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Szacuny 19 Napisanych postów 4869 Na forum 22 lat Przeczytanych tematów 42946
Moze poszukaj na poczatek to - Zgliczynski S, Ossowski M, Slowinska-Srednicka J, et al. Effect of testosterone replacement therapy on lipids and lipoproteins in hypogonadal and elderly men. Atherosclerosis 1996;121(1):35-43.
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Szacuny 19 Napisanych postów 4869 Na forum 22 lat Przeczytanych tematów 42946
A zreszta wysle ci troche teraz, sorka ale tlumaczyc nie bede, zreszta ty "studiujesz" to ci chyba tlumaczenie jest niepotrzebne.

The Positive Effects of Testosterone on the Heart by Doug Kalman MS, RD

Over the years we've all heard the repeated mantra that anabolic steroids are bad for the heart. Some physicians will tell you that gear raises your risk of heart disease by lowering your good cholesterol (HDL) and raising your bad cholesterol (LDL). In fact, as some docs will tell you, steroids are known to even induce cardiac hypertrophy (enlargement of the heart). And since you can't flex your heart in an effort to woo women, who'd want that? But, as in every story, there's more than one side. In fact, let it be said, the dangers of steroids are overstated and, hold onto your seats, may even be good for the heart. Let's examine some of the scientific studies on the positive effects of Testosterone on the heart.

What are the cardiovascular effects of steroids?

Cardiologists at the Royal Prince Alfred Hospital in Australia recruited both juicing and non-juicing bodybuilders for a study. Each bodybuilder had various aspects of the heart measured (carotid intima-media thickness, arterial reactivity, left ventricular dimensions, etc.). These measurements indicate whether bodybuilding, steroid usage or both affect the function, size, shape and activity of the heart. The doctors found some obvious and not so obvious results. Predictably, those bodybuilders who used steroids were physically stronger than those who didn't. What was surprising was that the use of steroids was not found to cause any significant changes or abnormalities of arterial structure or function. In essence, when the bodybuilders (both groups) were compared with sedentary controls, any changes in heart function were common to bodybuilders. The take home message from this study is that bodybuilding itself can alter (not impair) arterial structure/function and that steroids do not appear to impair cardiac function. (1)
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Szacuny 19 Napisanych postów 4869 Na forum 22 lat Przeczytanych tematów 42946
Does MRFIT need a T boost?
A famous cardiac study was published about 10 years ago. It soon became on ongoing study known as the Multiple Risk
Factor Intervention Trial (MRFIT). The present study examined changes in Testosterone over 13 years in 66 men aged 41 to 61 years. The researchers determined if changes in total Testosterone are related to cardiovascular disease risk factors. The average Testosterone levels at the beginning of the study were 751 ng/dl and decreased by 41 ng/dl. Men who smoked or exhibited Type A behavior were found to have even greater decreases in T levels. The change in Testosterone was also associated with an increase in triglyceride levels and a decrease in the good cholesterol (HDL). The authors concluded that decreases in Testosterone levels as observed in men over time are associated with unfavorable heart disease risk. (2) Sounds to me like a good reason to get T support/replacement therapy in the middle age years!In a similar study, researchers in Poland examined if Testosterone replacement therapy in aging men positively effected heart disease risk factors. Twenty-two men with low T levels received 200 mg of Testosterone enanthate every other week for one year. Throughout treatment, Testosterone, estradiol, total cholesterol, HDL and LDL were measured. The researchers determined that T replacement returned both Testosterone and estradiol levels back to normal and acceptable levels. They also found that T replacement lowered cholesterol and LDL (the bad cholesterol) without altering HDL (the good cholesterol). Furthermore, there was no change in prostate function or size. The take home message from this study is that T replacement doesn't appear to raise heart disease risk and it may actually lower your risk. (3) It appears that more physicians should be prescribing low dose Testosterone to middle age and aging men for both libido, muscle tone and for cardiac reasons
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What about younger men?
