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short test

  • [...] SI scores and subsequent energy intake did not differ among the test meals. Substitution of unsaturated fats for saturated fatty acids had no acute benefits on postprandial glycemia, insulin demand or short-term satiety in young men. Całość: http://jn.nutrition.org:80/cgi/content/full/133/8/2577 Zmieniony przez - ellis w dniu 2006-04-19 11:39:35

    Odpowiedzi: 10 Ilość wyświetleń: 4381 Data: 2006-04-19 11:37:52 Szacuny postu: 0 (cały temat: 0)
  • meta +epi


    [...] weight gained will be in the form of fluid retention that will be lost upon cessation, though long-lasting physique improvements can be made by taking full advantage of the short highly anabolic window of the cycle. Side Effects: Many have assumed that M1T aromatises, however that is structurally impossible. What is possible - and much more [...]

    Odpowiedzi: 67 Ilość wyświetleń: 7114 Data: 2012-11-08 16:23:55 Szacuny postu: 0 (cały temat: 0)
  • [...] throughout the week—far in excess of what a minimal dose of HCG would produce by virtue of induced testosterone production. Many TRT practitioners add in HCG for a short course every few months, to re-stimulate the testes. My opinion is that it is far better to keep them up to form and function all along the way. The physicians who [...]

    Odpowiedzi: 10 Ilość wyświetleń: 5656 Data: 2006-05-22 12:38:03 Szacuny postu: 0 (cały temat: 0)
  • Utrata tłuszczu - demitologizujemy aeroby

    Odżywianie i Odchudzanie

    [...] recovery); repeat to satisfy the exercise prescription. When working at higher intensities, the overall duration of the exercise session can be (and should be) significantly shortened, which is great news for those wanting get the most per unit time from their workouts. But that's not all, the benefits of HIIT over moderate-intensity, longer [...]

    Odpowiedzi: 561 Ilość wyświetleń: 20000 Data: 2006-01-31 23:51:26 Szacuny postu: 0 (cały temat: 0)
  • [...] Claw An herb used in South American folk medicine for its anti-inflamatory and immune system protective properties. # Chick Embroyo Extract This type of extract contains short amino acid chains called oligopeptides, plus additional essential amino acids and trace elements (iron, copper, cobalt, selenium, and zinc). The peptides in the extract [...]

    Odpowiedzi: 3001 Ilość wyświetleń: 20000 Data: 2008-01-20 16:15:22 Szacuny postu: 0 (cały temat: 0)
  • Ciała ketonowe - magiczne paliwo dla mózgu?

    Odżywianie i Odchudzanie

    [...] or markers of inflammation (C-reactive protein, interleukin-6, tumor necrosis factor-alpha) after the very low carbohydrate diet. In normal weight, normolipidemic women, a short-term very low carbohydrate diet modestly increased LDL-C, yet there were favorable effects on cardiovascular disease risk status by virtue of a relatively larger [...]

    Odpowiedzi: 63 Ilość wyświetleń: 20000 Data: 2006-05-16 20:20:25 Szacuny postu: 0 (cały temat: 0)
  • m1t = meta?


    [...] This structural modification makes steroids much more orally bioavailable by inhibiting breakdown in the liver. Although it has only been widely available for a short period of time, feedback on this compound indicates that it may be the most effective legal prohormone/steroid product on the market regardless of delivery method, and [...]

    Odpowiedzi: 25 Ilość wyświetleń: 3811 Data: 2004-07-26 22:16:08 Szacuny postu: 0 (cały temat: 0)
  • M1T - co to jest?


    [...] This structural modification makes steroids much more orally bioavailable by inhibiting breakdown in the liver. Although it has only been widely available for a short period of time, feedback on this compound indicates that it may be the most effective legal prohormone/steroid product on the market regardless of delivery method, and [...]

    Odpowiedzi: 13 Ilość wyświetleń: 2755 Data: 2004-08-17 08:50:11 Szacuny postu: 0 (cały temat: 0)
  • Badania Inozyna

    Odżywki i suplementy

    [...] was not different between the treatments, respectively. These findings demonstrate that prolonged inosine supplementation does not appear to improve aerobic performance and short-term power production during cycling and may actually have an ergolytic effect under some test conditions. Studium nr 3: Effect of inosine supplementation on 3-mile [...]

    Odpowiedzi: 6 Ilość wyświetleń: 2141 Data: 2011-01-13 23:51:13 Szacuny postu: 0 (cały temat: 0)
  • [...] were ingested as one single meal by healthy adults. Postprandial whole body leucine kinetics were assessed by using a dual tracer methodology. WP induced a dramatic but short increase of plasma amino acids. CAS induced a prolonged plateau of moderate hyperaminoacidemia, probably because of a slow gastric emptying. Whole body protein [...]

    Odpowiedzi: 44 Ilość wyświetleń: 20000 Data: 2011-04-20 04:10:50 Szacuny postu: 0 (cały temat: 0)
  • [...] France. [email protected] This study was designed to assess the effects of acute oral salbutamol and caffeine intake on performance and metabolism during short-term endurance exercise. Eight healthy volunteers parti****ted in the double-blind placebo-controlled randomized cross-over study. Two 10 min cycling trials were [...]

