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KSIAZKA PO POLSKU!!! (nareszcie)

Sterydy Anaboliczne" - Jacek Czech , wydawnictwo Bulk-Up
Przeglad preparatow farmakologicznych stosowanych przez kulturystow.


Autor podaje dawki , przykladowe polaczenia i schematy stosowania roznych preparatow anabolicznych przez kulturystow.

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Farmaceuta - Technik

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12. Grow Young with HGH by Ronald Klatz

"Want to be healthy, vital , alert, and active on your 100th birthday? Then you must read this book."
--Dr. Bob Goldman, president, National Academy of Sports Medicine

Discover the Age-Reversing Benefits of Human Growth Hormone

Lose Fat, Gain Muscle

Increase Energy Level

Increase Immune Function

Enhance Sexual Performance

Increase Cardiac Output

Improve Skin Elasticity

Remove Wrinkles

Eliminate Cellulite

Improve Vision

Increase Memory Retention

Improve Quality of Sleep

Increase Exercise Performance

Lower Blood Pressure

Improve Cholesterol Profile

Increase Bone Mass

Quicken Wound Healing

Aging is a disease, physician Klatz and science writer Kahn maintain, as becomes more obvious every time medical science discovers another way to reverse the effects of such severe age-associated afflictions as stroke and heart attack. They stress the benefits of human growth hormone--HGH. Aging typically begins when the body's production of HGH starts falling off, and it has been shown clinically and experimentally that injections of HGH have helped aging people lose weight and increase muscle mass, regain lost strength and endurance, resharpen memory and visual acuity, restore sexual function, and even bring hair back where it had fled. Thus, the first half of their book. The second consists of advice on finding an antiaging doctor, hormone therapy, and boosting natural hormone production through diet and exercise. In the epilogue, Klatz and Kahn predict that in 55 years, "physical immortality will be a reality." Many may scoff at that conclusion, but HarperCollins is betting a 150,000-copy first printing that those bent on getting better, not older, will find what precedes it irresistible. Ray Olson

Product Description:
The first medically proven way to lose fat, gain muscle, enhance sex life, decrease wrinkles, prevent disease and reverse the aging process by stimulating the body's human growth hormone (HGH).
In this groundbreaking guide, bestselling author and expert on antiaging Dr. Ronald Klatz shows that aging and nearly all its side effects can be reversed either by taking HGH or stimulating the body's own production of the natural growth hormone. HGH is the first and only hormone drug therapy to be proven in human studies to reverse aging. In Grow Young with HGH, Dr. Klatz shows the safe and simple ways to obtain growth hormone or stimulate it naturally through nutrition, supplements and excercise in order to build a better body, increase bone density, increase cardiac output, lower blood pressure, increase immune function, revive sexual performance, tighten aging skin and improve memory and thinking ability.

Dr. Klatz presents a self-test to determine the reader's HGH level and then provides a complete consumer's guide to all the nutrients that have been shown to release HGH in the body, revealing how simple dietary supplements can stimulate HGH for maximum benefit. Grow Young with HGH contains fascinating, up-to-the-minute reports from around the world on the use of growth hormone in preventing and treating age-associated conditions, including high cholesterol, heart disease, osteoporosis and Altzheimer's disease, and will prove that the ravages of aging are not inevitable.

Zmieniony przez - Xawier w dniu 2005-03-07 11:49:45

Zmieniony przez - Xawier w dniu 2005-03-07 11:50:29

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Farmaceuta - Technik

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13. The Steroid Bible

The Steroid Bible - This is your one stop reference guide with over 1,000 alphabetized index entries for easy use. If you are thinking about using steroids, The Steroid Bible will allow you to make an educated decision. If you use steroids, The Steroid Bible will show you how to maximize your physique without sacrificing your long term health. If you want to get off of steroids, The Steroid Bible can help you. The Steroid Bible leaves no question unanswered. The Steroid Bible: Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Anabolic, Tissue Building & More!

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Farmaceuta - Technik

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13. Steroids, Sports, and Body Image: The Risks of Performance-Enhancing Drugs (Issues in Focus)
by Judy Monroe

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Farmaceuta - Technik

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14. Steroids Kill!
by Tom Ciola

About the Author
Tom Ciola has been involved in athletics and the natural health movement since 1967. He is a long-time advocate against drug use in athletics and has published numerous articles citing the dangers of anabolic steroids and other performance enhancing drugs. In 1979, he organized the Natural Bodybuilders of America which promoted the very first drug-tested Mr. America competition. He is also the author of MOSES WASN'T FAT - a biblical approach to health and fitness.

Product Description:
A hard-hitting book on the dangers of anabolic steroids and other performance enhancing drugs and how they are being misused by athletes and bodybuilders. Contains an in-depth analysis of the side effects as well as poignant interviews with ex-steroid users. A must-read for anyone considering using these drugs.

Bring them home!!!

Farmaceuta - Technik

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Szacuny 6 Napisanych postów 1496 Wiek 42 lat Na forum 22 lat Przeczytanych tematów 50560
Jeszze wychodzi w niemczech bardzo ciekawa ksiązka - bodajże "Czarna księga" - też b.dobra.

ps. A myślał ktoś, żeby pozbierać np. informacje i zdięcia z Anabolic 2004 i 2005 i z Czarnej księgi - i przerobić szyk przetłumaczyć itp. i wydać w polsce - czy taką książke można wydawać w Polsce?
Myśle, że był by to Hicior

ps. a ksiązka J.Czecha to "skansen"


Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 18 Napisanych postów 2595 Na forum 22 lat Przeczytanych tematów 17718
No na pewno byl by hit, tylko ze sporo trzeba by bylo zainwestowac i wogule, duzo pracy licencja, wydawnictwo itp.

ps. zgadzam sie ksiazka Czecha to... sam dobrze wiesz.

Bring them home!!!

Farmaceuta - Technik

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Andrew3 Berserk Labs
Szacuny 33 Napisanych postów 4001 Wiek 38 lat Na forum 21 lat Przeczytanych tematów 46802
Nie no SOG jak w pysk szczylył i nie ma we wsi chu** na Mariolkę

Serdecznie zapraszam na Fight24.pl

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Szacuny 18 Napisanych postów 2595 Na forum 22 lat Przeczytanych tematów 17718
to juz chyba ostatnia z ciekawszych bedzie

Bodybuilding, Drugs and Risk (Health, Risk and Society)
by Lee F. Monaghan

Book Info
Cardiff Univ., UK. Uses data obtained from participant observation and interviews to explore bodybuilding subculture from the bodybuilders' perspectives. Discusses how they try to manage competent social identities, risks of using steroids, the understanding of the alleged steroid-violence link, and more. Softcover, hard also available.

Product Description:
Current popular interest in bodies, fitness, sport and active lifestyles, has made bodybuilding more visible and acceptable within mainstream society than ever before. However, the association between bodybuilding, drugs and risk has contributed to a negative image of an activity which many people find puzzling. Using data obtained from participant observation and interviews, this book explores bodybuilding subculture from the perspective of the bodybuilder.

Bring them home!!!

Farmaceuta - Technik

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