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Ted Wong mówi o Jeet Kune Do- video

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From my side, this ends the discussion.

"Absorb what is useful,
Discard what is useless,
Add what is essentially your own."
............................Bruce Lee......

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Szacuny 2 Napisanych postów 931 Na forum 16 lat Przeczytanych tematów 3377
Wow!! That's strange. How come no one heard about this letter? Bruce Lee's daytimer's says, homemade movies shows something completely different that is being wrote on that webpage.
What's more if we are giving simply links instead of discussing well here you go:


This should put things straight. Please take at note that those info above are just breif information.

Now let's get back about those things which I have set in my post where I put Ted Wong video and Inosanto where he clearly states that JKD is a mixture of different martial arts. Once again I am asking you to stop making excuses just to run away from the debate.
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Merkavoth, you wish this would end the discussio

Do you know when this letter was writen Do you think it was writen before or after Linda decided to put an end to all the misconceptions about her husbads art and started her Jun fan JKD Educational Foundation?

To my knowledge this is an early letter to Dan, in the early stages after Bruce lee´s death. She was very greatful to him for keeping Bruce lee´s name alive. The truth is that she definitely ment every word she said, back then. I agree with this letter, we have much to thank dan for keeping the name JKD alive. Unfortunately, and with only good intentions, I believe he turned a Philipino weapon and Grappling art out of JKD. TThis is why Linda felt she had to do something.

This she told att one of the events I was on. She said that she looked att the current JKD Instructional videotapes and saw nothing what her late husband did. She said that she did not want her grandchildren to grow up and not knowing what their Grandfther had created. What does this tell you abvout the letter?

The questuion we all should ask ourself is. Why did she decide to start to JKD Educatiional Foundation to put an end to all the misconceptions about JKD? Where did all the misconceptions come from? Why did she personally ask Ted Wong to be a big part of this organization and ask him to go public with his knowledge, Breaking his promase to Bruce not to teach the public? A promise he had uptil then kept for 20 years! What does that tell you who is doing what simply for the money.

I might be wrong, but as I has heard, Linda asked Dan not to use this letter as it has been used for the last 10 years. This letter started showing up when Inosanto decided not to be part of linda Lee´s effiort of perpetuating Bruce Lee´s art.

and NO, he was not Kicked out from the organization as it was put up from all Inosanto Instructors on Forums, magazines etc.. He decided that he could better serve Bruce Lee by following his own truth.

This is all I want, facts presented from both camps. This letter exists, but we should consider when it was writen and why? Is the letter still valid today, has Linda changed her point of view? I hope that this will not put an end to this discussion, but rather make people search for their own ansers. Don´t take Merkawoths words as the truth, don´t take mine. Listen to your own logic, search the answer for youself.

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I hope that this discussion is just getting started

As far as "the letter" is concerned- so it was more like letter to thank for keeping Bruce Lee's name alive but as the time went on Linda realized that Bruce Lee's legacy is endangered and came up with Educational Foundation idea and asked Ted Wong to teach JKD publicly to preserve husbands original art.

I must admitt that I have never heard about this letter but this might be becouse it has been out of date for a long time.

That is a great very informative response Stefan.

Take Care my JKD brother,


Zmieniony przez - MichalJF w dniu 2008-11-18 15:41:24

Zmieniony przez - MichalJF w dniu 2008-11-18 15:45:09

Zmieniony przez - MichalJF w dniu 2008-11-18 16:41:15
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Merkavoth, any comments? If not I would be more thaglad to share some more of my experience.

This is exactly what i am looking for. You give your "ultimate truth", I give my "ultimate truth", No Fuss, and let evrybody else make up their own decision what their "ultimate truth is.

All i want to give is a 50/50 point of you on the "ultimate truth in JKD" I consider myself holder of a big part of the total vieón JKD as the only jun fan JKD certified instructor under a JKD certified JKD teacher under bruce Lee.

Merkavoth, are you up to the challende to represent the other part of one whole by taking up this discussions about JKD with me. I am o your territory so I wil not come with statements on my own, challenge your position. That I leave up to Michail , but I am more than willing to sharemy knowledge and experience with everybody who follows these discussion about "the ultimate truth in JKD"

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Szacuny 2 Napisanych postów 931 Na forum 16 lat Przeczytanych tematów 3377
I wonder where are all of those people who claimed that I, Stefan, Ted Wong are wrong that we are too narrow minded?

Kenjiro, Merkavoth, Qnick, Buczah, Stef-x,- Why don't you now show your claims? Why does on someother forums in your old posts and on your websites ( Kenjiro) I read that JKD is a mixture of different martial arts, that Bruce and Dan studied over 200 different martial arts and incorported techniques from them to JKD, why do I read that Dan Inosanto honoured Ted Wong with instructorship?

