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Abrahamian rzucił medal

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Szacuny 15 Napisanych postów 11027 Wiek 40 lat Na forum 16 lat Przeczytanych tematów 72188
Mi trudno ocenić tą sytuacje gdyż nawet Siwy nie wie o co tam chodziło tak naprawde a ja tym bardziej
A jeśli nie wiadomo o co chodzi to zawsze chodzi o........
Ja ze swojej strony powiem tyle ,że rozumiem każdego zawodnika który poświęca 4 lata swojego życia na to by wygrać ten medal a potem pozbawiają go dziady które sport to widziały tylko na tablicy podczas kursu sędziowskiego ,wiec i tak dobrze sie skończyło że ich nie sklepał (a może źle?)
Reasumując-ja go rozumiem

"Musisz świecić przykładem odwagi, honoru, żarliwej dla Narodu służby"

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Dokładnie, wszędzie teraz śmierdzi polityką i przekrętami.. (Nie oskarżam - sugeruje)
Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 3 Napisanych postów 275 Na forum 15 lat Przeczytanych tematów 1166
a czemu nikt - bo sprawa jest niejasna - nie przypuszcza ze mogloby byc tak, ze to jednak 3 sedziow z roznych krajow ma racje a nie 1 zawodnik, ktory jak jest oczywiste "byl zaangazowany psych. o medal olimp. ze hej..." (jak obserwuje zaangazowanie psych. wielu zapasnikow nawet w pomniejszych zawodach w Polsce to rzeczywiscie jest ono duze/niekiedy za duze a coz dopiero na olimpiadzie o medal...). teatr zawsze robic mozna. dalej jestem ciekaw co sie stalo z tym wyrzuconym medalem - jak nikt go z druzyny szwedzkiej nie podniosl (a pewnie nie podniosl) to pewnie ma go chinska bezp. ...
Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 1 Napisanych postów 2372 Na forum 18 lat Przeczytanych tematów 8858


Pochodzący z Armenii zapaśnik był przekonany, że to jemu należał się awans do finału, jednak sędziowie zadecydowali inaczej, przyznając zwycięstwo Włochowi Andrei Minguzziemu - późniejszemu złotemu medaliście. W końcowej fazie walki sędziowie odebrali Szwedowi punkt, który kosztował go wejście do finału.

Sądząc po tym fragmencie, sędziowie odebrali punk który najpierw przyznali i który rzeczywiście należał się Abrahamianowi. Wybronił parter i punkt powinien być przyznany, nawet jeśli broniąc się uciekał za matę -tym bardziej, że nie wyszedł za jej obręb. Moim zdaniem to ewidentne działanie sędziów na szkodę Szweda. Nie pamiętam gdzie, ale czytałem że jednym z sędziów był Włoch...

Ps. Dla peredhel -widać na zdjęciu, że ktoś z ekipy organizatorów podniósł nieszczęsny medal.

Zmieniony przez - Siwy29 w dniu 2008-08-16 13:16:31

Spartan Kraków - Kuźnia ludzi ze stali


Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 3 Napisanych postów 275 Na forum 15 lat Przeczytanych tematów 1166
a ja wlasnie przeczytalem ze zabrali mu ten wyrzucony medal - coz zabrac komus cos czego ten ktos nie chce ... ale jesli zabrali to zapewne zbadali uprzednio sprawe i jesli by bylo naduzycie sedziow to by cos z tym zrobili a tak MKOL zajal jasne stanowisko.
co do narodowosci sedziow to zdaje sie regula jest ze nie powinien sedziowac sedzia co ma interes, a nawet jesli by tak bylo to to tylko 1 z 3.
co do tego kto ma medal - rzeczywiscie maja go Chinczycy - ale zdaje sie nim nie naciesza bo jak zabrali medal III to pewnie dadza IV - a moze nie dadza i zostanie Chinczykom "taki 1 medal dodatkowy". tak zdaje sie ze Chinczycy skorzystali na organizacji igrzysk jeszcze w ten sposob.
Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 1 Napisanych postów 2372 Na forum 18 lat Przeczytanych tematów 8858
Rzucił medalem, MKOl mu go odebrał
PAP /11:53

Międzynarodowy Komitet Olimpijski odebrał brązowy medal w zapasach w stylu klasycznym w kategorii 84 kg Szwedowi Ara Abrahamianowi. MKOl poinformował, że medal nie będzie przyznany innemu zawodnikowi.
Ara Abrahamian w czwartek rzucił na matę swój brązowy medal olimpijski w proteście przeciwko decyzjom sędziów pozbawiających go szansy walki o złoto.

Zawodnik przyjął brązowy krążek podczas ceremonii dekorowania medalami, zszedł z podium i "upuścił" go na środku maty zapaśniczej, przez którą przechodził.

