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Szacuny 11149 Napisanych postów 51567 Wiek 31 lat Na forum 24 lat Przeczytanych tematów 57816
znacznie lepiej. Informój o efektach.
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Szacuny 137 Napisanych postów 22600 Na forum 21 lat Przeczytanych tematów 112308
bez urazy majko - ale dosc sceptycznie podchodze do artoow w gazetach, nawet jesli beda to gazety angielskojezyczne

jako ze nie masz problemoow z jezykiem, wrzoocam ponizej takie tez info:

Myth #2: You can only assimilate 30 grams of protein at one sitting.
Fact: The body has the ability to digest and assimilate much more than 30 grams of protein from a single meal.

Speaking of high intakes of protein, people have been perpetuating the myth that you can only assimilate ~30 grams of protein at a time, making protein meals any greater than a 6 oz. chicken breast a waste. This is anything but true. For example, the digestibility of meat (i.e. beef, poultry, pork and fish) is about 97% efficient. If you eat 25 grams of beef, you will absorb into the blood stream 97% of the protein in that piece of meat. If, on the other hand, you eat a 10 oz steak containing about 60 grams of protein, you will again digest and absorb 97% of the protein. If you could only assimilate 30 grams of protein at a time, why would researchers be using in excess of 40 grams of protein to stimulate muscle growth?1
Critics of high protein intakes may try to point out that increased protein intake only leads to increased protein oxidation. This is true, nevertheless, some researchers speculate that this increase in protein oxidation following high protein intakes may initiate something they call the "anabolic drive".13 The anabolic drive is characterized by hyperaminoacidemia, an increase in both protein synthesis and breakdown with an overall positive nitrogen balance. In animals, there is a correspondent increase in anabolic hormones such as IGF-1 and GH. Though this response is difficult to identify in humans, an increase in lean tissue accretion does occur with exaggerated protein intakes.14,15
The take home message is that, if you are going to maximize muscle growth you have to minimize muscle loss, and maximize protein synthesis. Research clearly shows this is accomplished with heavy training, adequate calories, and very importantly high protein consumption. This means that meals containing more than 30 grams of protein will be the norm. Not to worry, all that protein will certainly be used effectively by the body.

13. Millward, D.J. Metabolic demands for amino acids and the human dietary requirement: Millward and Rivers (1988) revisited. J. Nutr. 128: 2563S-2576S, 1998
14. Fern EB, Bielinski RN, Schutz Y. Effects of exaggerated amino acid and protein supply in man. Experientia 1991 Feb 15;47(2):168-72
15. Dragan, GI., Vasiliu A., Georgescu E. Effect of increased supply of protein on elite weight-lifters. In:Milk Protein T.E. Galesloot and B.J. Tinbergen (Eds.). Wageningen The Netherlands: Pudoc, 1985, pp. 99-103

How many grams of protein per meal?

There is a prevailing belief that the body can only process 30 grams of protein at a sitting. I can't even begin to count the number of times that I've heard this "30 gram rule" cited by so-called fitness experts. The fact is, however, there's simply no science to back up the claim. To understand why, a little physiology is in order.

The digestion of protein takes place in the small intestine and is facilitated by various "enzymes" and "transporters". Protein is broken down into its constituent components, the amino acids, which are then taken up by the intestinal cells (called enterocytes). Enzymes speed up the breakdown and assimilation of protein, and transporters assist the amino acids in their passage through the intestinal cells and into the bloodstream. Both enzymes and transporters are very sensitive to the presence of amino acids. When protein intake is increased, the body increases the amount of protein enzymes and transporters in the intestines to accommodate increased protein consumption. Hence, increased protein consumption is met by increased protein absorption.

In final analysis, there is no magic amount as to how much protein can be consumed per meal. No evidence exists that 30 grams of protein, or any other amount for that matter, is an upper limit for protein intake. That said, a good case can be made for consuming smaller, more frequent protein meals throughout the day.

Doing so ensures a steady stream of protein into the body, providing the nutrients needed for muscular development.

3. fragment wywiadu z lyle'm mcdonaldem
So how much protein can the body use for growth?

Lyle M: In terms of supporting optimal growth, an interesting discrepancy actually occurs here between the studies on our ancestral diet and the protein needs of athletes, but nobody has an explanation yet. Good studies by Peter Lemon, Mark Tarnopolsky, etc. support a maximum protein requirement for natural lifters of about 1.8 g/kg (a little less than the 1 g/lb that bodybuilders have used for years). But studies of our ancestral diet suggest protein intakes as high as 2.5-3 g/kg. Nobody is quite sure if this protein intake was simply a side effect of the diet our ancestors followed, or if it had some actual benefit.

Finally, I think the whole 30 g/meal (or whatever) thing can't possibly apply to everyone. I mean, at the low end, figure a 210 lb lifter is eating 210 grams of protein per day. If he's limited to 30 grams/meal, that means seven meals minimum per day. Obviously, if there is some limit to protein absorption/assimilation/digestion/utilization (and I don't honestly think that there is) it's going to be related to body mass: a larger individual needs more protein and would be able to utilize protein in larger amounts than a smaller person. Ultimately, my hunch is that the whole '30 grams per meal' (or whatever) thing came from one of two places:

- Early supplement companies trying to convince lifters why their protein product (containing 30 grams) was better than others. I remember one company pulling a scheme like this, when their product contained like 37 grams of protein, they wrote that 37 grams was the maximum that could be absorbed. When they bumped it to 42 grams of protein per serving, 42 became the magic number. Ah, advertising.