Again, guys why don't you present your point of view and be able to defend that point of view as well as Stefan and I are able to stand up for ours.


Zmieniony przez - MichalJF w dniu 2008-11-20 08:40:04
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Szacuny 0 Napisanych postów 109 Na forum 16 lat Przeczytanych tematów 203
Be patient Miachail. I am going to tell you a little story.

Two Bulls, an old and wise and a young and eager, were standing on a hill overlooking a lot of beautiful cows.
The younger bull said.
-Hey, why don´t we run down the hill, making a lot of noice and catch one of them cows and f.... her
-No my young eager Friend. Lets walk calmly down the hill and F..k them all

We will continue to write about our facts on JKD, people will read and start thinking for themselves. I am quite sure that many are already having thoughts why they now are silent.

What you could do is pick anything they have said on this Forum and translate it form me. I am sure that even though some people now don´t want this discussion, it will benefit JKD. I want to stress that it will benefit JKD, not Jun Fan or Concepts, simply JKD

Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 3 Napisanych postów 691 Na forum 17 lat Przeczytanych tematów 8789
Michal think twice
I wrote many times what I wanted to konw
"why JKD fighters don't start in turnaments like MMA or if they started why they wouldn't won anything"
In my opinion JKD concepcs is better than JKD (everything must evolve) you wrote that JKD is evective we can only check this by turnaments
I have never written what is JKD(how it is made from hom many MA what Burce told who is him student or who can teach JKD e.t.c.) because I don't intterest in JKD ( I heard abuot this it is like krav maga sa dangerous thaht we can't fight in turnaments only in real live what somebody is attacking us)
The next fact is that this style only popular due to guy is famous from TV not MA (he has never won antything)
it is how you wrote "my calim"
I got answer from you and Stefan (similliar to your's but not the same) and I is all for me
I am reading what you write and my knowlage is getting bigger about JKD
Do you know what I mean?
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Szacuny 0 Napisanych postów 109 Na forum 16 lat Przeczytanych tematów 203
Fair enough, you have the right to your oppinion and I have the right to mine.

I already told you my point of view on Tornament Fighting. I am curious what you would have done if you would have lived in sweden and got one of our Fighting seminars invitation. We must have had up to ten different weekend invitations during the years, invitations to people like you to attend a JKD Fighting event. All out sparring, without rules (or the rules you train by) Can you answer me why none of these events never came through because no-one signed up. I am pretty sure that you know wil say, "i would have been there", just like 100% of those in Sweden said.

"The next fact is that this style only popular due to guy is famous from TV not MA (he has never won antything)"

Firstly, what he showed on TV and Movies was not "his style". He knew what sells on film, and he knew that his JKD was too simple direct and effective to sell on TV. Unfortunately there are too many who believe that what bruce did on film was JKD. I hope that I have cleared that "fact" out.

Yes,sure, his Tv personality was probably why the Worldchampions like Mike Stone, Chuck Norris, Joe Lewis trained with him. His Tv personality was why Ed parker, Wally Jay, Gene LeBell, Jhon Rhee and many other leading martial artists at the time praised him and trained with him. Yes, this is probably why Joe Orbillo, the world heavy weight contender said he was impressed by Bruce lee. This is why Sugar ray leoanrd, World mideleweight and legendary boxer said he was inspired by Lee´s handskills and copied him. This is why Mr. olympia winners praise Bruce Lee for his physique. This is why everyone who trained with him was blown away by his speed, power, etc.

All because he was a TV personality I am sorry, that is your oppinion. My oppinion is having met many of these people, seen them in action and them saying
-You think I am fast, I am nothing compared to bruce
-You think I hit hard, I am nothing.....
- I won this championship, I could not have done it without...

"I am reading what you write and my knowlage is getting bigger about JKD"

This is exactly the attitude I am looking for. Not better or worse, just another point of view. I hope that what I wrote now might give you another point of you on Bruce Lee as simply actor and moviestar. I really wish you would meet Ted. The man is superfast. I asked him how fast Bruce was.

He said that he has achieved 2/3 of Bruce Lee´s speed back when he lived. Thehe said, "back then", he would probable today be three times faster than me if he lived today

This illustrates Ted´s point of view, he believes Bruce would have continued to refine his JKD , just as he Has. This way has made Ted quite impressive when it comes to speed, power, deceptivenes, tactis and everything that any martial art builds upon. Sure, I am impressed by dan Inosantos theoretical knowledge on hundreds and hundreds of different martial arts. but when it comes to practical application of what one knows, I prefer ted´s approach before Inosantos martial arts approach, no better or worse, just two different paths.