Co do tego ile czasem może tylko jeden sędzia nie będę się wypowiadał, tym bardziej że tak naprawdę nie wiemy, czy zrobiono to celowo czy zwyczajnie popełniono błąd. Absta***ąc jednak od tego, na filmie widać jak sędzia śmieje się w twarz rozwścieczonemu i rozgoryczonemu Szwedowi.

Spartan Kraków - Kuźnia ludzi ze stali


Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 3 Napisanych postów 275 Na forum 15 lat Przeczytanych tematów 1166
*** co sie stalo wedle agencji Reuter'a

By Karolos Grohmann

BEIJING (Reuters) - Swedish greco-roman wrestler Ara Abrahamian has been stripped of his 84kg-category bronze medal after he threw it down in protest at the refereeing, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) said on Saturday.

It said his action went against the spirit of fair play, insulted his fellow competitors and constituted a demonstration, which is banned inside Olympic venues.

During the wrestling medal ceremony, Abrahamian took the bronze from around his neck after beating Melonin Noumonvi of France, stepped from the podium, dropped it in the middle of the wrestling mat and then walked off.

The IOC said the athlete, who announced his retirement after his bronze medal bout, was disqualified, stripped of his medal as well as his Olympic accreditation. It said no athlete would be upgraded to take his bronze medal.

It ordered the Swedish Olympic Committee to enforce the decision which meant Abrahamian would have no access to any Olympic venues or the athletes' village.

It also ordered the wrestling federation to take any further action as it saw fit.

Abrahamian's coach had denounced his defeat in the semi-final as a result of "politics".

The IOC said it understood the frustration Abrahamian may have felt about the judging but his protest and the fact that during the disciplinary hearing he never apologized for his action, were unacceptable.

"The awards ceremony is a highly symbolic ritual. Any disruption by any athlete, in particular a medalist, is in itself an insult to the other athletes and to the Olympic Movement. It is also contrary to the spirit of fair play," it said.

"It should be noted that, in front of the disciplinary commission, the athlete never expressed any regret, nor did he offer any apology for his actions," the IOC said.

The Swedish wrestler, a silver medalist in Athens, had to be restrained by team mates when a row erupted with judges over the decision in the semi-final bout with Andrea Minguzzi of Italy, who went on the take gold.

Abrahamian shouted at the referee and judges then went over to their seats to speak to them up close.

He angrily threw off the restraining arm of a team official then turned and left.

Swedish fans booed loudly as the judges filed out of the arena.

Swedish coach Leo Myllari said at the time: "It's all politics."

(Editing by Alison Williams)

***oficjalne stanowisko MKOL

IOC Statement on Mr Ara Abrahamian
16 August 2008
The Executive Board of the International Olympic Committee, meeting today in Beijing, has reached a decision, based upon the recommendations of the IOC Disciplinary Commission, in the case of Mr Ara Abrahamian.

Mr Abrahamian is a Swedish athlete who stepped down from the podium and laid his medal on the floor during the awards ceremony for the men’s Greco-Roman wrestling 84kg event. He had received one of two bronze medals awarded.

The IOC Disciplinary Commission consisted of three persons: Dr Thomas Bach (Chairman), Denis Oswald and Sergey Bubka. All three are Olympians with extensive experience of elite sport etiquette.

The IOC Executive Board decided that Mr Abrahamian, Sweden:
1. Is disqualified from the event of men’s Greco-Roman wrestling, 84kg.
2. Is excluded from the Games of the XXIX Olympiad in Beijing in 2008.
3. Shall have his Olympic identity and accreditation card immediately cancelled and withdrawn.

The full text of the decision is available here:

UPON CONSIDERING the attached Recommendations of the IOC Disciplinary
Commission dated 15 August 2008 and pursuant to the Olympic Charter Fundamental
Principles of Olympism and Rules 41 and 51.3:
I The athlete Mr Ara Abrahamian, Sweden:
(i) is disqualified from the event of men’s Greco-Roman wrestling, 84 kg
(ii) is excluded from the Games of the XXIX Olympiad in Beijing in 2008;
(iii) shall have his Olympic identity and accreditation card immediately
cancelled and withdrawn;
II The International Federation of Associated Wrestling Styles (FILA) is requested:
- to modify the results of the above-mentioned event accordingly, it being
understood that the athlete who placed behind Mr Abrahamian shall not be
promoted to third place,
- to return the bronze medal held by FILA to the IOC;
- to consider any further action within its own competence.
III The NOC of Sweden and BOCOG is requested to ensure full implementation of
this decision.
IV. This Decision shall enter into force immediately.
Beijing, 16 August 2008
On behalf of the IOC Executive Board
IOC President Director General
(Olympic Charter Fundamental Principles of Olympism and Rules 41 and 51.3)
1. Mr Ara Abrahamian (hereinafter the “Athlete”) competed in the Games of the XXIX
Olympiad in Beijing in 2008 in the sport of wrestling, men’s Greco-Roman 84kg,
where he placed third, obtaining one of the two bronze medals awarded.
2. On 14 August 2008, during the awards ceremony, the Athlete, upon receiving his
bronze medal, immediately stepped down from the podium prior to the presentation
of the other medals. He took off his medal, placed it on the floor a few meters away
from the podium and walked away from the ceremony. The medal is currently in the
possession of FILA.
3. Upon being informed by the IOC Sports Director of the incident, the IOC President,
by letter dated 14 August 2008, immediately set up a Disciplinary Commission,
consisting of:
- Thomas Bach (Chairman)
- Denis Oswald
- Sergey Bubka
The IOC President also requested that the Disciplinary Commission look into this
matter and make recommendations to the IOC Executive Board, which will take the
final decision.
4. Mr Raphael Martinetti, President of the International Federation of Associated
Wrestling Styles (hereafter the “FILA”), by e-mail dated 14 August 2008 to the IOC
Olympic Games Executive Director, Mr Felli, informed the IOC that the FILA
Disciplinary Commission was proposing the following sanctions:
- “disqualification of the wrestler, Mr Abrahamian, and non-classification;
- the bronze medal to be withdrawn from him,
- the following wrestler in the ranking to be moved up so as to obtain the bronze
medal; …” (translation supplied)
5. By letter dated 14 August 2008, the IOC President advised the Athlete, the Swedish
NOC and FILA of the above-mentioned incident and invited the Chef de mission of
the Swedish NOC and representatives of FILA to attend the hearing on 15 August
2008 at 09:30 hours at the Beijing Hotel. The Disciplinary Commission held its
hearing at the Beijing Hotel, IOC Executive Board Room, 18th Floor, 33 East Chang
An Avenue in Beijing on the said day and time in the presence of the Athlete, and a
delegation (hereinafter the “Delegation”) comprised of:
- Stefan Lindeberg, Chef de Mission
- Leo Myllari, Head Coach
- Bjorn Rosengren, NOC/Lawyer
6. FILA was represented at the hearing by Michel Dusson, Secretary General.
7. Also attending the hearing was:
- Howard Stupp, IOC Director of Legal Affairs
- Andre Sabbah, Legal Counsel in the IOC Department of Legal Affairs
- François Carrard, IOC Counsel
8. Upon request, the Delegation confirmed that it had no objection as to the disciplinary
9. The Disciplinary Commission began by viewing the tape of the incident, in front of all
persons in attendance.
10. The Athlete and the Delegation then submitted their explanations as to the incident
and the Athlete’s behaviour:
10.1 The Athlete stated that he had nothing against the Olympic Games or the
other athletes. The Athlete insisted that, following the Athens Games, he put
all his energy and efforts to prepare himself for what would be his final
Olympic Games in Beijing 2008, hoping to win the gold medal which he felt he
deserved. The Athlete further explained his view that during the semi-final
match at the competition in Beijing, he was prejudiced by blatant errors in
judging which caused him to lose the match which, in the opinion of many
other attendants, he had not lost. It should also be noted that, in front of the
Disciplinary Commission, the Athlete expressed serious unsubstantiated
allegations against FILA and its President.
10.2 Although the Delegation considered the behaviour of the Athlete as not
acceptable, it explained that the Athlete’s actions should not be characterized
as any form of disrespect towards the Olympic Games, or fellow athletes. The
Athlete congratulated his fellow competitors. The Athlete’s gesture was not
directed at the IOC or the Olympic Movement. It should be understood as an
expression of his disapproval of judging errors as well as a demonstration
against FILA’s regulations and the manner in which they are applied. The
Athlete had already undergone serious problems with judging errors at the
2004 Athens Olympic Games, pointing out that he “lost the gold medal” rather
than “won the silver medal” (translation supplied). The Delegation had
emphasized the fact that its various attempts to ask for a video review during
