Witam. Oto artykul, nie przetlumaczony, nie znalazlem autora, nie wiem jak z prawami autorskimi, ale jak pojde siedziec to moze tam gdzie jest za***ista silka. Nie stosowalem tego co jest tu opisane, ale moze jest cos nie tak bo gosciu sam pisze ze kr. nic mu nie dala. Prosze o komentarze i milej lektury. Ja nie mam dosw. z kreatyna wiec nie mam zdania.
I will be honest with you. I am that one guy who doesn't get that much from creatine. When I take it, I do gain a few pounds, but nothing resembling 10-20 like some supplement companies state. My average gain is about 5 pounds. Let me explain how creatine works. When you ingest creatine, it works by pulling water and glycogen into the muscles. When your muscles have a lots of water and glycogen in them, they become stronger. When your muscles are stronger, you can lift more weight for more reps. When you can lift more weight for more reps, your body adapts to the new stress by adding more muscle
mass. It is that simple. Here is the problem. A lot of people don't take creatine long enough. You will gain some weight right away with creatine. That weight is nothing but water. If you were to quit taking creatine before a month passed, you would lose that weight, cause it was only water. BUT, if you keep taking creatine for 1-2 months, the water and glycogen is in there long enough to do what I stated above, making you stronger, thereby making you bigger. So what I am saying is that you have to take creatine EVERY day for at least 1-2 months. Another thing I will tell you, THE LOADING DOSE IS PURE BS. I can't think of a better way for a supplement company to scam someone. Tell people that they need to take more to "load up" Sounds good and all, but all you are doing is spending more money, thereby "loading up" their wallets. Your muscles can only hold so much creatine, and taking 5 grams a day is plenty. For larger individuals you may want to take 10 grams a day for a few days, or 20 grams for 1-2 days max. But most guys will not need to load. ANOTHER LIE: Creatine must be taken with simple sugars, like grape juice. The reasoning is that the sugar will create an insulin spike, thus driving more creatine into the muscle. This is probably true to some degree, but not the extent they would like you to believe. If you notice as soon as this "secret" was revealed by a supplement company, that supplement company came out with a creatine with sugars in it. Sounds good and all, but it costs 3 times as much! You end up paying an extra $30-40 for sugar! Not to mention that company charges 2-3 times more than every other company. Another thing, you want to know what your body does with sugars? It can do 1 of 2 things. First, the sugar will store into PURE FAT. Now, SOMETIMES, sugar will not store as fat, it will store as glycogen in the muscles and used for fuel. BUT, that causes a problem. We all know that unused carbohydrates store as fat. Well if you are storing sugars as fuel, then you cannot store complex carbohydrates as fuel. What happens to the complex carbohydrates? You guessed it, they store as FAT. If you take your creatine RIGHT after a meal, it will be properly transported to your muscles. Just make sure that meal has a lot of good, clean complex carbohydrates such as rice, potatoes, whole wheat pasta, etc. And if you are going to take it with sugar, have a small amount of grape juice (never orange juice), but do not pay money for sugar from a supplement company. LIE # 3: Company A's creatine is better than Company B, that is why they charge more money. THERE ARE ONLY 3 FACTORIES THAT MAKE CREATINE. And all three factories make the EXACT same stuff. Every company receives the EXACT same creatine. Actually, the creatine I carry, Sci-Fit, is actually bought from the same factory as EAS and Muscletech. There is only one problem with that. Since the FDA does not regulate supplements too strictly, a company could add fillers to their creatine, making it diluted. Also you shouldn't buy creatine from a company that gives away cars and cash. You want to know how they have money to give those cars away? EASY, cause they overcharge on their supplements! So avoid creatine with high prices, creatine containing sugar, but at the same time make sure the company is reputable and offers a 100% money back guarantee if you are not completely satisfied.