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Szacuny 17 Napisanych postów 650 Na forum 13 lat Przeczytanych tematów 21508
Widzac ciagle powtarzajace sie rozpiski PCT( choc ciezko to wszystko nazwac ''PCT'') powiedzialbym raczej WROZBY, postanowilem zalozyc ten temat aby kazdy mial rowne szanse zrobic to porzadnie. Dziwi mnie to ze tak sie dzieje gdyz sprawdzone schematy sa ogolno dostepne i potwierdzone badaniami klinicznymi (uwazam ze tylko cos potwierdzone badaniami jest prawdziwe, godne uwagi, reszta to wrozenie z fusow)

Pierwsza rozpiska dotyczaca osobnikow plci meskiej w wieku 23-57 lat u ktorych podawano testosteron cypionat i nandrolon przez okres 12 tygodnii

Pierwsze 15 dni:
2500j HCG c2d
Clomid 2x dziennie 50mg
Tamoxifen 20mg raz dziennie

TU UWAGA!!! BARDZO WAZNE!!! W 15 dniu PCT oznaczamy poziom testosteronu, jesli jego poziom przekracza 350 ng/ml wtedy mozemy odstawic HCG i kontynuowac same sermy przez kolejne 15-30 dni.
Jesli poziom testoosteronu jest dalej niski tzn. ponizej 350 ng/ml nie przestajemy podawac HCG przez nastepne 15 dni a po ich uplynieciu znowu oznaczamy jego poziom. Az do skutku. Przy opornych jajcach mozna zwiekszyc dawke do 5000j ale dopiero wtedy gdy dawka 2500j nie da oczekiwanego rezultatu.

Druga rozpiska dla osob na TRT(dlugoterminowych uzytkownikow) uzywajacych testosteronu ponad 12tyg

Pierwsze 30 dni
350j HCG dziennie ( tu trzeba wziasc pod uwage ze badani ludzie brali testosteron w dawkach TRT, czyli u kogos kto jedzie caly rok na roznych kombosach i dawkach kulturystycznych zwiekszylbym ilosc podawanego HCG do minimum 1000j, ale to tylko moje zdanie, kazdy robi pod siebie)
Tamoxifen 20mg raz dziennie
DHEA 50mg raz dziennie
Opcjonalnie Cialis, Viagra do bzykanka

Po 30 dniach badanie testosteronu, jesli jest w normie odstawiamy HCG
Przez nastepne 30 dni po odstawieniu HCG dalej podajemy tamoxifen ale w dawce obnizonej do 10mg na dzien i dodajemy do suplementacji 50mg Clomidu raz dziennie na okres tych 30 dni.

Jesli testosteron nie bedzie w widelkach po miesiacu na HCG i tamoxie, powtarzamy etap pierwszych 30 dni do 3 razy czyli do 90 dni.
W przypadku pacjentow u ktorych poziom testosteronu nie wroci do normy po 3 krotnej powtorce etapu pierwszych 30 dni najprawdopodobniej wystepuje hipogonadyzm pierwotny i sa skazani na TRT
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Nowa ulepszona formuła, zawierająca szereg specjalnie dobranych ekstraktów roślinnych, magnez oraz chrom oraz opatentowany związek CAPSIMAX®.

Najnowsza odpowiedź. Aktualizacja:
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lodzianin1 Moderator
Jest liderem w tym dziale Szacuny 94922 Napisanych postów 364911 Wiek 48 lat Na forum 18 lat Przeczytanych tematów 1670432
po 16 dniach po ost cypio i hcg nie ma mozliwosci aby test byl nizej.
co tutaj rozwijac sam odblokowywalem sie nascie razy.pct rozpisalem w setkach.prowadzilem prywatnie ponad 50 osob i trzymam sie tego co sie sprawdzilo

oczywiscie kazde pct moze byc skuteczne , ale jesli ktos chce miec 100 procentowa pewnosc ze PCT zostalo dobrze przeprowadzone i przy okazji skontrolowac wydajnosc swoich jaj :) powinien zrobic PCT ktoryms z tych schematow, w zaleznosci od dlugosci stosowania anabolikow i formy ich stosowania. ja wiem ze jeden moze byc odblokowany juz po 20 tabsach clomidu a drugi moze potrzebowac wiecej i dluzej, poprostu chcialem pokazac 2 opcje ktore dadza Ci pewnosc i sa sprawdzone w praktyce medycznej

długość hcg u większości się sprawdza podobno , z clomidem już różnie bywa rekordziste miałem 5 miesięcy na clomie aż wrócił do formy

treningi,suplementacja,odblokowanie [email protected]

