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Efka = Tussi.... ?

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Szacuny 43 Napisanych postów 3983 Na forum 19 lat Przeczytanych tematów 25216

z clenem
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Szacuny 2 Napisanych postów 702 Wiek 37 lat Na forum 18 lat Przeczytanych tematów 7425
Ochrona mięśni - jednym z wielkich minusów odchudzania jest fakt że możemy oczekiwać co najmniej małych strat w masie mięśniowej. Samo tracenie wagi jest bardzo proste w porównaniu do tracenia wagi przy jednoczesnym zachowywaniu mięśni. Efedryna wspomaga spalanie tłuszczu oraz pomaga chronić beztłuszczową masę ciała. Zostało to potwierdzone w badaniach z pomiarami poziomu tkanki tłuszczowej. Dodatkowo odkryto że w krótkich okresach stosowania gdy nie wystąpił jeszcze spadek wagi, poprawił się bilans azotowy u badanych co sugeruje przyrost beztłuszczowej masy ciała. W innym badaniu grupa której podawano efedrynę i kofeinę straciła średnio 4,5 kg tłuszczu przy jednoczesnym przyroście 2,8 kg beztłuszczowej masy ciała, co sugeruje że efedryna może pomóc poprawić proporcje mięśni do tłuszczu bez utraty wagi.
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Szacuny 400 Napisanych postów 15594 Na forum 22 lat Przeczytanych tematów 91830
co to za badania?
autor zrdolo?
ja tez potrafie na effce gubic fat i lapac miecho ale co to ma do dzialania antykatabolicznego?
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Szacuny 53 Napisanych postów 5557 Wiek 36 lat Na forum 18 lat Przeczytanych tematów 53767
ja chce sobie wkrecic efke na faze bo ide na impreze a niechce chlac alko bo jestem na suplach ale zupelnie na sucho nie chce leciec ile tusi proponujecie?cala paczke zjesc?:D hehe
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Szacuny 400 Napisanych postów 15594 Na forum 22 lat Przeczytanych tematów 91830
lepiej wypij jakies lajtowe drinki np gin z toniciem
do tego co jakis czas jakis red bull z vodka
i ani sie nie dowodnisz ani nie narazisz na palpitacje i zjazdy po imprze
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Szacuny 2 Napisanych postów 108 Na forum 18 lat Przeczytanych tematów 7814
Adrian... nie mów do mnie chłopcze
a jeżeli mamy doczynienia z syntetykiem to ja to nazywam pseudo, a w momęcie kiedy mamy doczeyniania z psaudo-syntetykiem bo takie związki też można spotkać to nazywam to gównem...
jeżeli chodzi o te badania to podobno w pierwszej fazie białko jest lepiej przyswajalne co może pomóc w budowaniu masy...
naspidować sie tusi i iść na impreze ?? Tylko żebyś spiocha nie złapał za pierwszym razem ( co jest bardzo prawdopodobne ), a i uważaj na agrosorek...
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Szacuny 1 Napisanych postów 183 Na forum 19 lat Przeczytanych tematów 12048
It Preserves A Lean Body Mass
Larry Hobbs discusses three experiments in his article. The first experiment is done to prove that a diet pill with the ephedrine-caffeine combination is the ideal diet pill because it increases fat loss and simultaneously maintains muscle mass. The study shows that dieting women given the ephedrine-caffeine diet pill lost twice as much fat as the women receiving the placebo. The two groups had similar total weight loss. The diet pill group lost 22.2 pounds while the placebo group lost 18.5 pounds. The difference is that the placebo group lost three-quarters more muscle than the ephedrine-caffeine (EC) group. Another study proves that the EC combination is more effective than the Redux diet pill. The EC lost 29% more body weight than the Redux group. The third study is done to show that ephedrine and caffeine are not effective if not combined. The test is done on a group of people with a 1,000 calorie per day diet. The two groups that were taking ephedrine and caffeine individually did not have an enhanced weight loss. After six months, the EC combination group lost 6.6 to 10.1 pounds. Although the explanations of these experiments are found on a website with many references, they are not very detailed. Another problem is that Larry Hobbs does not footnote throughout his article so it is misleading as to where the information is coming from and if the information has actually been proven true.

In a medical journal called Metabolism, a study on the effect of ephedrine/caffeine mixture on energy expenditure and body composition in obese women is explained. The study was a double-blinded placebo-controlled trial. A third party formed two groups with 16 healthy obese women: an ephedrine/caffeine group and a placebo group. Both groups were also put on a 4.2-MJ/d diet and watched for eight weeks receiving their drug three times a day. All the patients had their body composition and 24-hour energy expenditure measured three times throughout the study: (1) during pre-treatment on a weight maintenance diet (2) at the first day of treatment with the diet and drug (3) at the last day of treatment which would be the 56th day. At the end of the study weight loss was not different in the two groups, but the E+C group lost 4.5 kg more body fat and 2.8 kg less fat-free mass. The E+C group also had a smaller decrease in energy expenditure. It was 7% at Day 1 and 8% at Day 56 compared to 10% and 13% in the placebo group. This shows that the promotion of fat loss and the preservation of fat-free body mass can be obtained pharmacologically during weight loss. (Astrup, Buemann, Christensen, Toubro, Torbek, Victor, Quaade, 1992)

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Szacuny 1 Napisanych postów 183 Na forum 19 lat Przeczytanych tematów 12048
What application does ephedrine have?

Not only does ephedrine increase the rate at which fat is lost, it preserves muscle at the same time, making it an ideal dieting aid for athletes. Fat loss - The most comprehensive look at the use of ephedrine for weight loss is a recent meta-analysis published in The Journal of the American Medical Association. This meta-analysis was done by the request of the US Department of Health and Human Services (1). It reviewed 44 controlled trials on the use of ephedrine for weight loss. It found that on average, ephedrine increased weight loss 1.3 lbs. per month more than placebo, while ephedra increased weight loss 1.8 pounds more than placebo. However, combinations of ephedrine or ephedra with caffeine or herbs containing caffeine resulted in an average weight loss of 2.2 lbs. per month.

Muscle preservation - One of the evils of dieting is that at least some loss in muscle mass in generally expected. Losing weight is simple compared to losing weight while maintaining, or even gaining muscle. Through nutrient repartitioning, ephedrine promotes fat loss while preserving fat-free mass (2). This has been confirmed in trials that have measured bodyfat levels (3-6). Additionally, in two shorter trials in which no weight loss was seen, the treated group was shown to have a better nitrogen balance in one (7), implying lean tissue growth, and in the other, the ephedrine/caffeine group lost 4.5 kg of body fat and gained 2.8 kg of fat-free mass compared to the placebo group (8), showing that ephedrine can cause fat loss and muscle gain even when you aren't losing weight.

http://www.ironmagazine.com/review47.html <-moze malo wiarygodne ale na dole strony sa podane zrodla tych info
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Szacuny 1 Napisanych postów 65 Na forum 20 lat Przeczytanych tematów 2187
Otoż to ! :-] Rowniez sie na to natknalem ale jakos nie zmusialem sie wtedy do dluzszej lektury i bardziej wnikliwego czytania.
Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 400 Napisanych postów 15594 Na forum 22 lat Przeczytanych tematów 91830
ja rownierz ale badz co badz podchodze sceptycznie
po sally zauwazylem wzrost zwlaszcza obietosciowy tk miesniowej po efce hmm juz nieszczegolnie stad moje watpliwosci

ale sog polecial za zrodlo
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