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Trening w domu

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Biniu a organizm po treningu w ogole nie korzysta z tkanki tluszczowej ? tylko z miesni ?
Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 90 Napisanych postów 17398 Na forum 21 lat Przeczytanych tematów 79160
Biniu nie jestem ale moze sprobuje po treningu najwazniejsze dla organizmu staje sie odbudowanie "zniszczonych" wlokien miesniowych oraz uzupelnienie zapasow glikogenu utraconego podczas treningu. Z tluszczu wewnatrzustrojowego nie odzyska aminokwasow potrzebnych do budowy utraconych wlokien ani nie zdobedzie glikogenu tak bardzo mu potrzebnego dlatego te skladniki musiz dostarzyc z zewnatrz.

hehehe HST zmienilo moje spojrzenie na swiat
Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 90 Napisanych postów 17398 Na forum 21 lat Przeczytanych tematów 79160
a nawiasem mowiac - Biniowi - ktory mowiac ze silownia jest swietnym spalaczem tluszczu - chodzilo chyba o to, ze na silowni spalasz kalorii dosyc - a spalajac wiecej niz dostarczasz - zawsze bedziesz chudl (z tym ze nie zawsze tak jak chesz :) - oraz to ze im wiecej miesni znajduje sie w organizmie tym szybsza przemiana materii - tym szybciej i latwiej spalasz tluszcz ale Biniem jak juz mowilem nie jestem i przepraszam jezeli wypowiadam sie w Twoim imieniu :DD

hehehe HST zmienilo moje spojrzenie na swiat
Zgłoś naruszenie
Biniu Moderator
Szacuny 251 Napisanych postów 41358 Wiek 52 lat Na forum 22 lat Przeczytanych tematów 126211
po treningu w ogole nie korzysta z tkanki tluszczowej ? tylko z miesni ?

nie mozesz patrzec na organizm po treningu w prozni

First, you will begin to burn whatever fuel is required from within the cell. Usually glycogen, free fatty acids, and some intracellular fat. Glucose will emediately begin to be taken up from the blood and burned (non-insulin dependant glucose uptake). The exercise itself will cause a rise in catecholamines (norepinephrine & epinephrine), which will be followed by an increase in the release of glucose (from glycogen and gluconeogenesis) from the liver, as well as an increase in blood free fatty acids from adipocytes (both visceral and subcutaneous).
The false belief that anything less than 30 minutes of cardio is worthless comes from a misunderstanding of the implications of blood levels of glucose and free fatty acids over the first 30 minutes of a cardio session. Over the first 30 minutes, serum levels of glucose will drop as serum levels of free fatty acids rise (see above). At the end of 30 minutes blood glucose is pretty low (but stable) and FFAs are pretty high. This has been misinterpreted by "trainers" as meaning that only then does fat burning begin. Their wrong, but this is not surprising considering that you don't have to know anything about the "body" to be a personal trainer. You only have to know about how to do different exercises.

Pytaj gdy uslyszales za malo!!

Fakty, nie mity
'Alternatywna Droga'
Zgłoś naruszenie
Biniu Moderator
Szacuny 251 Napisanych postów 41358 Wiek 52 lat Na forum 22 lat Przeczytanych tematów 126211
kanarek celne uwagi THX

Pytaj gdy uslyszales za malo!!

Fakty, nie mity
'Alternatywna Droga'
Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 3 Napisanych postów 265 Na forum 21 lat Przeczytanych tematów 4560
dziekuje za pomoc, Sogi polecialy juz wczesniej... Jednego tylko nie rozumiem Biniu, bo wkleiles mi tekst o spalaniu kalorii podczas aerobow a mi chodzilo o spalaniu tluszczu po silowni kiedy organizm potrzebuje sie zregenerowac przez co wykazuje zwiekszone zapotrzebowanie na kalorie... ale jak napisal kolega spalamy wtedy tylko miesnie, bez tluszczu, dobrze zrozumialem ?