- Bodybuilders rationalizing what they had already decided to do. That is, you frequently see bodybuilders and other athletes finding a strategy that works (i.e. eat protein at intervals throughout the day) and then making up physiological rationalizations afterwards. It wouldn't really surprise me if that weren't the case here. Of course, if anybody has a single piece of peer-reviewed research supporting this 30 grams myth (everybody seems to claim to have seen it but nobody seems to ever have it; it's like those friend of a friend stories), they can feel free to send it to me care of /tu byl adres email lyle'a/

resume - asymilacja bialka zalezna jest od wielu czynnikoow; consensoos miedzy naszymi zdaniami moze byc taki, ze w przypadku malej i drobnej laoory p. przyswajanie bialka/posilek przez jej organizm faktycznie /teoretycznie/ moze byc rzedu 30 g, aczkolwiek ta sama regoola nie bedzie miala zastosowania do roslego faceta


to ze bialko moze zamienic sie w tkanke to tez nic nowego -> glookoneogeneza -> tkanka

btw 2
spooznione gratoolacje -> wystep na mp

That is when the world will end.

Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 11149 Napisanych postów 51567 Wiek 31 lat Na forum 24 lat Przeczytanych tematów 57816
bardzo ciekawy artykuł, przeczytałam w całości. Dziękuję za niego, jak również za gratulacje.
Pozdrawiam Majka.
Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 137 Napisanych postów 22600 Na forum 21 lat Przeczytanych tematów 112308
prosze bardzo :)

That is when the world will end.

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Szacuny 11149 Napisanych postów 51567 Wiek 31 lat Na forum 24 lat Przeczytanych tematów 57816
podzielcie się przepisami na białkowe posiłki wieczorne:) policzyłam sobie wszystko i wyszło mi że średnio zjadam dziennie:
białko 94g z pożywienia + Whey Protein (3 łyzki = ok.30g)
węglowodany: 366g
tłuszcze: 50g

wydaje mi się że za dużo węglowodanów niestety...
co jeść na kolacje zeby zmniejszyć ilość węgl.?
Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 11149 Napisanych postów 51567 Wiek 31 lat Na forum 24 lat Przeczytanych tematów 57816
proponuję wieczorem wywalić owoce i twaróg zamienić na np ryby albo białka jaj, albo jakieś mięso. W twarogu jest laktoza, ona nie służy, zwłaszcza kobietom, u nas w całości odkłada się przeważnie na bioderkach, czyli tam gdzie najmniej sobie tego życzymy.
Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 11149 Napisanych postów 51567 Wiek 31 lat Na forum 24 lat Przeczytanych tematów 57816
no i na tą ilość węgli to trochę za dużo tłuszczów. Zamiast fasolki o 19.30 spróbuj zjeść jakieś warzywka, np gotowane, albo świerze - pomidory, ogórki, papryka. Nie dodawaj do tego sera. Węglowodany i tłuszcze to nie jest najlepsze połączenie.
Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 11149 Napisanych postów 51567 Wiek 31 lat Na forum 24 lat Przeczytanych tematów 57816
a np.pomidor z oliwą z pestek winogron,śledzik marynowany (jakoś ostatnio po mnie chodzi...) i kawałek chleba razowego (bez tego śledzik ani rusz:/)?

na tuńczyka już patrzeć nie mogę, łososia lub flądrę zjadam zwykle po treningu, jakie są jeszcze dobre ryby???

ogromne dzięki za poświęcenie uwagi i pomoc tak w ogóle:)
Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 137 Napisanych postów 22600 Na forum 21 lat Przeczytanych tematów 112308
z tym nabialem jest dosc ciekawa sprawa, a to ze wzgledu na obecny w nim wapn; ostatnio dowiedziono, ze skootecznie stymoolooje on bialka rozsprzegajace w mitochondriach komoorek miesniowych, ktoorych rola /najogoolniej moowiac/ polega sterowaniu procesem wykorzystania kalorii w kieroonku zoozywania ich jako zroodlo ciepla, a nie magazynowaniu w postaci tkanki

co istotne - biodostepnosc/przyswajalnosc wapnia z pozywienia /nabial/ i jego wplyw na ucp byla wieksza niz tego z tabs

pozostaje tylko ta laktoza... aczkolwiek tu roowniez jest sporo teorii /za i przeciw/

w moim przypadku z propozycji bialkowych na posilki wieczorne sa to wylacznie albo ryby /nie jadam miesa/, albo wpc

Zmieniony przez - Grasik w dniu 2004-06-23 19:41:32

That is when the world will end.

Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 11149 Napisanych postów 51567 Wiek 31 lat Na forum 24 lat Przeczytanych tematów 57816
ciekawośc mine zżera. Kim Ty jesteś Grasik? Bo kulturystą raczej nie (nie jesz mięsa), no i sposób wypowiedzi. Skąd ta ogromna wiedza?
Podziwiam i jestem pod wrażeniem.
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zrobię ją sama :P (przynajmniej sprobuje...)

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