    Odpowiedzi: 6 Ilość wyświetleń: 1880 Data: 2007-08-08 17:03:49 Szacuny postu: 0 (cały temat: 0)
  • Skróty i szyfry ;-)

    Odżywki i suplementy

    [...] Claw An herb used in South American folk medicine for its anti-inflamatory and immune system protective properties. # Chick Embroyo Extract This type of extract contains short amino acid chains called oligopeptides, plus additional essential amino acids and trace elements (iron, copper, cobalt, selenium, and zinc). The peptides in the extract [...]

    Odpowiedzi: 19 Ilość wyświetleń: 4252 Data: 2005-04-24 15:18:59 Szacuny postu: 0 (cały temat: 0)
  • Podbijam, ale znalazłem ciekawe badania Effects of short term metformin administration on androgens in normal men. Shegem NS, Nasir AM, Jbour AK, Batieha AM, El-Khateeb MS, Ajlouni KM. National Center for Diabetes Endocrinology and Genetics, Jordan University Hospital, Amman, Jordan. OBJECTIVE: To study the effect of metformin on androgens in [...]

    Odpowiedzi: 56 Ilość wyświetleń: 16565 Data: 2008-06-01 11:48:01 Szacuny postu: 0 (cały temat: 0)
  • transportery kreatyny

    Odżywki i suplementy

    [...] mystery, both tantalizing and frustrating to anybody "in the know" and not on drugs. A lot of people bought it, including me. A lot of people stopped buying it a short time after. A short time after they didn’t notice any new muscle growth, that is. Then came 5-methyl-7-methoxy-isoflavone, a slightly tweaked version of [...]

    Odpowiedzi: 27 Ilość wyświetleń: 4020 Data: 2003-11-11 14:51:15 Szacuny postu: 0 (cały temat: 0)

    Polacy za granicą

    Oczywiście, że żaden... z tego leczą ZUS, US i rząd, tylko może trochę potrwać :) Ale wspomnisz moje słowa :) Każdy psychiatra Cie odeśle w ramach terapii ze swoim PIT-em do wypełnienia, dwa pity w roku zamiast jednego, bardzo pomagają wrócić do rzeczywistości. Jeżeli nie pomogą, da Ci jeszcze PIT sąsiada w wersji hardcore czyli każe Ci wypełnić [...]

    Odpowiedzi: 992 Ilość wyświetleń: 20000 Data: 2011-07-28 23:00:59 Szacuny postu: 0 (cały temat: 0)

    Polacy za granicą

    Market Wizard System -- here's a candidate Mark Johnson [email protected] 1997/04/21 misc.invest.futures Here's my test results of a Market Wizard System. It is profitable, averaging a compound growth rate of 65% per year for twelve years (net gain 420X in 12 years). It traded an initial stake of $100K and ran the equity up to $42 [...]

    Odpowiedzi: 992 Ilość wyświetleń: 20000 Data: 2012-01-04 13:23:09 Szacuny postu: 0 (cały temat: 0)
  • Alkohol a masa

    Trening w domu

    [...] nutritive value. They found that the difference in energy given off as heat when alcohol was consumed vs. when it was not was a mere 1% (12). Numerous studies looking at the short-term (less than 4 hours) thermogenic effect of alcohol all found less than 10% dissipation of alcohol energy (13) -- however, it appears that longer studies give a more [...]

    Odpowiedzi: 55 Ilość wyświetleń: 20000 Data: 2005-07-22 10:31:03 Szacuny postu: 0 (cały temat: 0)
  • Creatine vs coffeine


    [...] treatment of headaches. Evidence shows that caffeine intensifies muscle contractions, masks the discomfort of physical exertion, and even speeds up the use of the muscles' short-term fuel stores. Some exercise physiologists believe that caffeine might improve performance by increasing fat oxidation and conserving muscle glycogen. Creatine is [...]

    Odpowiedzi: 24 Ilość wyświetleń: 3128 Data: 2003-02-23 13:55:25 Szacuny postu: 0 (cały temat: 0)
  • Alkohol na cyklu kreatyny ?

    Odżywki i suplementy

    [...] nutritive value. They found that the difference in energy given off as heat when alcohol was consumed vs. when it was not was a mere 1% (12). Numerous studies looking at the short-term (less than 4 hours) thermogenic effect of alcohol all found less than 10% dissipation of alcohol energy (13) -- however, it appears that longer studies give a more [...]

    Odpowiedzi: 40 Ilość wyświetleń: 8237 Data: 2005-02-13 18:28:53 Szacuny postu: 0 (cały temat: 0)
  • [...] i AUTORA! TESTOSTERON - przegląd badań naukowych. Zaczniemy od bardzo ciekawego badania z Australii, z roku 2007, długie estry przez mniej niż 6 tygodni! 1. The effect of short-term use of testosterone enanthate on muscular strength and power in healthy young men. Use of testosterone enanthate has been shown to significantly increase [...]

    Odpowiedzi: 9 Ilość wyświetleń: 6476 Data: 2011-04-03 18:30:38 Szacuny postu: 0 (cały temat: 0)