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Szacuny 400 Napisanych postów 15594 Na forum 22 lat Przeczytanych tematów 91830
jednym slowem WYPAS!!!!!

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Szacuny 21 Napisanych postów 4247 Na forum 22 lat Przeczytanych tematów 28873
http://www.k-1gp.com  - oficialna strona calych zawodow
http://www.k-1usa.net  - pod oddzial Usa
Bo jak wiece - nim ktos przejdzie do grand prix to musi wygrac w swoim oddziale :)

Kto na ulicy raz porzadnie nie dostanie - ten sie nigdy wszystkiego porzadnie nie nauczy
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Szacuny 21 Napisanych postów 4247 Na forum 22 lat Przeczytanych tematów 28873
Grand Prix 2001 - Final
(Written by Monty DiPietro)

We could call it a "David and Goliath" story, if Mark Hunt were only smaller. We could call it a "Cinderella Story," if only Mark Hunt were a little better looking. So let's just term what happened at the K-1 World GP 2001 Final the "Changing of the Guard" -- one of those rare moments in time when an unknown beats the odds, wins hearts, and emerges a hero.

Everybody loves an underdog, and that's just what 27 year-old Mark Hunt was going into the K-1 Final. With fans, media, and celebrities from across Japan and around the world among the sell-out crowd of 65,000 at the Tokyo Dome, and millions more watching the action on television, the event was a success even before the lights went down and silver-haired Michael Buffer pronounced his trademark catchphrase, "Let's Get Ready to Rumble!" But what happened next was nothing short of spectacular, as Hunt plowed through the field of elite fighters to capture the martial arts world's most coveted crown.

In the tournament's first bout, three-time and defending K-1 World GP Champion Ernesto Hoost went in against K-1 Las Vegas Champion Stefan Leko of Germany. Hoost truly puts the 'art' in 'martial arts': total focus, no wasted energy, poetry in every move. Leko did manage to tag Hoost a couple of times, but the cool Dutchman fans call "Mr. Perfect" hardly appeared to break a sweat en route to his victory by unanimous decision.

Next it was Mark ("I've got nothing to lose") Hunt's turn. Having won the K-1 Fukuoka Tournament, Hunt did not necessarily have to square off against Jerome LeBanner in his first bout. When he elected to do so at the draw, his choice sent a ripple of surprise through the assembled media, who figured any smart fighter would opt to avoid the ferocious Frenchman, undefeated in the K-1 ring since 1999.
But on this day LeBanner did not come out looking for the quick knockout as he is wont to do, and the first round was a relatively tame affair. Wow, did things change in the second. Before the tournament a reporter had asked LeBanner, "What will you do if Hunt challenges you with no guard, as he did with Sefo?" LeBanner laughed off the suggestion, "Do you really think he would challenge me like that?" Well, Hunt did challenge LeBanner exactly like that. LeBanner came in with his fists and Hunt answered in kind, getting the better of it, and soon LeBanner was against the ropes. The roar of the crowd rose in a deafening crescendo as Hunt pummeled away mercilessly. A left, a right, a left, a right, and so on, until 16 unanswered blows later LeBanner crumpled down to the canvas in a bloodied heap. It was the biggest K-1 upset since Adam Watts, another Oceanic fighter, knocked out Mike Bernardo in Fukuoka. Must be all that Vegemite they eat Down Under.

Nicholas "The Blue-Eyed Samurai" Pettas brought a spirited effort to his dance with Alexy Ignashov, but the Belorussian's 15cm height advantage proved insurmountable. Early in the second round, "The Scorpion" showed why his knees are among the most feared weapons in the K-1 arsenal, coming quickly up and in on an out-of position Pettas to break the Kyokushin favorite's nose. Ouch.

Kyokushin's honor was somewhat redeemed in the last of the first-tier matchups when Brazilian Francisco Filho advanced to the semifinals after Peter Aerts' corner threw in the towel due to a severe foot injury. This was a tough break for the Dutch Lumberjack, who had been holding his own in the fight.

An ominous delay after the first tier of bouts ended with the unfortunate announcement that Hoost was unable to continue due to a badly swollen foot, an injury almost identical to that suffered by Aerts. Under K-1 tournament rules, Stefan Leko was substituted for Hoost and went in against Hunt in the first of the semifinals.

Despite having lost his first bout, Leko looked quite good when he stepped into the ring, and put up a solid technical fight. But what the stocky Hunt lacks in style, he more than makes up for with power and endurance. (Hunt boasted before the tournament, "Since I became a professional fighter, I've never gone down apart from the time I was hit by a car.") And this was to prove the difference between the combatants, as Hunt absorbed more than a few solid Leko punches, but kept on coming to score two downs and win by a unanimous decision, which advanced him to the final.

In the second of the semifinals, Ignashov and Filho both came out with hard low kicks, and looked about even after the first round. Things got scrappy in the second, with a maturing Ignashov effectively controlling the pace of the fight, taunting his opponent, even. But in the third round Filho brought his experience into play, connecting with enough dandy combinations to top Ignashov by a single point on each of the judges' cards and eke out the narrowest of unanimous decisions. Insiders were whispering among themselves, however, about the condition of Filho's battered legs -- would they be strong enough to carry him through in the final?

