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Najlepsze highlighty !

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Tiger Style - Unorthodox MMA HL

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faabek zrob hl shoguna
jakiegos kurna oryginalnego/nietypowego

Zmieniony przez - bolocks w dniu 2006-12-16 22:43:24

srali muchy bedzie wiosna

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Heh jak Wam dowale mój HL o lowkickach to...

Moja lewa noga to mój kapitał

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Nawet fajny highlight - same klasyczne nokauty.
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3 wypowiedz na tej stronie


Zmieniony przez - andreazz w dniu 2006-12-17 11:46:36

...::::: WE ARE ALL ONE :::::...


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Bardzo fajny hl Mameda
btw. co to za piosenka w jego hl?
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limp bizkit - break stuff
limp bizkit - my way
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czy zna ktoś moze utwor z tego HL?? bardzo bym prosił

ten HL wcześniej tu Andreazz zamieszczał zależy mi na tytule tej piosnki w tle

Zmieniony przez - Archmage w dniu 2006-12-18 15:09:41
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Nothing But Knockouts

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Jak ktoś się bawi w highlighty to tutaj kilka hintów. Niestety po angielsku

Making Highlight Videos

By: Shaun "Creed" Nickerson

I see a lot of people seem interested in making thier own highlight videos. They see them posted on places like sherdog.com and gobalmma.com and wonder "How can I make something like that?"

At first, it may seem like something that only a select few can get into. However, with a little time and know how, anyone can make a highlight video. Heres how

Step One: What you need to get started

Well, you gotta start somewhere, and this seems like a good place. First things first, you will need to choose a fighter/event and a song to go with your video. A lot of times a poor song choice can ruin an amazing video, so make sure you choose the right kind of song for your fighter.

Doing someone like Vanderlei Silva? Choose a fast paced song with lots of drums gitars ect. Doing Carlos Newton? Choose a song thats a little off the wall, will lots of energy and would provide a few laughs.

Next up is what programs you will need. For doing the editing, I prefer adobe premiere. It lets you do second by second editing for getting that punch timed just right. For converting your video into a more realistic size for downloading, something like Real Producer Plus should suit you nicely. Also, if you want to get really serious it might be a good idea to lay down some money on a nice capture card so that you can take clips right from your VHS/DVD collection or an event thats on t.v
Otherwise, your scouring the internet.

Make sure you get a GOOD size collection of clips before you make your video. There is nothing worse than having to go find another clip right in the middle of making your video. You don't have to use all the clips you get. Its better to have too many than too few.

Step Two: The process

Now that you've gotten all the things you'll need, its time to start the magic. This is where most people seem to get overwhelmed but don't worry, if you stick to it, you'll be just fine.

Before you go and start trying to slap the clips and transitions together, keep a few things in mind.

PLAN AHEAD! A little planning can go along way. Decided before hand how you want your video to look. Do you want to show clips from one match, show how your fighter finsihed that match, and move onto the next one? Maybe you'd prefer to show clips from all of his matches during the video and add the "finishes" at the end of the video. Decided before you start what style your going to use and then STICK TO IT. Your video will look "amaturish" if you flip back and forth.

Having sound in your clips is also something else you need to decide at the start or you aren't going to get anywhere. Do you want to the fight sound track still in with the clips? Or do you just want the music playing in your highlight video? If you choose to keep the fight soundtrack, make sure its not TOO LOUD as to drowned out the song for your video. Again, switching back and forth will only make your video quality diminish.

Choosing your clips is also an important step in the video making process. High action clips are definitly a plus, however, to make a truely great video you have to mix them in with non action clips. Stare downs, funny moments and pre/post fight comments all play a key role in making a good video. Here is an example of this.

The video starts with a slow tempo....the song is setting a mood....the fighter is talking about an upcoming match and then says something about how he plans to destory his opponet. Then the song picks up and it goes into the action clips. The fighter is shown destorying several people and the clips are quick and action packed. Nearing the end of the video the "finishes" are put in to highlight how the fighter won several of his matches. The song then slows down again and the fighter is showing dancing, laughing or saying something in a post fight interview. This is a classic format and is probably the easiest and best format for your first video. Once your experienced in highlight videos, fool around bit with different ideas and see what works best for you. Don't go thinking you'll create a master piece on your first try though.

Transitions are excatly what they sound like. They are the effects that are used to transition from one clip to another. Long fades, short fades, fade to black, wipes, flitters, even having two clips playing at the sametime are all transitional effects that you can use to add an that special touch to your video. A good way to determine what transition to use is to decided what speed your video should be going at that time. If you want to speed the video up, choose a short fade or maybe no transition at all! Just switch to the next clip! If you want the video to slow down, do a really long fade. If you are building up to a very FAST part of the song from a slow part....or coming down from a fast part and into a slow part, do something like fading into black. Don't over do it though. Your not trying to show off all the neat little tricks the program has, your trying to show off the fighter.