It's been long established that men have a higher risk of heart disease. One of the risk factors implicated is Testosterone. Reportedly, the recreational use of Testosterone can alter lipoprotein levels and, in fact, case reports exist describing bodybuilders who've abused steroids and have experienced heart disease or even sudden death. But the question remains, is the causal association one of truth or just an association? To answer this, researchers at the University of North Texas recruited twelve competitive bodybuilders for a comprehensive evaluation of the cardiovascular effects of steroids. Six heavyweight steroid-using bodybuilders were compared with six heavyweight drug-free bodybuilders. As expected, the heavy steroid users had lower total cholesterol and HDL levels as compared to the drug-free athletes. What was unexpected was that the steroid users also had significantly lower LDL (the bad cholesterol) and triglyceride levels as compared to the non-steroid users. In addition, the juicers also had lower apolipoprotein B levels (a marker for heart disease risk). Thus, the authors concluded that androgens do not appear to raise the risk of cardiovascular disease. (4) The take home message from this study is that the negative cardiac side effects of steroids are most likely overstated.In a little more progressive study, researchers at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in the Boogie Down Bronx (the BDB to those in the know) examined Testosterone as a possible therapy for cardiovascular disease. (5) The researchers note that T can be given in oral, injectable, pellet and transdermal delivery forms. It's noted that injections of Testosterone (100 to 200 mg every two weeks) in men with low levels of T will decrease total cholesterol and LDL while raising the HDL. In fact, Testosterone therapy has been found to have antianginal effects (reduces chest pain). Low levels of Testosterone are also correlated with high blood pressure, specifically high systolic pressure. The researchers determined that returning T levels back to normal and even high-normal levels have positive cardiovascular effects and should be considered as an adjunctive treatment for maintaining muscle mass when someone has congestive heart failure.
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Szacuny 19 Napisanych postów 4869 Na forum 22 lat Przeczytanych tematów 42946
Putting it all together
Strong research demonstrates that the risks of negative cardiovascular effects of steroids are overstated. In fact, a recent paper published in the Canadian Journal of Applied Physiology questioned the whole risk of using steroids. (6) Joey Antonio, Ph.D. and Chris Street MS, CSCS published strong data showing that the risks of steroid use are largely exaggerated, much like scare tactics used by your parents while you were a kid. Of course, it goes unsaid that abuse of anything will lead to unwanted consequences. We know that as we age, circulating Testosterone levels naturally decrease. For most people the Testosterone decrease goes from high-normal to mid to low normal. Data shows that there's an inverse relationship between T levels and blood pressure as well as abdominal obesity (that paunch we see on so many middle age males). Testosterone replacement lowers abdominal obesity and restores Testosterone back to normal levels. Restored Testosterone is correlated with better mood, better muscle tone, stronger sex drive, lower cardiovascular disease risks, stronger bones and better memory. It's important to note that while conservative use gives a pronounced positive health benefit, higher doses may not necessarily lead to further health benefits.
If you see your body composition changing (your gut starts looking like your Uncle Lester's), your strength or muscle tone diminishing despite your hard training and good diet, and your sex drive not matching up to TC's columns, have your Testosterone levels checked. The acceptable normal range for Testosterone to physicians is 300 mg/dl to 1100 mg/dl. Yes, that's a pretty wide range. In the clinic, we see people with the complaints consistent with "andropause" (a term for male menopause) and/or increased cardiovascular risk having Testosterone levels between 300 mg/dl and 550 mg/dl. Bringing it up to the mid to high-normal level is what gives the health and "youthful" benefits. Traditionally 200 mg/dl of supplemental Testosterone given every one to two weeks improves body composition, lowers total cholesterol and LDL, while raising HDL. It appears that supplemental T is a healthier and safer way to go than many of the drugs used to treat poor lipid profiles. The data presented in this article applies for males over 35, not those who are 18. If you think that you can benefit from Testosterone therapy look for physicians who market themselves as "anti-aging" or "longevity physicians" as well as the more progressive endocrinologists or cardiologists.Long story short, used intelligently, Testosterone is good medicine!About the author: Douglas S. Kalman MS, RD is a Director for Miami Research Associates (MiamiResearch.com) a leading pharmaceutical and nutrition research organization in Miami, Florida. Doug is also a national spokesperson for the American College of Sports Medicine and according to his latest test has high T levels. Doug can be reached at [email protected].

