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podwyżka cen białek :-(

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z tego co zauważyłem na stronie producenta ceny protein poszły nieźle do góry, dla przykładu Whey Protein Complex 2000g + 500g GRATIS 179.90 zamiast 150zł a 750 g + 250 g GRATIS 65.90 zamiast 50zł więc wzrost ceny o jakieś 20-30%! Ktoś może mi wyjaśnić czym spowodowane są aż tak duże podwyżki?
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Nowa ulepszona formuła, zawierająca szereg specjalnie dobranych ekstraktów roślinnych, magnez oraz chrom oraz opatentowany związek CAPSIMAX®.

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odzywki bialkowe to luksus - produkt ktory kupujesz dla realizacji swojego hobby - nie stac Cie, to nie kupujesz...
podobnie jest z samochodami - chcesz miec fajny samochod - np subaru impreze musisz wywalic kupe kasy, ale to nie jest samochod potrzebny do normalnego zycia


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Szacuny 14 Napisanych postów 3032 Na forum 20 lat Przeczytanych tematów 123315
Ciekawe kto je bedzie za ta cene kupiował....
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Szacuny 4 Napisanych postów 1200 Na forum 19 lat Przeczytanych tematów 12593
WPC ceny poszły do góry.Wszystkie amerykanskie firmy podwyższyły ceny WPC srednio o 20%.Zobaczycie sami wkrotce ,ze zmienia sie ceny białek z importu.20% to i tak nie dużo ze wzrostem cen na giełdzie od70%-100%!!!

Życie jest zbyt krótkie, by być małym...


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Szacuny 14 Napisanych postów 1669 Wiek 40 lat Na forum 20 lat Przeczytanych tematów 52363
robcie zapasy na zime

"to jest ten co za kilka puszek bialka wytatuował sobie znak firmowy na plecach?" leże i kwicze

Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 75 Napisanych postów 5029 Wiek 41 lat Na forum 18 lat Przeczytanych tematów 58202
czyżby zmowa cenowa producentów surowca?

Zmieniony przez - fukinhot w dniu 2007-06-05 13:13:09


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Szacuny 42 Napisanych postów 3768 Wiek 38 lat Na forum 19 lat Przeczytanych tematów 113277
w stanach
dwie glowne firmy podpisaly umowe(zalozyly kartel bodajze, nie jestem w 100 % pewny)
wykupily wieksza czesc surowca od dostawcow wiec teraz kontroluja podaz

oczywiscie zwiekszyli takze ceny dla innych firm ktore sila rzeczy musza od nich kupowac w zaistnialej sytuacji

tylko co do tego ma olimp to nie wiem

Zmieniony przez - Pig Killer w dniu 2007-06-05 13:39:18

Top Dog

If you wanna job done right you must do it yourself

Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 4 Napisanych postów 1200 Na forum 19 lat Przeczytanych tematów 12593
Ceny na gieldzie poszły do góry nie dlateg,że Optimum lub inna firma wykupiła.Zadne firmy nie sa w stanie wykupic produkcji serwatki w USA.
90% WPC i WHEY spozywczej wykupuja chinczycy i strasze ilości wędruja do CHIN.
Co sie potem dzieje poczytajcie w czasopismach giedlowych.Postaram sie wstawic taki tekst.

Życie jest zbyt krótkie, by być małym...


Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 42 Napisanych postów 3768 Wiek 38 lat Na forum 19 lat Przeczytanych tematów 113277
tak slyszalem na silowni od kilku kolesi i wlasciciela wiec napisalem
nie mialem zamiaru wprowadzic nikogo w blad czy dezorientowac

prawda pewnie lezy posrodku

Zmieniony przez - Pig Killer w dniu 2007-06-05 14:05:17

Top Dog

If you wanna job done right you must do it yourself

Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 75 Napisanych postów 5029 Wiek 41 lat Na forum 18 lat Przeczytanych tematów 58202
no skoro poszły na giełdzie ceny, znaczy że co... że producenci sie dogadali i sprzedają drożej...

Chyba, że przegapiłem jakies wydarzenia makroekonomiczne, które mogły by spowodowac taki wzrost surowca...


Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 115 Napisanych postów 11455 Wiek 42 lat Na forum 21 lat Przeczytanych tematów 83143
No przegapiłes przegapiłes ,Chinczycy wykupuja serwatke bo sie do Olimpiady szykują ,proste
Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 4 Napisanych postów 1200 Na forum 19 lat Przeczytanych tematów 12593
Poczytajcie co robia Chinczycy z białkiem.

