messages went unanswered. This is the first I have heard of Kai working with George!"

In a conversation that lasted over an hour, I could tell that Oscar felt hurt by not hearing from Kai. He felt like Kai was more than a friend; a member of his family.

I was backstage at the Arnold Classic men's night show, and both George and Oscar were backstage watching their athletes (George watching Branch; Oscar watching Victor) compete on the big flat screen TV. As they watched, I slithered next to George and asked:, "Are you prepping Kai this year?" and George answered, "Yes, I've already started helping him for the New York Pro." That really isn't big news as it's been covered extensively on the Internet message boards for over a week by this point.

I asked the big question I had been holding in all weekend: "George, why did Kai leave Oscar?"

Farah immediately replied, "He was ripping him off. Taking 50% of everything he earn!"

Last night, I called Oscar to tell him what I was told, and to get his reaction. "It is disappointing to hear... Wow... I'm kind of hurt, man. Really hurt. I don't do this for the money. I have helped a lot of athletes... Evan, Kevin English, Desmond Miller, and Victor Martinez, and never taken a dollar. I've invested in them, because I wanted them to succeed."

Oscar recalls, "Kai didn't feel comfortable doing it on his own, and told me that because of the way I assisted him-- training him in the gym, cooking his meals-- there was no way he would do this without me. He told me that he wanted to do this 50/50. I told him, are you sure that's what you want to do, because that's a lot of money? And he told me that if he didn't place, neither of us would get anything."

It's important to note that Oscar was getting 50% of Kai's contest winnings; this deal didn't include Kai's magazine deal, his supplement contract, or any appearance fees... the bulk of Kai's earnings. It's also important to note that this deal was done with a handshake; nothing was signed. Oscar insists that if at any time Kai felt like it was unfair, all he had to do was pull him aside and talk to him about it.
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