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Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 11148 Napisanych postów 51566 Wiek 31 lat Na forum 24 lat Przeczytanych tematów 57816
Hmmm, jak mutacja będzie dalej postępować, to niewykluczone że za jakis czas odkręcisz sobie głowę i zagrasz nia w kosza

Bieganie na 100% bedzie skuteczne, nie spodziewam się abys po minucie biegu "na maxa" miał HR poniżej 90% (chociaż z mutantami nigdy nic pewnego ). Podejrzewam że jesli naprawdę dasz czadu to i 30 sekund wystarczy...


- Łowy są ważniejsze niż zdobycz -

CYTAT TYGODNIA : Bez jaj jak sie pozbyć włosów na dupie bo mam ich strasznei durzo i mnie w.k.u.r.w.i.a.j.a. A w wakacje jak jedzie autobus i ludzie sie głupio patrzą to pokazuje im dupe a troche głupio taki owłosiony zad pokazywać (...)
Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 64 Napisanych postów 17868 Na forum 22 lat Przeczytanych tematów 102745
Własnie Tyka na to licze z tym bieganiem.
Jak zaczne to dam znać czy ciało Mutanta poddało się zabiegom biegania

Veronko "idoli" heh to słowo jedyne z czym mi sie kojarzy to tandetnym (nie chce uzywać bardziej dosadnych okresleń) programem na kanale zwanym Polszmata

PS.Ale BTW zabójcza broń to dobry filmik heeheheheheeh

"Strong coffee, much strong coffee, is what awakens me. Coffee gives me warmth, waking, an unusual force and a pain that is not without very great pleasure."

...Jesus Christ forgave the bastards. But I can't. I hate them....
Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 26 Napisanych postów 5958 Na forum 21 lat Przeczytanych tematów 27546
ja chyba jakas podatna na wplywy jestem....
tez mam ochote sprobowac tej Waszej metody
ale biegac zaczne jak bedzie zdecydowanie cieplej - to pewne.....

Filmik b. fajny - ihihiihih - i aktor b. fajny.....
NAjgorsza wg. mnie byla 2 czesc

mam 16 lat i tylko 164cm wzrostu
co proponujecie z diete na wysokości
twiters mi kazal wiec dopisuje:
wszyscy Trojboisci tez będą rozbierani
Profesjonalnie - bo przez Trojbojową doradczynie.

Twarda, syntetyczna, leniwa i d****na Efka

Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 26 Napisanych postów 5958 Na forum 21 lat Przeczytanych tematów 27546
wiecie co?? cos mi sie nie zgadza....
siegnelam po notatki z kursu instruktorskiego i wynika z nic ze:
sa 3 zrodla energii organizmu
1. Rozpad ATP - ale to mnie teraz nie interesuje (u ciezarowcow na przyklad)
2. Glikoliza - energia z weglowodanow
3. Utlenianie - procesy tlenowe - energia z tluszczy

I teraz tak:
z moich notatek wynika ze jesli wejdziemy na duzy wysilek to automatycznie przestawimy organizm na cykl weglowodanowy a z tego cyklu trudno zejsc i nawet jak potem zmniejszymi intensywnosc to dalej bedziemy palic cukry a nie tluszcze.
To jak to jest z tym sprintem?????

mam 16 lat i tylko 164cm wzrostu
co proponujecie z diete na wysokości
twiters mi kazal wiec dopisuje:
wszyscy Trojboisci tez będą rozbierani
Profesjonalnie - bo przez Trojbojową doradczynie.

Twarda, syntetyczna, leniwa i d****na Efka

Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 125 Napisanych postów 6135 Na forum 22 lat Przeczytanych tematów 30354
Jak dla mnie, to jest mutacja, ale treningu poprawiającego finisz, i niekoniecznie właściwa do spalania tłuszczu.

"Wszystko jedno gdzie się żyje,
Raz się chudnie, raz się tyje..."

Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 64 Napisanych postów 17868 Na forum 22 lat Przeczytanych tematów 102745
"What About Fat Loss?
Angelo Tremblay, Ph.D., and his colleagues at the Physical Activities Sciences Laboratory, Laval University, Quebec, Canada, challenged the common belief among health professionals that low-intensity, long-duration exercise is the best program for fat loss. They compared the impact of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise and high-intensity aerobics on fat loss. (Metabolism (1994) Volume 43, pp.814-818)
The Canadian scientists divided 27 inactive, healthy, non-obese adults (13 men, 14 women, 18 to 32 years old) into two groups. They subjected one group to a 20-week endurance training (ET) program of uninterrupted cycling 4 or 5 times a week for 30 to 45 minutes; the intensity level began at 60% of heart rate reserve and progressed to 85%. (For a 30-year-old, this would mean starting at a heart rate of about 136 and progressing to roughly 170 bpm, which is more intense than usually prescribed for weight or fat loss.)
The other group did a 15-week program including mainly high-intensity-interval training (HIIT). Much like the ET group, they began with 30-minute sessions of continuous exercise at 70% of maximum heart rate reserve (remember, they were not accustomed to exercise), but soon progressed to 10 to 15 bouts of short (15 seconds progressing to 30 seconds) or 4 to 5 long (60 seconds progressing to 90 seconds) intervals separated by recovery periods allowing heart rate to return to 120-130 beats per minute. The intensity of the short intervals was initially fixed at 60% of the maximal work output in 10 seconds, and that of the long bouts corresponded to 70% of the individual maximum work output in 90 seconds. Intensity on both was increased 5% every three weeks.
As you might expect, the total energy cost of the ET program was substantially greater than the HIIT program. The researchers calculated that the ET group burned more than twice as many calories while exercising than the HIIT program. But (surprise, surprise) skinfold measurements showed that the HIIT group lost more subcutaneous fat. "Moreover," reported the researchers, "when the difference in the total energy cost of the program was taken into account..., the subcutaneous fat loss was ninefold greater in the HIIT program than in the ET program." In short, the HIIT group got 9 times more fat-loss benefit for every calorie burned exercising. "

"Strong coffee, much strong coffee, is what awakens me. Coffee gives me warmth, waking, an unusual force and a pain that is not without very great pleasure."