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flex1976 Trener Personalny Moderator
Szacuny 9058 Napisanych postów 82743 Wiek 48 lat Na forum 18 lat Przeczytanych tematów 699804
Jakie zródło tych informacji
Ja osobiście takiego PCT bym nie zrobił
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Szacuny 17 Napisanych postów 650 Na forum 13 lat Przeczytanych tematów 21508
TRT: EndogenousRestoration protocol for Men Discontinuing TRT

Male patients who have beentaking any form of exogenous Testosterone long term, longer than 12 weeks,will have secondary hypogonadism induced by the negative feedback response tothe exogenous T use. The purpose of this protocol is to stimulate thetestes using HCG so that they are able to produce testosterone once again,while also preparing them to respond to endogenous LH/FSH(gonadotropins). Tamoxifen is taken beyond the HCG as it is shown, as aSERM, to stimulate the pituitaries release of LH/FSH whole suppressing the negativeeffects of excess estradiol. Estradiol can elevate in men who discontinueTRT so it is important to run the SERM for some time after discontinuingTRT to mitigate E2 rebound.

Meds needed: HCG 11,000iu+mixing kit
Clomiphene 50mg #30-#60 tablets
Tamoxifen 20mg #30-#90 tablets
Syringes and supplies for HCG

Basic Protocol
Begin protocol 5 days after the last T injection (Cyp/Enanth). If the patient

Basic Protocol
Begin protocol 5 days after the last T injection (Cyp/Enanth). If the patient is taking a T cream than begin the protocol one day followingthe last application of T cream.

First 30 days: HCG 350iu daily sq
Tamoxifen 20mg- 1 tablet POQD
DHEA 50mg- 1 capsule QHS
(Optional) Offer Sildenafil or Tadalafil for any ED. Many Pts experience ED during initial recovery.

30 day F/U: Draw the following labs: Testosterone F&T; Sensitive Estradiol; CBC; CMP
** Physician can order additional labs at his/her discretion.

After 30 days of HCG+Tamox
After the initial 30 days of HCG+Tamox; If the totalTestosterone is elevated at f/u, then it can be assumed that pt isresponding well to HCG. Discontinue HCG and titrate tamoxifen dosage to10mg after last dose of HCG. Continue the Tamoxifen 10mg for 30 more days. Add Clomid 50mg QHS for 30 days. Set lab reminder for follow uplabs 2 weeks after last dosage of Tamoxifen/Clomid. Levels should remainelevated from there. If not, at the physicians discretion the aboveprotocol can be repeated until labs reflect a desired response. Symptomology must also play a role in determining desired response.

Patient Does not Respond after 30-90 days of HCG+Tamox
If the patient does not respond to the HCG+Tamoxifen after90 days (3 cycles), then it can be assumed there is possible primaryhypogonadism. This would not have been caused by the TRT, more thanlikely it has developed naturally with age or has been present for a long time. In this case itis best to suggest continuing TRT so that T levels remain optimal and thepatient’s life quality and health also remain optimal. Educate thepatient on the importance of maintaining good levels of T, even if that meansbeing treated with TRT.

Zmieniony przez - Wlodiii w dniu 2017-03-26 13:36:06

Zmieniony przez - Wlodiii w dniu 2017-03-26 13:36:57
Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 17 Napisanych postów 650 Na forum 13 lat Przeczytanych tematów 21508
Not all studies show a shutdown of the HPTA in patients after testosterone cessation. In a study previously mentioned in the Moodiness section, Dr. Rabkin compiled data for 42 patients who were treated with testosterone for 12 weeks and then randomized (double blind) to receive placebo injections for six weeks. At week 13 (one week after their first placebo injection and three weeks since the last active injection), mean testosterone level was 286 ng/dL. At week 15 (after 2 placebo injections), mean testosterone level was 301, and after week 17 (after 3 placebo injections), mean serum level was 324 ng/dL. None of these values was statistically different from the mean baseline testosterone level of 308 ng/dL. These data suggest that for men who were already hypogonadal there was no further decline in the body’s production of testosterone once testosterone therapy was discontinued after 12 weeks of use. It is not known if longer term testosterone use would have the same results.

When high-dose testosterone use (as in bodybuilding) is discontinued the HPTA dysfunction that occurs when it is stopped may be a lot more pronounced. Stopping treatment may cause the patient to suffer all the symptoms of hypogonadism for weeks or months. Many lose a lot of the muscle mass they gained through their cycle of anabolics plus testosterone. In some cases a specific medical protocol is required for HPTA normalization. If you go to bodybuilding sites, you will see Clomid and HCG mentioned a lot for this purpose.