the semi-final match were denied by the judges and that this was not in
conformity with fair play and the Olympic Movement. The Delegation stressed
that the above-noted background did not excuse the behaviour of the Athlete
but was fundamental to understanding his gesture. The Delegation further
stated that it had sent a protest letter to FILA which FILA did not answer. The
Delegation ended its presentation by advising that it had already reprimanded
the Athlete and that a warning by the IOC would be an appropriate measure.
11. The Secretary General of FILA, Michel Dusson, reiterated and confirmed FILA’s
position as stated in its 14 August 2008 e-mail to the IOC and emphasized the fact
that, in the sport of wrestling, protests after a match were not accepted. This was a
decision taken by the FILA Congress in 2000.
12. The Disciplinary Commission took into consideration the emotion and frustration felt
by an athlete confronted with judging decisions that he considers as entirely wrong.
Such a situation may occur more frequently in sports in which the results are based
on judging. Such feelings can be aggravated when, as in this case, no protests can
be lodged. However, such a situation cannot justify in any way the Athlete’s
behaviour consisting of taking off his medal, placing it on the floor and leaving his
fellow athletes and the awards ceremony before its conclusion. The awards
ceremony is a highly symbolic ritual, acknowledged as such by all athletes and other
parti****nts. Any disruption by any athlete, in particular a medalist, is in itself an
insult to the other athletes and to the Olympic Movement. It is also contrary to the
spirit of fair play. The fact that, in this case, the Athlete’s gesture was carried out in
a calm manner does not diminish in any way the severity of the offence. Such
gesture was premeditated and took place well after the disputed match. This
constitutes an obvious violation of paragraph 4 of the Fundamental Principles of
Olympism as stated in the Olympic Charter. It may also be characterized as a
violation of Rule 41 of the Olympic Charter concerning respecting the spirit of fair
play and Rule 51.3, which prohibits any kind of demonstration in any Olympic site or
13. It should be noted that, in front of the Disciplinary Commission, the Athlete never
expressed any regret, nor did he offer any apology for his actions.
14. The Disciplinary Commission unanimously considers that, notwithstanding the
emotional circumstances of the case, a warning is not an appropriate measure and
that, on the contrary, the seriousness of the offence committed requires that the
Athlete be disqualified, that his bronze medal be returned to the IOC and that he be
excluded from the Games. On the other hand, the Disciplinary Commission
emphasizes the fact that the sanction is not directly linked to facts which took place
during the competition itself but during an awards ceremony. Thus, it would not be
justified to award a bronze medal to the wrestler who placed behind the Athlete.
CONSIDERING the above, pursuant to the Olympic Charter Fundamental Principles of
Olympism and Rules 41 and 51.3
I The athlete Mr Ara Abrahamian, Sweden:
(iv) be disqualified from the event of men’s Greco-Roman wrestling, 84 kg
(v) be excluded from the Games of the XXIX Olympiad in Beijing in 2008;
(vi) shall have his Olympic identity and accreditation card immediately
cancelled and withdrawn;
II The International Federation of Associated Wrestling Styles (FILA) be requested:
- to modify the results of the above-mentioned event accordingly, it being
understood that the athlete who placed behind Mr Abrahamian shall not be
promoted to third place,
- to return the bronze medal held by FILA to the IOC;
- to consider any further action within its own competence.
III The NOC of Sweden and BOCOG be requested to ensure full implementation of
this decision.
Beijing, 15 August 2008
The IOC Disciplinary Commission
Thomas BACH
Denis OSWALD Sergey BUBKa
Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 3 Napisanych postów 275 Na forum 15 lat Przeczytanych tematów 1166
dla tych ktorym sie nie chce czytac albo mniej znaja ang. - streszczam - zabrali medal, zdyskwalifikowali i wyrzucili z olimiady w trybie bezwlocznym za razace naruszenie zasad i dyscypliny przebiegu igrzysk. cos moze byc na rzeczy jednak po stronie bylego medalisty bo napisali w uzasadnieniu, ze FILA (swiatowa organiz. zapas.) nie odp. na protest i nie odpowie bo w 2000 r uchwalila ze protesty po walce sa niedopuszczalne - czyli napisali miedzy linijkami ze jednak cos moglo byc nie tak, ale dla zasady i przykladu zeby inni niezadowoleni nie rozrzucali medali po Pekinie to go jak napisalem.
Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 3 Napisanych postów 275 Na forum 15 lat Przeczytanych tematów 1166
no i to tez wazne - w uzasadnieniu decyzji stoi tez info ze porzucony medal jest w posiadaniu dzialaczy FILA i ze nie zostanie przekazany IV w kolejce.
Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 41 Napisanych postów 10832 Wiek 43 lat Na forum 20 lat Przeczytanych tematów 38587
mieszane uczucia mam.
z jednej strony rozumiem go, ja również nie na wszystkie swoje medale umiem patrzeć z sympatią. z drugiej strony... niesportowo trochę postąpił, nieładnie.
w ogóle, te Igrzyska biją rekordy obłudy, więc jeśli zawodnik czuł, że musi jakoś zaprostestować, to w sposób widoczny i zapamiętany.

Zmieniony przez - Jodan w dniu 2008-08-17 00:13:57
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