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dzialania alc nie zauwazyłem
Cla stosuje według wskazówek i zalecen Binia

atleta.pl -najbardziej szczery i uczciwy dealer odzywek w necie

Zmieniony przez - BULMASTIF w dniu 2003-12-31 08:19:09
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no stosujesz takie dawki jak wszedzie zalecają 4-5g dziennie czystego cla

ponoć te cla nie działa :-/ mam chęć to sprawdzić bo kiedys cos juz o tym mówiłeś bull ale ludzie wmawiają mi że to nie działa - weź wiecej zapodaj - jestes na redukcji czy jak?

Doradca w suplementacji

https://www.sfd.pl/topic.asp?topic_id=90018  -->> składy wszystkich znanych gainerów sprawdź!

GG 1844256

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CLA jest dobrym suplementem i dziala
Oczywiscie wszystko zalezy od oczekiwan - ale dzialac dziala i polecam go goraco
Zgłoś naruszenie
Biniu Moderator
Szacuny 251 Napisanych postów 41358 Wiek 52 lat Na forum 22 lat Przeczytanych tematów 126211
CLA nie dziala z dnia na dzien, wymaga stalej suplemtentacji
o ile sie nie myle (a chyba sie nie myle w tej materii ) kolega BULL jest na masie

Your body does not like your idea being lean and big-unfortunately

Alternatywna Droga-2003
mniej bledow, koniec z marnowaniem $-prywatna pomoc-prosze o maila
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Według wypowiedzi z forum bb. CLA działa efektywnie w ilościach 6 - 9 gramów dziennie (min. 4 g, tak jak stosuje Bul), jest jednak tłuszczem trans i w dłuższym okresie czasu ujawnia negatywne oddziaływanie na wątrobę i tętnice (arterioskleroza)oraz powoduje oporność na insulinę. Oto opis jednego z całkiem ''świeżych'' badań (więcej na stronie 1fast > Articles > cla):

J Lipid Res. 2003 Dec;44(12):2234-41. Epub 2003 Aug 16. Related Articles, Links

Efficacy and safety of dietary supplements containing CLA for the treatment of obesity: evidence from animal and human studies.

Larsen TM, Toubro S, Astrup A.

Department of Human Nutrition, Center for Advanced Food Studies, The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University, DK-1958 Frederiksberg C, Denmark.

Dietary supplements containing conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) are widely promoted as weight loss agents available over the counter and via the Internet. In this review, we evaluate the efficacy and safety of CLA supplementation based on peer-reviewed published results from randomized, placebo-controlled, human intervention trials lasting more than 4 weeks. We also review findings from experimental studies in animals and studies performed in vitro. CLA appears to produce loss of fat mass and increase of lean tissue mass in rodents, but the results from 13 randomized, controlled, short-term (<6 months) trials in humans find little evidence to support that CLA reduces body weight or promotes repartitioning of body fat and fat-free mass in man. However, there is increasing evidence from mice and human studies that the CLA isomer trans-10, cis-12 may produce liver hypertrophy and insulin resistance via a redistribution of fat deposition that resembles lipodystrophy. CLA also decreases the fat content of both human and bovine milk. In conclusion, although CLA appears to attenuate increases in body weight and body fat in several animal models, CLA isomers sold as dietary supplements are not effective as weight loss agents in humans and may actually have adverse effects on human health.

PMID: 12923219 [PubMed - in process]





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Biniu Moderator
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badanie potwierdzjace dzialanie CLA u ludzi

Conjugated linoleic acid reduces body fat mass in overweight and obese humans.

Blankson H, Stakkestad JA, Fagertun H, Thom E, Wadstein J, Gudmundsen O.

Scandinavian Clinical Research AS, N-2027 Kjeller, Norway.

Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) has been shown to reduce body fat mass (BFM) in animals. To investigate the dose-response relationships of conjugated linoleic acid with regard to BFM in humans, a randomized, double-blind study including 60 overweight or obese volunteers (body mass index 25-35 kg/m(2)) was performed. The subjects were divided into five groups receiving placebo (9 g olive oil), 1.7, 3.4, 5.1 or 6.8 g conjugated linoleic acid per day for 12 wk, respectively. Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry was used to measure body composition [measurements at wk 0 (baseline), 6 and 12]. Of the 60 subjects, 47 completed the study. Eight subjects withdrew from the study due to adverse events; however, no differences among treatment groups were found regarding adverse events. Repeated-measures analysis showed that a significantly higher reduction in BFM was found in the conjugated linoleic acid groups compared with the placebo group (P: = 0.03). The reduction of body fat within the groups was significant for the 3.4 and 6.8 g CLA groups (P: = 0.05 and P: = 0.02, respectively). No significant differences among the groups were observed in lean body mass, body mass index, blood safety variables or blood lipids. The data suggest that conjugated linoleic acid may reduce BFM in humans and that no additional effect on BFM is achieved with doses > 3.4 g CLA/d.