References:1) Sader MA, Griffiths KA, McCredie RJ, et al. Androgenic anabolic steroids and arterial structure and function in male bodybuilders. J Am Coll Cardiol 2001;37(1):224-230.2) Zmuda JM, Cauley JA, Kriska A, et al. Longitudinal relation between endogenous testosterone and cardiovascular disease risk factors in middle aged men. A 13 year follow-up of former Multiple Risk Factor Intervention Trial participants. Am J Epidemiol 1997;146(8):609-617.3) Zgliczynski S, Ossowski M, Slowinska-Srednicka J, et al. Effect of testosterone replacement therapy on lipids and lipoproteins in hypogonadal and elderly men. Atherosclerosis 1996;121(1):35-43.4) Diekerman RD, McConathy WJ, Zachariah NY. Testosterone, sex hormone-binding globulin, lipoproteins and vascular disease risk. J Cardiovasc Risk 1997;4(5-6):363-366.5) Shapiro J, Christiana J, Frishman WH. Testosterone and other anabolic steroids as cardiovascular drugs. Am J Ther 1999;6(3):167-174.6) Antonio J, Street C. Androgen use by athletes: A reevaluation of the health risks. Can J Appl Physiol 1996;21(6):421-440.#

Zmieniony przez - lifter w dniu 2002-04-20 02:35:10
Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 19 Napisanych postów 4869 Na forum 22 lat Przeczytanych tematów 42946
Mam nadzieje ze to w jakims stopniu da ci do myslenia .
Oczywista sprawa jest ze SA niewolno naduzywac a w szczegolnosci nie uzywac ich bedac nastolatkiem itp.
Wszytko trzeba robic z umiarem i przedewszystkim trzeba najpierw wiedziec co i jak.
A w ogole to ide spac i pogadamy jutro
Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 500 Napisanych postów 9533 Wiek 44 lat Na forum 22 lat Przeczytanych tematów 18704
co do ostatniej wypowiedzi masz calkowita racje
co do tego co mi wyslales - na razie przejrzalem - pozniej sie w to bardziej zaglebie
pamietaj jednak iz sa ludzie ,ktorym zalezy na tuszowaniu niektorych spraw -tak to w swiecie lekow bywa --interes to interes-- mozesz mi powiedziec jakie sa zrodla tych publikacji - na pewno wiesz ze to co czytales o wplywie na serce moze nie byc prawda--zalezy w co sie wierzy --ja wybralem droge bardziej sceptyczna :)

a poza tym to juz kiedys jak sie nie myle na temat SA dyskutowalismy -nie mieszkales czasem na ratajach --

Hard Core Straight Edge

Hard Core Straight Edge
"Blood and Guts bro , thats the way it goes !!" - lifter ?

Nie dyskutuj z d****em. Najpierw sprowadzi Cię do swojego poziomu a potem pokona doświadczeniem.

Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 19 Napisanych postów 4869 Na forum 22 lat Przeczytanych tematów 42946
No dyskutowalismy juz na temat SA,wypowiedz na ten temat jest sciagnieta z Californijskiego Instytutu medycyny sportowej.
Nikt nie zaprzecza ze koksy moga miec wplyw na stan serca ale nie jako glowny czynnik.
Na to sklada siw wiele rzeczy a nie tylko koks.
Niesli ktos naduzywa koksu w powazny sposob i sie nie zabezpiecza to igra z ogniem ale nie ma co przesadzac koksy to nie trucizna.
Jesli chodzi o polskich lekarzy to wiekszosc woli straszyc niz dopomoc ale juz powoli to sie zaczyna zmieniac.
Znam osobiscie dwoch docow jednego z Poznania a drugiego z Rudy ktorzy sami koksoja i z checia pomagaja innym kontrolowac stan zdrowia na cyklach.
Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 500 Napisanych postów 9533 Wiek 44 lat Na forum 22 lat Przeczytanych tematów 18704
no to co teraz mowisz BARDZIEJ mi sie PODOBA :)
-oczywiscie ze moze - ale jak wiadomo nie wszystko dziala tak samo na kazdego (np alkochol czy chociaz glupia dieta - jeden tyje drugi chudnie) Mi zalezy glownie na przestrodze (steroidy to silne srodki - a kontrola nad nimi moze wymknac sie nawet lekarzowi ... ) taki mechanizm dzialania jest mozliwy wiec jesli kom. miesnia sercowego beda na sa wrazliwe to wiadomo co sie stanie , takze-jak mi sie wydaje-na cyklu wzrasta cisnienie(moze sie myle!)
co do koxujacych lekarzy to znam jednego ktory nie koxuje i wyciska okolo 150-160 ;) (moze tez tak kiedys bede heh )
bardzo cie pozdrawiam (fajnie by bylo jak bys mi adresy stron (np tych z ktorych wzieles te info podal )
-za twoja ostatnia wypowiedz ...masz gwiazdke wiecej ;)
jeszcze raz pozdrawiam

Hard Core Straight Edge

Hard Core Straight Edge
"Blood and Guts bro , thats the way it goes !!" - lifter ?

Nie dyskutuj z d****em. Najpierw sprowadzi Cię do swojego poziomu a potem pokona doświadczeniem.

Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 9 Napisanych postów 1549 Na forum 22 lat Przeczytanych tematów 9462
Sorry chlopaki ale popre Boofiego. To lekarze maja wiedze i wiedza najlepiej co mozna co nie i jakie koksy daja skutki uboczne. To oni je "produkuja" i testuja. Nie mowie o lekarzach typu pediatra ktory ma jakies pojecie na ten temat, tylko o tych ktorzy sie naprawde tym interesuja (np. Ed) ale maja PODSTAWY by zrozumiec dzialanie koksow (znja sie dokladnie na fizjologi itp.) lub o osobach ktore sa w tej dziedzinie expertami, ktorzy badaja dzialanie koksu, wydaja publikacje itp. Trudno zeby sportowiec wiedzial wiecej od lekarza. To stwierdzenie jest akurat smieszne. Tak jak napisalem moze osoba ktora sie z tym zetknela na studiach i to wszystko ale nie ludzie ktorzy nad tym pracuja latami.


Zmieniony przez - WEBADI w dniu 2002-04-21 11:33:07
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