Empty your mind, be formless, shapeless...like water. You put water into a cup, it becomes a cup. You put water into a bottle, it becomes a bottle. You put in a tea pot, it becomes a tea pot. Now water can flow, or it can crash. Be water my friend.
Zgłoś naruszenie
Biniu Moderator
Szacuny 251 Napisanych postów 41358 Wiek 52 lat Na forum 22 lat Przeczytanych tematów 126211
nie wdaja sie w dyskusje co jest spalane wpierw po treningu ponizej masz podsumowanie treningu aerobowego i anerobowego jesli chodzi o spalanie tluszczu autorstwa Lyle McDonalda

First and foremost, on average, the caloric burn from any type of exercise
during the exercise bout itself is fairly minimal. Again, that's on
average. If you're looking at elite athletes, this doesn't hold. But for
the average person doing the average training sessions, the caloric burn
from cardio vs. weight training is fairly small compared to total energy
expenditures (why the thermic effect of activity only contributes 10-25% of

So let's say we have someone burning 300 calories with aerobics (30' of
moderate intensity) with 300 calories of weight training (roughly the same
time frame believe it or not). Since the caloric expenditure is small, you
have to look at other indirect effects of the activity to decide which is
better for fat loss. It should be obvious that comparing some rediculous
amount of aerobics (i.e. Mr. Retard and his Tour De France example) to
average weight training is absurd so I'll only consider that case.

Effect on resting metabolic rate:
Aerobic exercise: studies are conflicting in this regards, some studies show
a slight increases in resting metabolic rate with regular aerobic exercise,
others do not.
Weight training: consistently it has been shown that adding muscle mass
increases resting metabolic rate, which makes sense based on the physiology.
Aerobic exercise will only increase muscle mass in very untrained
individuals and/or those doing very high intensity activity.

Winner in terms of fat loss: weight training.

Effect on post-workout energy expenditure:
Aerobic exercise: small to negliglbe for the types of activity I described
above. Unless you're hammering for 2 hours until exhaustion, you can
discount any post-exercise calorie burn from aerobics.
Weight training: can be meaningful, up to 24 hours, reflecting the energy
cost of repairing damaged muscle and/or building new muscle. And refilling
used energy stores (converting incoming glucose to glycogen).

Winner in terms of fat loss: weight training.

Fuel use during activity
Aerobic exercise: yes, the 300 calories aerobic exercise will 'burn more
fat', and some glycogen (depends on intensity)
Weight training: can only use glycogen for fuel

If you think that burning fat during exercise matters for fat loss (hint: it
doesn't), aerobics is the winner in terms of fat loss here.

Effects on fuel use at times other than exercise:
Depletion of glycogen with exercise clearly increases fuel use for the rest
of the day.
Aerobic exericse: unless you deplete muscle glycogen (and aerobics will only
deplete glycogen in the trained muscles anyhow, typically the legs) with
aerobics, there will only be a small effect on overall fuel use for the rest
of the day.
Weight training: depletes glycogen (and can do so in the entire body far
more effectively than most forms of cardio)

Winner in terms of fat loss: weight training.
Note: depleting of muscle glycogen also increases insulin sensitivity so
more depletion from weight training may be superior. This may be balanced
by the damage caused by training, which decreases insulin sensitivity when
soreness sets in.

Effects on fat oxidation capacity (enzmyes, etc):
Aerobic exercise: known to induce increases in the fat oxidation capacity of
the muscle (which can become the limiting factor in some circumstances)
Weight trainining: can be similar with high-rep, low rest period types of
training, not with powerlifting types of training.

Winner in terms of fat loss: unless you have the capacity to do high-rep,
low-rest period weight training, aerobics is the clear winner here.

The bottom line: ideally, both aerobics and weight training should be part
of an exercise program. But based on considerations other than just the
energy cost (and fuel use) of the exercise bout itself, which is actually
pretty insignificant in most cases, weight training is the clearly superior
form of exercise (i.e. if you could only do one type of exercise along with
dietary mods, weight training would be the better choice).

http://groups.google.com/[email protected]&oe=UTF-8&output=gplain

Pytaj gdy uslyszales za malo!!

Fakty, nie mity
'Alternatywna Droga'
Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 90 Napisanych postów 17398 Na forum 21 lat Przeczytanych tematów 79160
i wszystko wiadomo )

hehehe HST zmienilo moje spojrzenie na swiat
Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 3 Napisanych postów 265 Na forum 21 lat Przeczytanych tematów 4560
jeszcze raz dzieki

Empty your mind, be formless, shapeless...like water. You put water into a cup, it becomes a cup. You put water into a bottle, it becomes a bottle. You put in a tea pot, it becomes a tea pot. Now water can flow, or it can crash. Be water my friend.
Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 17 Napisanych postów 520 Na forum 21 lat Przeczytanych tematów 9935
Bieniu ja mam takie pytanko.Czy metabolizm się niespowolni jesli np bedziemy jesc 1 posilek dziennie...ALE!zawierajacy dzinne zpaotzrebowanie kcl a nawet wiecej i to na sniadanie????????????

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