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Szacuny 11149 Napisanych postów 51567 Wiek 31 lat Na forum 24 lat Przeczytanych tematów 57816

Wydaje mi sie, ze Chan chetnie by z Toba zawalczyl i wiesz co? - Twoje obrazenia po tym starciu bylyby o wiele powazniejsze niz rzekomo zlamana reka w jakiejs zmontowanej propagandowej scence.
Ciekawe jakim bylbys madrala gdybysmy wszyscy spotkali sie "na zywo"...


kompletna sztuka walki
Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 11149 Napisanych postów 51567 Wiek 31 lat Na forum 24 lat Przeczytanych tematów 57816
MRad dlaczego klamiesz ze walka byla nieprawdziwa?????:(

Moze jeszcze ktos zacznie rozsiewac klamstwa ze np.walki Royca czy innych zawodnikow w ufc i prywatnych walkach tez byly "zmontowane"?:(

Wiecej uczciwosci sie spodziewalem po Tobie MRad:(
(rozumiem jakby Vasyl z czyms takim wyskoczyl ale...)

Mimo wszystko pozdrawiam.

Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 11149 Napisanych postów 51567 Wiek 31 lat Na forum 24 lat Przeczytanych tematów 57816
Oj nurek, nurek :(

Przeciez to Ty napisales ta historyjke, nie ja - wiec to Ty mozesz klamac lub nie, nie ja. Ja tylko moge wyrazic swoja opinie, co zrobilem.
Kometarza nie postrzega sie jako klamstwa lub prawdy, to jest wylacznie sybiektywna opinia.

Zanim zaczniesz kogokolwiek posadzac o klamstwo naucz sie chlopie kanonow wymiany pogladow i prowadzenia dyskusji.
Pozniej zabieraj sie za komentarz moich postow.


kompletna sztuka walki
Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 11149 Napisanych postów 51567 Wiek 31 lat Na forum 24 lat Przeczytanych tematów 57816
Moze byscie panowie zamiast opowiadac kto co z kim by zrobil sami sprobowali? Latwo jest sie chowac za czyimis plecami.
MRad, dlaczego twierdzisz ze to "zmontowana propagandowa scenka"?
Nurek, mozesz podac skad czerpales te informacje?
A ponizej macie kolejna propagandowa opowiastke. tym razem z Black belta:
by Scot Conway

Most people in the martial arts community are familiar by now with the Gracie jujitsu challenge: the Gracie brothers have offered to take on all comers to demonstrate the effectiveness of their Brazilian jujitsu. Rorion Gracie, the head instructor at the Torrance, California, Gracie Jujitsu Academy, notes that the challenge has been open for over half a century, and that Gracie jujitsu stands virtually undefeated. The terms of engagement are simple: one on one, no weapons, no eye gouges, and no groin strikes. There is some latitude for negotiation, as long as the adjustments in terms are reasonable.
As a former student of kara-ho kempo instructor Sam Kuoha, I was satisfied with the street effectiveness of kempo karate, yet I wondered how my style would stack up against a skilled grappler. One thing about grapplers: if they are really good, you have no choice but to play their game. Most punches and all kicks require a certain amount of space to execute properly. If a grappler successfully closes the distance and starts wrestling with you, an arsenal of punches and kicks is suddenly useless. A good combat grappler simply will not leave himself open for striking maneuvers.
Although a black belt in kempo, I knew my grappling skills were marginal. I wanted to learn more on the subject, and what better way to do so than to accept the Gracie challenge?
My intent was not to beat the Gracies; after all, if no one else had defeated them in 50-plus years, I shouldn't expect to be the first. I simply wanted to learn more about their style. I didn't want theory, I wanted application. I didn't want competition jujitsu, I wanted street grappling. And I felt the best way to get such information was to fight a grappler. And if you're going to fight a grappler, why not fight the best? So I telephoned the Gracie Academy to set up a match, and they accepted.
Many people have leveled criticism at the Gracies, calling their challenge arrogant, but in the conversations leading up to my scheduled contest, Rorion Gracie was always courteous and polite. He had the tone of man who was very confident. Some might interpret his manner as condescending, but when you're undefeated, confidence can come across that way. He was always very respectful toward me, and very businesslike. Rorion impressed me as a man who was concerned about the self-defense quality of martial arts. Both of us believed that many self-defense applications taught in martial arts schools today are just theory, and all too often fail when the student needs them the most.
The day of the match soon rolled around, and 1, along with two of my students, drove up from San Diego to the Gracie Academy in Torrance. I would be facing not Rorion, but his 25-year-old brother Royler, who was five-foot-nine, weighed 140 pounds, was a third-degree black belt in jujitsu, and was "born on the mat," according to Rorion. I too am five-foot-nine, but I am only a first-degree black belt and gave away several years in experience to my adversary. But I weighed in at 165 pounds-25 more than Royler, so I was still enthusiastic as I stepped out on the mat and the fight began.
Royler made the first move, but I didn't respond immediately. I waited until the moment I thought I would have had the legal right of self-defense if the bout had taken place on the street. By then, it was too late. Royler got on my back, locked himself in, and started pummeling me. I managed a groin grab, but anyone with street fighting experience knows that adrenaline will allow a fighter to ignore the effects of even such a damaging move until after the bout. The pain the opponent experiences can even become a motivating force, driving the attacker on to even greater violence.