...Jesus Christ forgave the bastards. But I can't. I hate them....
Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 64 Napisanych postów 17868 Na forum 22 lat Przeczytanych tematów 102745
"What researchers are realizing is the post-exercise recovery period may be extremely influential on the overall outcome of a training program. To lose bodyfat, it is more important to take into account the overall calories expended rather than the amount utilized from fat (1). Research shows when the same amount of calories are burned using high-intensity and low-intensity exercise the amount of bodyfat loss between these groups was not significant (2). In fact, a study performed by Tremblay et al (3), examined the difference of endurance training (ET) and high-intensity intermittent-training (HIIT). The endurance group performed their training for 20 weeks and burned an average of 120.4MJ per session. The HIIT group performed their program for 15 weeks with an average expenditure of 57.9MJ per session. In other words, the ET group burned more energy during their training sessions. However, the result of six subcutaneous skinfolds showed the HIIT group lost significantly more bodyfat. There has to be something happening to the body beyond simple caloric expenditure.

What? You say this is one study and that can tell us everything! Fine, here is a couple more. Research by Hickson et al (4), Pacheco-Sanchez et al (5), Bryner et al (6), all demonstrated higher bodyfat loss from the high-intensity groups than the lower-intensity groups. This is extremely interesting considering the past theory that by working at a lower intensity you will burn more bodyfat. Even weight training has been shown to be very productive in losing bodyfat. Kraemer et al (7) studied the effects of three different groups, diet, diet and aerobics, and diet, aerobics, and weight training. The result? Simple, the group that performed all three programs lost TWICE times as much bodyfat, but the same amount of weight as the aerobics and diet group. This is important because this demonstrates that anaerobic training will spare more lean tissue, which in turn will keep metabolism elevated and make one look overall better. When people generally lose a lot of muscle mass they tend to look soft and flabby, just look at the average aerobics instructor. (above)
Okay, why is the high-intensity group losing more bodyfat? There are a lot of theories, but no concrete facts. But, with exercise basically everything is still theory and we just try to employ effective methods. However, knowing how the body works allows us to manipulate it for better results. One of the more popular theories is that high-intensity exercise will result in greater post-exercise energy expenditure and fat utilization (8). Meaning, you end up burning calories for hours after words, some believe as many as 16 hours after training. Another theory is the influence of growth hormone (GH). GH is the anti-aging hormone and also is very effective in regulating bodyfat. Having a high production of GH is useful in maintaining low bodyfat levels. The body naturally produces GH in response to high levels of lactic acid. Lactic acid is the burning sensation usually described as the "burn". As described in Kraemer and Fleck's excellent text, Designing Resistance Training Programs, "....this energy source (lactic acid) contributes a moderate to high percentage of the energy during activities composed of high-intensity work interspersed with rest periods and high-intensity activities lasting longer than 25 s, such as interval run training and wrestling." So, short rest intervals, 45-90 seconds, with anaerobic training lasting at least 25 seconds causes high levels of lactic acid. In turn this would cause a greater production of GH, so in theory, greater bodyfat loss"

"Strong coffee, much strong coffee, is what awakens me. Coffee gives me warmth, waking, an unusual force and a pain that is not without very great pleasure."

...Jesus Christ forgave the bastards. But I can't. I hate them....
Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 64 Napisanych postów 17868 Na forum 22 lat Przeczytanych tematów 102745

"Strong coffee, much strong coffee, is what awakens me. Coffee gives me warmth, waking, an unusual force and a pain that is not without very great pleasure."

...Jesus Christ forgave the bastards. But I can't. I hate them....
Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 11148 Napisanych postów 51566 Wiek 31 lat Na forum 24 lat Przeczytanych tematów 57816
Koniecznie <imgs src="../../buziaki/31.gif" align=middle>
Bieganie jest jak dla mnie jedyną 100% metodą podkręcania HR <imgs src="../../buziaki/31.gif" align=middle>
Ale przyznam, że jestem niezwykle, wprost niewiarygodnie ciekawa Twojego zmutowanego treningu wg Tyki <imgs src="../../buziaki/7.gif" align=middle>

Już mam dość czytania o aminophylline <imgs src="../../buziaki/7.gif" align=middle>

Text tygodnia:
"mam pytanie czy kreatyna zasrepuje weglowodany bo słyszałem ze 100g kreatyny zawiera 400g weglowodabów jezeli sa czy nalezy je uwzględnić w diecie"

==== modka działu fitness ====
Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 64 Napisanych postów 17868 Na forum 22 lat Przeczytanych tematów 102745
hihihii ja juz tez nie szukam niczego o tych kremach bo oczy bola od reklam na google (zamiast konkretnego info wyskakuja w rezultacie szukania sam reklamy z tymi kremami eheh)

"Strong coffee, much strong coffee, is what awakens me. Coffee gives me warmth, waking, an unusual force and a pain that is not without very great pleasure."

...Jesus Christ forgave the bastards. But I can't. I hate them....
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