“Spiked Again”

China makes arrest in Pet Food Case
by David Barboza Published May 4, 2007
SHANGHAI, May 3 — The general manager of a Chinese company accused of selling contaminated wheat gluten to pet food suppliers in the United States has been detained by the Chinese authorities, according to police officials here and a person who was briefed on the investigation.
China food mislabeled, US says (May 3, 2007)
Themanager,MaoLijun,head of the Xuzhou Anying Biologic Technology Development Company, is being held in coastal Jiangsu Province, about 320 miles northwest of Shanghai, though a police spokesman in the area, Pei County, declined to say on what charges.
In a telephone interview a few weeks ago, Mr. Mao denied any knowledge of how melamine, an industrial chemical, had been mixed into pet food supplies sold under his company label earlier this year. He also insisted that his company had never exported any wheat gluten and that his products were sold only on the domestic market.
But regulators in the United States identified Xuzhou Anying and another Chinese company in nearby Shandong Province as the only sources of the contaminated ingredients that killed 16 dogs and cats, sickened thousands of others and led to one of the biggest pet food recall in American history.
Calls made to the other Chinese supplier under suspicion, the Binzhou Futian Biology Technology Company, went unanswered.
Scientists are still trying to explain how melamine, a chemical used to make plastics, fertilizer and surface coatings but not considered very toxic, ended up in some of the leading American pet food brands.
The arrest of Mr. Mao may be an indication that the Chinese government is stepping up its own investigation into the scandal. It also seems to be trying to show a willingness to cooperate with investigators from the Food and Drug Administration, who finally arrived in China on Monday — after China had initially refused to issue them visas.
Concerns about the quality and safety of China’s agriculture exports have prompted agency regulators to ban all wheat gluten from China and to warn importers to sample or test all food and feed additives coming from there.
Last month, South Africa also announced a pet food recall after more than 30 dogs died from eating food contaminated with melamine-tainted ingredients imported from China.
TheChinesegovernment had initiallyreacted angrily to suggestions that Chinese food exports could have been the cause of death or sickness in so many American pets. At one point, the Chinese government even insisted that the country had not exported any wheat gluten to the United States this year.
People briefed on the United States investigation also complained that the Chinese government was reacting slowly to efforts by Americanregulatorsto obtain information, in addition to visas for entry.
But last week, with the contaminant in pet food spreading to hogs in the United States, the government dropped the denial and insisted only that it was unlikely melamine could cause such harm in pets. Last Friday, China also banned the use of melamine in vegetable proteins that are made for export or for use in domestic food.
There is still some question over the role of the Xuzhou company. Last week, the F.D.A. issued an import alert saying that the Chinese government had evidence that Xuzhou Anying was not the manufacturer of the tainted wheat gluten but may have had as many as 25 wheat gluten suppliers.
ChemNutra, a Las Vegas company that bought the wheat gluten and resold it to pet food makers in the United States, said it thought that Xuzhou was the manufacturer.
Regulators also said that Xuzhou had failed to disclose to China’s export authorities that it was shipping food or feed products to the United States and thereby avoided having its goods checked by food inspectors.
The Xuzhou shipments to ChemNutra were made through another Chinese company, the Suzhou Textiles Silk Light Industrial Company.
Despite its denials of knowing anything about melamine contamination, Xuzhou appears to have sought to buy large supplies of melamine, even in the weeks after the pet food recall.
The company had posted more than a dozen advertisements on the Internet seeking supplies of melamine scrap, the impure waste of an industrial chemical that animal feed producers here often mix into the feed to artificially increase the reading of the protein.
Chinese producers use this practice, local experts here say, in an effort to elevate the level of protein to make a higher grade feed, even though the melamine has no nutritional value.
On March 21, Xuzhou Anying had posted this message on an Internet trading site called EC21: “We urgently need a lot of melamine scrap.”
Despite the ban on melamine in vegetable protein, chemical companies in China continue to say they sell melamine scrap to animal feed companies and even to food companies that make bakery items.
“Our chemical products are mostly used for additives, not for animal feed,” said Li Xiuping, manager at the Henan Xinxiang Huaxing Chemical Company in central Henan Province. “Melamine is mainly used in the chemical industry, but it can also be used in making cakes.”
China makes arrest in pet food case
by David Barboza Published May 4, 2007
Shanghai. May 3–The general manager of a Chinese company accused of selling contaminated wheat gluten to pet food suppliers in the United States has been detained by the Chinese authorities, according to police officials here and a person who was briefed on the investigation.
**Was this arrest real? Will the Chinese and other US manufacture quit spiking? I will give you the answer to this question– A great Big NO!!
So what does this mean for the dietary supplement industry?
More than likely proteins you have been purchasing have been spiked with melamine or some alkaloid with a high nitrogen content to fool conventional protein testing. The FDA has listed the following protein that melamine has been found in; Wheat, Soy, Rice. But, what about milk and whey proteins. Have you ever noticed how some companies can sell their whey so cheap when the rest of the industry is 50% higher. Hum, I wonder how they can do this?

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