Now, once you start adding the clips, transitions and music together, there a few things to remember.

1. TIMING TIMING TIMING! This is the most important factor in a good video. Having a punch on cue is a great way to increase the excetment in your video. A solid right hand landing at the sametime a drummer slams down on a cimble is what your looking for. Changing clips on a cimble crash is also an example of great timing.

2. Video Quality: Is the video clean and free from snow? Is there losts of blinking and cutting in and out? If you were watching it on t.v, would you consider it high quality? In short, don't use shitty video. ALSO, make sure you don't use illegal footage. Don't use anything from the last PPV that aired. For example, you want to use something from UFC 40 or PRIDE 23? Thats fine, but you will have to wait until UFC 41 or PRIDE 24 happens before you can put your masterpiece on the internet.

3. Sound Quality: Again, this ties into song choice but its more than that. Is there any funny noises? Espically high pitched ones. This can really effect the enjoyment of someone watching your video so you will have to pay special attention to it. Sound Quality is less important if you choose not to have the fight soundtrack playing during your clips. Also, and this is important....NEVER USE COUTNRY MUSIC. It just doesn't work for highlight videos.

4. Video Originality: If everyone has seen the clips you've used before in other highlight videos, what makes you think they are going to want to watch your video again? Give them something new if you can.

5. Sound Originality: Samething here folks. If someone has already used your song before, people are going to be less interested in it the second time around. ESPICALLY if its for the same fighter. Thats just stupid.

6. Use of transitions: You don't want to use anything that people are going to really notice. Don't use colour wipes, don't use anything too fancy ethier. A simply fade is normaly all you need. Also, if the action is really getting going, sometimes the best transition is NO TRANSITION. Just switch clips and let the action carry your video.

Step 3: Technquies

Here is what a lot of you want. Ideas on how to make your video look as good as your best friends sister in thong. Well, here you go

Simple on cue hit: Like I said before, this is the bread and butter of any video. On cue hits and transitions are what carry your video. A good way to use this is if the song seems to "studder" (if you have ever heard the song liberate by disturbed, its that little intro bit). Switch clips so quickly it almost looks like a group of still images. Forum the video to the music, not the other way around.

Lip synching: If you have a clip of a fighter talking, try this. Cut out the sound on the clip and try to fix it so that it looks like the fighter is singing the the lyrics of the song. This adds a nice touch to the video and really shows off your skill as an artist.

Replays: If the song seems to play two sounds back to back (the same cord on a gitar) have your clip repeat in line with the song. This works even better if you use it for a takedown or punch.

Speed: The speed of the clips and speed of the song should be locked. If the song is getting fast, the clips should be quick and change rapidly. Changing clips very quickly, maybe half a second each clip, is a very nice technquie to use when you get the chance. Also, try speeding up the clips or slowing them down a little bit. Sometimes you can do it so that the view notices the slow down, added an artisitc touch. Or you can use very small loops so that no one notices unless they look VERY VERY CLOSE. This will let you strech a clip so that you can link up an on cue hit.

Step 4: Things to remember

Don't let your clips drag: I don't care how slow the song is, a clip that runs for nearly a min without changing the angle is a VERY BAD THING. Don't let your video get stale.

Don't Settle: If something isn't quite right. FIX IT. Don't go "Oh, its good enough". This is your work, and your name is on it. If something isn't quite what you want it to be, keep plugging at it until your done. Don't give up!

Try new things: Most of this FAQ aren't rules. They are ideas. Somethings you should always follow (video and sound quality come to mind) however you can fool around a little bit to see what works for you.

Sign your work: Leave your name on the video. Ethier a site logo, your e-mail address or something to let others know who made this. Its awful to see someone else steal your hard work. Don't give me, uhhhh..........THEM, a chance!

Reader tips: Coming in future versions

In closing: I would like to stay I enjoy all highlight videos. Good or bad, original or just more of the same. I like them all. Keep them coming guys!

Hellos and f*** you's:

Jeff Sherwood: For creating sherdog.com and giving me a chance to enjoy MMA.
Tony, Doggfather, Tanner, James, Majin and the rest of the admin staff at gobalmma.com: For creating gobalmma.com and giving me another spot to vent about MMA.
Tony, Doggfather, Tanner, James, Majin and the rest of the admin staff at gobalmma.com AGAIN: For the rottie forum
BadBoyUSA: Your shockwave video was one of the greatest I have ever seen. Keep them coming man.
To all video creaters: Nice work man. You give me a reason to have WMP on my system after I finish looking at porn
To all the O.T posters on gobal and sherdog: f*** you all!

Legal Stuff: I made it, don't steal it or I'll cut your nuts off with a wooden cooking spoon.

Contact me: If you want to add something, or correct my poor spelling and grammer, e-mail me. [email protected] or PM me at sherdog.net and gobalmma.net as Creed. I am on AIM as Shaun_C_Nickerso

Thank you for reading.
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