juz szukam wiecej o bezpieczenstwie CLA !!
zwrocmy jednak uwage ze w cytowanym wyzej badaniu bierze sie pod uwage zly wplyw jednego izomeru
zreszta prosze policzyc ile kwasow trans zjadamy kazdego dnia i porownac to do ilosci 4 g CLA i ew zawartosci danego izomeru szkodliwego
nie mniej szukam wiecej o bezpieczenstwie (lub nie) CLA

Your body does not like your idea being lean and big-unfortunately

Alternatywna Droga-2003
mniej bledow, koniec z marnowaniem $-prywatna pomoc-prosze o maila
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Trochę więcej opisów badań - generalnie wszystkie potwierdzają skuteczność cla, jednak mnie trochę przeraziły te powiększone wątroby i nerki u badanych myszek, świnek i chomików, no i ta oporność na insulinę u zdrowych ludzi...bo diabetykom akurat cla pomaga...

Insulin resistance - Proponents of CLA often quote studies in which it improves insulin sensitivity in rat models of diabetes [1-2, 4]. Additionally, CLA favorably alters metabolic parameters in humans with type II diabetes [2]. Unfortunately the opposite effect is seen in nondiabetic individuals. Induction of insulin resistance, or markers thereof, has been noted in pigs, mice, hamsters, and rats fed CLA despite fat loss [1-2, 4]. Even in a study in pigs in which there were no changes in body composition, fasting insulin rose by 37% [4]. Additionally, 3.4 g daily of t10,c12 CLA for 12 weeks increased insulin resistance (by 19%) and C-reactive protein (a marker of inflammation and predictor of cardiovascular risk) in obese men [1, 13]. This effect may be related with increased levels of TNF-alpha [4]. It can be concluded that although CLA is beneficial to those with diabetes, it may increase insulin resistance in normoglycemic individuals.

Other effects - There are a variety of other effects of CLA. On the positive side, CLA reduces bone inflammation [14] and has a positive role in bone formation in rats [2]. CLA also appears to improve immune response in healthy men [15] and protects against end-stage symptoms of lupus erythematosis, although it accelerates the onset of this condition [2]. Multiple studies have found CLA to increase markers of lipid peroxidation and oxidative stress in both healthy and obese humans, an effect which is not reduced by vitamin E [1-2, 16-17]. Additionally, CLA causes liver steatosis (fat accumulation) in mice and chicken and liver and kidney enlargement in hamsters despite a decrease in body weight, and this effect has been attributed to the t10,c12 isomer [1-2, 18].





Zgłoś naruszenie
Biniu Moderator
Szacuny 251 Napisanych postów 41358 Wiek 52 lat Na forum 22 lat Przeczytanych tematów 126211
badan widzilem duzo
szukam cos wiecej o bezpieczenstwie choc moja uwga wyzje nadal pozostaje o ilosci i izomerze

Your body does not like your idea being lean and big-unfortunately

Alternatywna Droga-2003
mniej bledow, koniec z marnowaniem $-prywatna pomoc-prosze o maila
Zgłoś naruszenie
Biniu Moderator
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CLA concentrations in dairy products typically range from 2.9 to 8.92 mg/g fat, of which the 9-cis, 11-trans isomer makes up to 73 to 93% of the total CLA(...)
The cis-9, trans-11 isomer is the principal dietary form of CLA, but the concentrations of this isomer and the trans-10, cis-12 isomer in dairy products or beef vary depending on the diet offered to cows or steers, respectively

jak widzimy glownymi izomerami w jedzeniu nie sa owe podejrzewane
pytanie jaki sklad ma preparat jest inna sprawa

Your body does not like your idea being lean and big-unfortunately

Alternatywna Droga-2003
mniej bledow, koniec z marnowaniem $-prywatna pomoc-prosze o maila
Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 1 Napisanych postów 173 Wiek 65 lat Na forum 21 lat Przeczytanych tematów 24422
Sprawdziłem kilka firm - tylko NOW podaje dokładną ilość izomerów trans
(dla 3 capsów) :
Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) 2.25 g (2,250 mg)
Cis-9, Trans-11 Isomer 1.05 g (1,050 mg)
Trans-10, Cis-12 Isomer 1.08 g (1,080 mg)
Other Isomers 120 mg

Jak widać tego teoretycznie ''groźniejszego'' T10 - C12 jest 50%... Ale przecież CLA to nie sterydy i skoro stosujący nie narzekają, a wręcz przeciwnie, widzą efekty, to trzeba spróbować...

Trochę namieszaliśmy tu u Sonbatego, wątpliwości jednak należy wyjaśniać, zwłaszcza, że mamy już kolejny produkt Olimpu na widoku ;)





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