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Gazzy Parman interview!

Editor's note: This interview was conducted through instant messaging and so responses may reflect this.

How long have you been training BJJ?

Since January of 1998.

What got you started training? Tell us a little about who you’ve trained with over the years.

I was asked by my hip hop instructor to go and watch him fight that day. He knew I was involved in martial arts for years before (kenpo karate 5 years, kung fu 2 years).
I went in to watch the tourney and met Joe Moreira. He offered me a free intro lesson and I accepted. I guess I did well that day. He asked me if I was interested in signing up. I said yes, but I didn't have the money to pay. I was going to college, and the dance lessons I was taking were on scholarship. He told me, "If you come to train everyday, you train for free, and you compete when I tell you." So I said OK.

I trained with Joe Moriera the first 3 years of my BJJ career.
Then with the Machados for a brief year. I trained with Rigan & Roger in one academy- I didn't get the support I needed, then went to Jean Jacques. I just wasn't treated like a "home grown", so I had to leave. I have the utmost repect for the Machado Brothers.
I trained with Aloiso Silva for a brief time, then looked to find a team I could call home. I called up BJ Penn.. I still had his # from way back in the day when I was coordinating Joe Moreira's tournaments with him. BJ told me I could go train there but he wouldn't be able to dedicate much time because he was preparing for a fight himself. He told me to call Steve Silva (AKA POP). I called Steve Silva and he told me to call John Lewis... I had already seen John a few times and dealt with him and his team for the tournaments Joe ran in Cali... so we already knew of each other... he was always super cool and very respectful to me.
I called up John that day, in my search for a BJJ home team. I introduced myself to John and he was like OH HEY!!! so I told him what I was looking for.. He was like SURE COME ON DOWN!!!!!
I was like great! then he said, "Where are you going to live?" I was like.. "I don't care John, I'll sleep on the mats if I have to.". And that I did in Vegas with Marc Laimon for 1 year.

I drove into starlit VEGAS… what a feeling… I had my whole life in the car as I drove in all by myself.
John told me to call Laimon if I got lost. He had already been living in the academy for over a year. I did call him a couple of times. Each time he sounded a bit distracted. It was later that I found out he was on a quest to conquering an x-box game called HALO....
When I got to the academy, finally, Laimon helped me move in. He helped me carry in my whole life... I lived in the women's locker room, and he lived in the front office until they built us two rooms upstairs… with no ceiling… no privacy... it was kinda funny, but got pretty stressful cuz he felt like he couldn't bring his girl over anymore ...............

Tell us a little about your Persian background. When did you move to the U.S?

I was born in Tehran, Iran and left the country at 20 days old.. my parents were living in London already for a few years, where my father was schooling. My mother had only gone back to Iran to have me, and returned as soon as it was allowed.
I stayed in london till about age 3. We never returned due to the revolution.
We entered the port of Wisconsin, later moved to Maryland, then drove to Cali, where I grew up Azn

When rolling with guys, do you often run into egos that are too big to tap (or so they think)? Ever roll with a guy who’s just "balls to the wall" going at it, spazzing out?

Yes, I have often rolled with men that have serious egos and can't accept that a woman can submit him. I once had this Peruvian guy come in to train at John's place... he was OUT TO GET ME it seemed. He was using every ounce of his strength to hurt me... I got banged up rolling around... but by that time, I was well aware as to how to deal with a lot of strength. This guy had pretty good technique too, but was very rough… I looked over at John and he gave me the nod... like go ahead, do what ya gotta… I ended up submitting him twice. One time he didn't want to tap so I had to keep extending his arm, and it eventually popped. Another time, on my way to the sub, he was so agro and feisty, I had to put my knee across his face… John was trying not to laugh.

Now, I don't roll with men that are over 150 or so... if I do, they are normally men that are advanced and know how to use their own weight and are free of ego. If someone approaches me to train that is too heavy, or a beginner that has ego pouring out of him, I will respectfully decline.

I have rolled with men that are ego free, and very technical, that is when I get my best training... they don't go easy so as to pity me because I am a woman. They really put it on me, but they also know how much strength to be using.