There is no controlled data from studies using any protocols to accelerate the normalization of normal testosterone production in men who have used either supplemented physiologic (normal) or supraphysiologic (above normal) doses of testosterone for long periods.

For men who had normal testosterone before starting testosterone or anabolic steroids (athletes, bodybuilders or certain people with wasting syndrome) and who want or need to stop those compounds, some physicians have attempted to jump-start testicular testosterone production using a combination of products that have different effects on the HPTA and estrogen receptors. One such physician is Dr. Michael Scally from Houston (read the interview with him: Click here ) who presented a poster at the Lipodystrophy and Adverse Reactions in HIV conference in San Diego in 2002 that reported the use of a protocol to normalize testosterone production in HIV-positive patients after prolonged anabolic steroid and testosterone use for their wasting syndrome.

The protocol consisted of the use of HCG, clomiphene citrate, and tamoxifen (read about each of these products in their respective sections). Treatment takes place over two discrete intervals. The first treatment interval is to initiate the restoration of gonadal function. The second interval is to restore the hormonal pathways among the hypothalamus, the pituitary and the gonads. The medications are initiated simultaneously after cessation of androgens when it is expected that the body would try to start to slowly make its own testosterone. If the testosterone ester (cypionate, enanthate, undecanoate, Sustanon) that the patient used is known (the most common one in the United States is depo testosterone or testosterone cypionate), its half-life in the body can be estimated so that the date to begin the medical protocol can be predicted with some accuracy to assess a time when no pharmaceutical testosterone remains in the body.

The protocol for HPTA normalization contains:
First 15 days:

HCG 2,500 IU (subcutaneous) once every other day;
Clomiphene citrate 50 mg orally twice a day; and
Tamoxifen 20 mg orally once a day.

A satisfactory testosterone level on day 15, typically 350 ng/mL or greater, is followed by the oral medications (no HCG) for an additional
15 days.

This protocol has not been tested in many patients but has shown good results in restoring HPTA in a month. I know that this sounds like a long time but without treatment the body’s restoration process would take about the same length of time that somebody was using androgens. In some, HPGA function and testosterone production never returns to normal. Hopefully we will see data on approaches like this one used in patients who need to stop testosterone or anabolics after long term use. However, no such studies are listed in clinicaltrials.gov.

Most doctors will refuse to prescribe the protocol above since they are not familiar with it. But remember that this protocol will likely not help most men who had low testosterone before starting TRT anyway. It is more likely to be helpful to those who used testosterone and anabolics for muscle building purposes and who were not hypogonadal before starting their muscle building cycles.

These are two diagrams that show how our hypothalamic-pituitary-Testicular Axis interconnects and how regulation of testosterone production happens via a feedback loop that takes into consideration the amount of testosterone and estradiol that we have in our blood.
Zgłoś naruszenie
lodzianin1 Moderator
Jest liderem w tym dziale Szacuny 94922 Napisanych postów 364911 Wiek 48 lat Na forum 18 lat Przeczytanych tematów 1670432
ja tez nie uznaje takiego pct
widzialem ze jakas klinika w usa robi takim schematem
tylko tam hcg i clom z tamo ida miesiacami
dla mnie mozna to zrobic krocej i skuteczniej

treningi,suplementacja,odblokowanie [email protected]

Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 17 Napisanych postów 650 Na forum 13 lat Przeczytanych tematów 21508
rozwin lodzianin

nie zaprzeczam ze to moze udac sie szybciej, ale kazda rozpiska bez kontrolnego badania testosteronu podczas trwania PCT jest czyms co mozna odrazu potraktowac jako brednie

Zmieniony przez - Wlodiii w dniu 2017-03-26 13:45:14
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flex1976 Trener Personalny Moderator
Szacuny 9058 Napisanych postów 82743 Wiek 48 lat Na forum 18 lat Przeczytanych tematów 699804
Z którego roku te "nowinki"?
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flex1976 Trener Personalny Moderator
Szacuny 9058 Napisanych postów 82743 Wiek 48 lat Na forum 18 lat Przeczytanych tematów 699804
Podczas trwania PCT test zawsze będzie wyższy , bez sensu takie badanie
Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 17 Napisanych postów 650 Na forum 13 lat Przeczytanych tematów 21508
nie jest tak, jesli jadra nie funkcjonuja to w jaki sposob poziom testosteronu ma byc wyzszy?? po to jest stymulacja HCG aby okreslic ich zdolnosc do produkowania testosteronu, i to jest punktem wyjsciowym udanego PCT
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e-lite Moderator
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W większości głupoty
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