They were not, although judges did call for an extra round after Hunt and Filho fought an even bout. More than once, Filho the technician was seen to chuckle at Hunt's clumsy attempts at spinning kicks, but in the in the fourth round it was Hunt who got the last laugh. Much to the crowd's delight, Hunt put a fatigued Filho on the defensive, and finally mustered enough clout to stun the Brazilian with a barrage of punches from in close. That was all he needed to win by unanimous decision.

In the Reserve Fight, Mike Bernardo had to be looking for revenge against wiry Australian Adam Watt, whose right hook in Fukuoka cost the popular South African a spot among this year's Final Eight. Watt entered the ring looking a lot like he did in Fukuoka, relaxed, while Bernardo had nothing but determination in his eyes. Watt got fancy in the early going, keeping the boxing Bernardo at bay with front kicks and a number of spinning maneuvers. It was not until late in the third that Bernardo adjusted his style and turned things around, dropping Watt with a couple of low kicks to escape with a close but unanimous decision. In a Middleweight Superfight, Masato dispatched Noel Soarez of Cape Verde.

Mark Hunt, who becomes the first Oceanic K-1 World GP Champion, had this to say afterward: "Filho's kicks were hard and his punches were great, he bruised me up pretty bad, but I was able to keep on going to win." Where did the motivation come from? "Well, I guess I wanted all that money!" Besides taking the Championship and earning the respect of K-1 fans everywhere, Hunt pocketed a cool US$ 400,000 in prize money, which he plans to use to buy a house for his family

Kto na ulicy raz porzadnie nie dostanie - ten sie nigdy wszystkiego porzadnie nie nauczy
Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 11150 Napisanych postów 51595 Wiek 31 lat Na forum 24 lat Przeczytanych tematów 57816
ja jak sobie sparowalem bez ochraniaczy na stopy to 3 razy -czyli skutecznosc 100% skonczylo sie to krwiakiem wielkosci pilki do tenisa : ) i zastanawialem sie jak to jest u zawodnikow powiedzmy muay thai lub wlasnie K1, wczoraj taka sytuacja miala miejsce tylko raz... jak oni to robia?????????
Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 0 Napisanych postów 2 Na forum 22 lat Przeczytanych tematów 142
a w jakie dnie to leci i o ktorej ??????
Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 1 Napisanych postów 273 Na forum 22 lat Przeczytanych tematów 5843
Moglby ktos w duzym skrocie (kilka pkt.) napisac co glownie rozni K-1 od UFC/Pride i czy K-1 ma szanse w konfrontacji (ogladalnosc) z tymi zawodami?

"Grzeczni chłopcy ida do nieba. Niegrzeczni idą tam, gdzie chcą..."

Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 11150 Napisanych postów 51595 Wiek 31 lat Na forum 24 lat Przeczytanych tematów 57816
To ze to turniej uderzaczy a nie Vale Tudo.

Paweł Ziółkowski
Żiu-żitsu znaczy Miękka Sztuka, jesteśmy mięczakami którzy leją twardzieli.
Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 21 Napisanych postów 4247 Na forum 22 lat Przeczytanych tematów 28873
K1 - stojka - kopanie i duezanie - z tego co wiem zakazane sa glownie lokcie ale na podstawie moich obserwcji sa tam one czesto i gesto a tylko czasem sedzia mowi "bee"
UFC - walki bez regol .One daly booma na mma. Poczatkowa prawie wogole nie bylo regol, wag itp.Teraz sie to zmienilo, turniej swego czasu podupadl a teraz wraca z hukiem do lask. Rejon - ameryka.
PRIDE - japonski ekskluzywny turniej bez regol.W przeciwienstwei do jego poprzdnika odbywa sie na ringu (ale eliminacje sa w klatach twz pre-pride)
Wystaepuje tam glownie czolowka swiatowych zawodnikow. W chwili obecnej ma mniej regol niz UFC i jest bardziej szanowany min ze wzgledu na bardziej multinarodowa "spolecznosc" wystepujacac" niz w innych NHB.

K1 bedzie co tydzien o 21:45 na eurosporcie w wersji EUROPEJSKIEJ, wiec jesli odebierasz go na satelice to nie wybieraj tej brytolskiej.

A co do ogladalnosci? K1 ma ostatnio ogromny rozwoj, wszedl na rynek amerykanski, wszedzie go pelno. Zasada jest taka ze kazdy z 8 regionow krajow czlonkowskich ma swoje mistrzostwa i z nich wylaniany jest jeden jedyny.Nastepnie z kazdego regionu biroa tych jedynych i urzadzaja GRand Prix w Tokto dome co rok (to co ogladalismy wczoraj).
A co do ogladalnosci to nieslychanie wzrosnie bo jest ze free i ogolnie dostepna w europie.

Kto na ulicy raz porzadnie nie dostanie - ten sie nigdy wszystkiego porzadnie nie nauczy
Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 11150 Napisanych postów 51595 Wiek 31 lat Na forum 24 lat Przeczytanych tematów 57816
Sam pomysł puszczania czegoś takiego na EuroS. zasługuje na brawa. Walk nie oglądałem, ale mój brat tak i stwierdził tylko, że lipa była... Może z czasem będzie lepiej..
Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 11150 Napisanych postów 51595 Wiek 31 lat Na forum 24 lat Przeczytanych tematów 57816
a wiecie coś o powturce bo byłem w pracy?? pozdro


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