Ever have any guys act "inappropriately" when rolling?

Usually, I have a presence, so I have been told, that doesn't accept inappropriate behavior. I have a different demeanor when I am in the dojo… I joke around when I know the person can take it without taking it overboard. I have also been told I am intimidating… still wonder why…
I once had a guy try to whisper in my ear, and right there ALOUD I said, " NO, THAT IS NOT ACCEPTABLE HERE." My instructor looked at him with a raised eyebrow like, "You screwed up dude....." other than that, I have always been treated with the utmost respect; it's quite nice.

There WAS this one time, that I wouldn't blame the guy for… I guess it was his natural reaction?? We were just done drilling techniques.. then the instructor told us to start sparring with the same partner. As I began to roll with this young guy, white belt, in my guard, I began to feel something a little funny. I kept trying to suck him in for a finish, and he kept pulling away... well it was no wonder... he did the right thing for two reasons... his jimmy seemed to have awoken... so I had to finish his subconcious thoughts with a quick armbar, and looked to the instructor to change partners... wierd, but funny, and quite embarrassing for the guy. I'm sure he quit after that day.

Ever break any arms/legs or choke anybody out?

I have popped 2 fankles.. feet ankles?? lol.. and popped 3 arms.. during training..
I finish 98% of my fights via sub, so they tap before anyone gets put to sleep...
OH yeah, I put Marcos Avellan to sleep once cuz he didn't believe I could, cuz no one ever has before.. Grinhe was in disbelief, and has had a special respect for me since..lol

What do you make of the double standard between male and female grapplers? I mean it’s not very often that you hear ANY male grappler’s sex life brought up on the internet.

It's not just a double standard between male and female "grapplers".. it's a double standard ingeneral. what I make of it, is that it's bullsh*t....

Zmieniony przez - Boruta w dniu 2005-02-24 15:25:18
Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 53 Napisanych postów 11379 Wiek 38 lat Na forum 22 lat Przeczytanych tematów 47331
jaki pedal ?

Były moderator w Stylach Tradycyjnych Uderzanych i MMA oraz byly czlonek "Elity"

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Szacuny 11150 Napisanych postów 51589 Wiek 31 lat Na forum 24 lat Przeczytanych tematów 57816
Pedalada a nie zaden pedal.
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Szacuny 0 Napisanych postów 96 Na forum 20 lat Przeczytanych tematów 1731
Dostać takim obcasem
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no nazywa sie dziwnie ale wyglada calkiem calkiem jak sie domyslam na solo nie mial by mz nia szans ?
bjj trenuje?

Były moderator w Stylach Tradycyjnych Uderzanych i MMA oraz byly czlonek "Elity"

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te panie już nie powinny pić

skumulowałem w sobie całą energię i zaj***** mu z całej siły

bramkarz jednej z łódzkich dyskotek

Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 11150 Napisanych postów 51589 Wiek 31 lat Na forum 24 lat Przeczytanych tematów 57816
Obawiam sie ze nie mialbys. Gazzy Parman to jedna z najlepszych zawodniczek Bjj.
Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 53 Napisanych postów 11379 Wiek 38 lat Na forum 22 lat Przeczytanych tematów 47331
jak to przeciez moje kung fu jest lepsze od jej kung fu ??

Były moderator w Stylach Tradycyjnych Uderzanych i MMA oraz byly czlonek "Elity"

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Szacuny 11150 Napisanych postów 51589 Wiek 31 lat Na forum 24 lat Przeczytanych tematów 57816
Twoje kung-fu byc moze. Ale ona moglaby nie zwracac uwagi na tego typu subtelnosci. BTW podczas najblizszych mistrzostw swiata Sw, jesli faktycznie dojdzie do rozegrania kategorii kobiecej, to mysle, ze walki Gazzy beda dla mnie najciekawsze po walkach Martcello Garcii.
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Pocwiczyl bym z nia...parter


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Nie ty jeden, staruszku, nie ty jeden...
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