"because I don't intterest in JKD"

Fair enough, but I hope that when more and more is writen about it, things that has not been writen before in Poland, you might get just a little bit intrested

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Szacuny 2 Napisanych postów 931 Na forum 16 lat Przeczytanych tematów 3377
Stefan great story about bulls and cows :D- Understood.

Yes Stefx you didn't wrote directly that Ted Wong Stefan or me are wrong but between the lines- that's what I concluded. But I didn't say that you did. I have asked you why don't all of the people who were so strongly attacking me that I am stuck at one point, that Bruce Lee was wrong becouse he didn't mix MA, that Dan isn't teaching mixture of MA as JKD and that he honoured Ted Wong with certificate etc. Why these people now when Stefan started to be active in discussion when he started to support me, all of a sudden everyone who claimed to be for JKD concepts to say that this is more modern and that original Bruce Lee's art is too limited, became silent and hope that this discussion to end as soon as possible but I assure you that it won't
Anyway, What you said was that I am blind-folded by Bruce Lee JKD and that's why I don't evolve. And by training only what Bruce Lee trained I am not evolving. You said that JKD is MMA of late 70s. You said that sooner or later all of those old coots (you used this definition to describe original Bruce Lee students) will die out and no one will practice Bruce's JKD and in your opinnion it's impossible.- Those are literary your words.
You treat us more like endangered spiece of animal for which there is no help. That's why more or less I felt insulted a bit.

That's overally what you said. That's why I asked where are those people who claimed that I am narrow minded- when you say that I am blind folded I quess you mean that I am limited only to what Bruce Lee had tought but this is JKD-right.

All that I want is you to put up the discussion if I read on Kenjiro webpage that Bruce looked over 200 different MA and incorporated techniques from them to JKD- I ask can you give me some facts, proofs, statement, that would prove that? Why do you think so? All I hear back is silence or attacks on my person instead of discussion about JKD.

When I read that someone is learning Jun Fan which is the base system and that JKD can't be thought becouse it's just an idea... I ask why do you think so? Can you give me some arguments that stand for this statement?

I gave you my opinnion and gave you my agrumentations why I think that and no other way. Why I consider Ted Wong JKD approach to be purest and closest to Bruce Lee's JKD.

You said that like boxing guard from old to modern JKD should also evolve right. So I told you that JKD was an effect of Bruce Lee's evolution in martial arts starting from non classical Gung Fu, going through Jun Fan Gung Fu ending on JKD. JKD is about refinement not adding more and more. And that boxing guard change becouse of sport regulations, modernizing boxing gloves and becouse this art was refining that's why it evolved becouse of refinenment not adding more and more techniques from different MA etc. This are my points of view.

Do you think that by adding other arts to JKD and changing it's structure or even teaching for example Muay Thai as JKD by saying that: " Any technique from any art can be trained in concept of JKD" Where is evolution there?

I never said what is better or worse what I have said is that to me JKD which is being thought by Ted Wong is the closest to Bruce Lee's JKD and that JKD concepts are more like MMA and that this is comercialized version of MMA.

I have also asked about one things about JKD concepts here in Poland. This was the question: "In USA people who represent Dan Inosanto call it Jeet Kuen why then in Poland this approach is still called Jeet Kune Do by people who claim to represent JKD concepts- Inosanto approach". The moderator of the forum replied I quess by stating rhetorical question: "Marketing purpose?" .

Stefx I am glad that my posts on this forum about JKD ( which I wrote earlier becouse now also Stefan writes) have influence on your point of view about JKD. I know that becouse of Stefan is supporting me a lot of things were explaind here about JKD thanks to his supportance. His is very knowledgable man when it comes to JKD and not only, I've never met anyone like him- besides Ted Wong of course. :D

Now I am quite busy becouse of the terms at University, but as soon as everything will settle down. I will acomplish everything that I said here which means:

Detailed information about Ted Wong JKD approach trainings in my city- Brodnica.

Translating whole posts into English for Stefan.

Posting video clips which will be about my visit to Stefan and also about JKD in general

Putting some links of preview posts which I promised to do when I find some more time.

And more...


Zmieniony przez - MichalJF w dniu 2008-11-22 20:45:35

Zmieniony przez - MichalJF w dniu 2008-11-22 20:46:34

Zmieniony przez - MichalJF w dniu 2008-11-23 13:56:13

Zmieniony przez - MichalJF w dniu 2008-11-23 20:42:54

Zmieniony przez - MichalJF w dniu 2008-11-23 20:44:20

Zmieniony przez - MichalJF w dniu 2008-11-23 20:49:41

Zmieniony przez - MichalJF w dniu 2008-11-23 23:11:24
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