The Fight

I tried to find a way out of the hold, but found that my grappling skills were not up to the task. Royler, meanwhile, continued to pummel my head. He could not hit especially hard while maintaining his grip, and I thought I could probably take several minutes of the pounding before slipping into unconsciousness. But since Royler had me in a hold, he could take as long as he needed. So I called the fight, and gave round one to Gracie jujitsu.
As my students tended to my injuries. I had time to reflect on the bout. My conclusion: you can't wait very long to counter if your opponent knows how to grapple.
After a few minutes, I decided to have another go at it. Realizing that I wouldn't be able to escape once Royler had me in a good hold, I decided I would call the second fight if and when a hold was locked in. This time I took a slightly more aggressive posture and tried to fend off Royler's advance with a low side kick. It worked . . . for about half a second. Royler moved in just as I rechambered the leg and, before I could throw another technique, I was grabbed again. This time, however, I managed to catch Royler in a more vulnerable position and my heel struck him hard twice on the back. I attempted a scissors lock, but Royler escaped and once again climbed on my back. I took one hit and called the bout. Royler was visibly upset, but honored the terms of the contest and halted his attack. Game, set and match to Gracie jujitsu.
Both bouts were very short: the first lasted about 45 seconds and the second was over in approximately half a minute. If they had been real fights and had been allowed to reach a natural conclusion, I almost cer- tainly would have been pummeled into unconsciousness; Royler had me at his mercy.
Weeks later, I was still wondering if I had taken the right approach to the match. After all, there were a number of techniques in my kempo arsenal that I had never considered using: joint- and neck-breaking maneuvers, groin smashes, and a host of other potentially d****itating moves. The problem is, how can you justify severely injuring someone who is just wrestling with you? If such dangerous techniques had been successfully applied, I would likely be sitting in a California prison, serving time for aggravated assault. Deep down, I do not really believe that many of the aforementioned techniques could have been successfully applied against Royler. While some options do appear available to me on the videotape of the match, the dynamics of the actual fight prevented them.
I came to several conclusions after the match. First, you can't rely on striking techniques against a good grappler-not if you intend to fight within the bounds of the law. Second, if you wait until a grappler has done enough to warrant the legal use of self-defense, it will probably be too late to strike back effectively. And third, if you hope to legally defeat a grappler, you had better be skilled in the art of grappling.
Many in the martial arts community speak of what they would do if pitted against the Gracie brothers. Most of these individuals generally claim superiority over the Gracie technique-and perhaps they could defeat the Gracies in a match. But until they have actually stepped onto the mat with one of the Gracies and proven their point, it's all simply idle chatter. For one on one fighting without weapons, I discovered that Gracie jujitsu is tough to beat.
I will forever be remembered as a man who once fought Royler Gracie, and lost. But what I won was far more important. I won knowledge, experience and insight. And for a martial arts instructor, that is victory enough.

Pawel Ziolkowski

Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 11149 Napisanych postów 51567 Wiek 31 lat Na forum 24 lat Przeczytanych tematów 57816

The aftermath: Student Debora Hicks tends to Scot Conway's bruised eye after the latter had surrendered in his challenge match against jujitsu stylist Royler Gracie. Conway was not seriously hurt.

Pawel Ziolkowski

Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 11149 Napisanych postów 51567 Wiek 31 lat Na forum 24 lat Przeczytanych tematów 57816

Kempo karate stylist Scot Conway (above right) shakes hands with his opponent, jujitsu stylist Royler Gracie, prior to their two-bout challenge match. Conway lost both rounds

Pawel Ziolkowski

Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 11149 Napisanych postów 51567 Wiek 31 lat Na forum 24 lat Przeczytanych tematów 57816
Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 11149 Napisanych postów 51567 Wiek 31 lat Na forum 24 lat Przeczytanych tematów 57816

A jak ktos wrzuca tutaj kilkanascie tandetnych obrazkow z czymstam i zachwyca sie ty jako dowodem wyzszosci bjj nad kung fu to nie jest to propaganda? Takie historyjki to sobie opowiadaja dzieci w przedszkolu.

A to o chowaniu sie za plecami to chyba nie bylo do mnie, co? Ja sie bynajmniej za nikim nie chowam.

A na deser propagandowy cytat, rowniez z Black Belt:

"... In fact, Royse Gracie, the three-time winner of the UFC, says the UFC is a 'piece of cake' compared to this (World Shidokan International Open)..."


kompletna sztuka walki
Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 11149 Napisanych postów 51567 Wiek 31 lat Na forum 24 lat Przeczytanych tematów 57816

Czy podawanie w tv ze Malysz przeskoczyl Scmidta to propaganda czy informacja. A obrazki sa tandetne bo robione z kamery.
Za plecami chowa sie kolega Vasyl. I to bynajmniej nie pierwszy raz.
Co zas sie cytatow tyczy, to nie bede zlosliwy i nie zacytuje niejakiego MRada ktory twierdzil na CzP ze knocdown w porownaniu do UFC to 'piece of cake' [

Pawel Ziolkowski

Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 11149 Napisanych postów 51567 Wiek 31 lat Na forum 24 lat Przeczytanych tematów 57816

Ty zlosliwy? To przeciez nie do pomyslenia! :)

A propos cytatu to niejaki MRad zapewne wiedzial co mowi jezeli chodzi o knockdown i pewno nadal tak uwaza. :)


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