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Szacuny 29 Napisanych postów 2971 Wiek 43 lat Na forum 22 lat Przeczytanych tematów 17426
Zalatw kasety i cwicz z kolega jak masz jakiego chetnego. Jezdzij 1 lub 2 razy w miesiacu.

Pierwsze Polskie Radio Internetowe
BJJ -studying the art, living the life, having the passion

Moderator dzialu Prawo, Ekonomia i Gospodarka.
Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 21 Napisanych postów 4247 Na forum 22 lat Przeczytanych tematów 28873
niezla kolekcja.
Moje to
gracie basic
gracie intermadiate
ufc 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-28-29-32-36
pride 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17-18-19
k1 (finaly) 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001
vale tudo sztuk 7 (rozne, international vt, vt plus, vt brazil)
+ pare innych slabo znanych tytulow.
16 z nich to kasteki(normalne). Reszta to albo divix albo dvd (wiekszosc pride to dvd).

Sekcja jestem zainteresowany. Poprostu odebralem twoj post jako chcec jednorazoawego potrzaskania sie z chlopakami. Ale skoro mowisz ze masz zamiar zrobic cos tworczego to jestem chetny. Opisz na czym mialoby to polegac. Kto by prowadzil, czy tylko grappling czy tylko stoja, czy stjka + grappling itd itp. W sumie jam mysle ze to mogloby byc free - bo w koncu salka za free.

Wasz unizony moderator Sztuk Walk i Gier Komputerowych.
Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 21 Napisanych postów 4247 Na forum 22 lat Przeczytanych tematów 28873
aha- te dvd to tylko ma kompie pojda , no chyba ze masz stacionarne dvd wielosystemowe bo plytki sa w systemie azjatyckim.

Wasz unizony moderator Sztuk Walk i Gier Komputerowych.
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Szacuny 29 Napisanych postów 2971 Wiek 43 lat Na forum 22 lat Przeczytanych tematów 17426
Mnie Pride'y i inne nie interesuja.. wole szkoleniowki, choc i tak mam juz dosc materialu.

Myslalem tylko i wylacznie o parterze. Generalnie Roy powiedzial zeby w cyklu rocznym cwiczyc taka kombiunacje 12 technik. Kazda po 500 powtorzen.

Jest na jego stronie. Chce to z kims robic i pozniej male sparingi. Generalnie chce sobie poprawic czucie i w ogole nabrac doswiadczenia na macie.

Pierwsze Polskie Radio Internetowe
BJJ -studying the art, living the life, having the passion

Moderator dzialu Prawo, Ekonomia i Gospodarka.
Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 29 Napisanych postów 2971 Wiek 43 lat Na forum 22 lat Przeczytanych tematów 17426
2. Coordination - The ability to perform movements, equally, on both sides of the body.

Everyone has a favorite technique. Everyone has a favorite side. When it comes to the employment of certain core movements or techniques, it is important that you develop the movement/technique on both sides of your body. For example, if your side mount escapes are strong on your left side, train them vigorously on your right side. You never know when you will meet an opponent who is very good at passing the guard on his left side, which would put him on your right side.

After 11 years of training Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, I still heave weak areas within my game. For example, the triangle choke with my right leg is outstanding! When I set it up and am able to cross my ankles, hardly anyone escapes. However, when I perform it with my left leg, I suck! I feel so uncoordinated I can hardly describe it in words!)

So, shouldn't I train this one area? Yes and no. Since it is a weak area, yes! Since I am no longer concerned with "getting the tap", no. Also, since my skill level is where it is, rarely do I need to use my left leg because I lead people into the triangle with my right leg by forcing them to always pass on my left side. Plus, if I end up having to put my left leg over top of my opponent's shoulder, I will usually let him pass my guard onto my left side and them immediately place him back in my guard. I can do so because my escapes from the side mount are really strong on the left side of my body.

Now, with regard to core techniques, I can perform them equally on each side! By core techniques I mean this: "Techniques I use 90% of the time."

Here is a brief list of the core techniques I use 90% of the time:

bridge and roll
elbow/knee (two variations)

place in the guard (two variations)
go to the knees

under the leg (two variations)
over the leg (two variations)

bent arm lock
triangle choke

As you can see, there are only twelve core techniques that I use. Being able to perform these twelve core techniques equally on both sides is an absolute must!

How can a person develop coordination? Simple; by putting in the required time to train each side. No one can do this for you. Only you alone can accomplish this. You must be patient, dedicated and determined to reach your goal! If you will commit to training one core technique per month, you can have a firm foundation in just one year, that is, if you commit to training each technique 500 times on each side. This amounts to 125 repetitions per week. Heck, you could pump out these many reps in one hour, which would amount to four (4) hours a month. Do you have the discipline to do it? I know it will pay BIG dividends! I can personally attest to the dividends. What are you waiting for? Get busy!)

3. Distancing - The ability to maintain the proper distance at the proper time.

This subject is a little more difficult to explain on digital paper than it is in person (one-on-one). However, I will give it a try.

The correct use of space is an often overlooked area within Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. Many students assume they understand (and can immediately apply) this concept when an instructor explains it to them for the very first time. However, it isn't until the student has a firm grasp of the use of posture, hip movement and head and shoulder movement that he or she even begins to understand the correct use of space!
When a student finds himself on his back, trying to escape from a particular hold down, he must find the correct distance from his opponent in order to push with leverage. If the opponent is too close, it will be difficult to push. If the opponent is too far away from his body, he will find it difficult to perform certain techniques because each technique has a specific distance ay which it will work.

For example, many students struggle with side mount escapes because their head and shoulders are not the correct distance from the opponent. The student pushes with his arms to move his hips away from the opponent. However, his head and shoulders stay glued to the ground. When this happens, the student is able to place his knee under his opponent's body, but he finds it difficult (if not impossible) to place his opponent back into his guard. The main problem is the distance between his head and shoulders and his opponent's upper torso. If he had the right distance, he would be able to finish the technique and place his opponent in his guard.

Finding the right distance is something that takes a combination of time, personal discipline and a lot of personalized instruction from a caring instructor!

How can a person develop good distancing skill? By taking a few private lessons from his instructor and then putting in the flight time required to master it. Good distancing will take time and a lot of hard work. However, once you obtain this attribute, the amount of effort you'll use to accomplish your goals will decrease tremendously!

Pierwsze Polskie Radio Internetowe
BJJ -studying the art, living the life, having the passion

Moderator dzialu Prawo, Ekonomia i Gospodarka.
Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 21 Napisanych postów 4247 Na forum 22 lat Przeczytanych tematów 28873
to mi sie podoba.Nawet bardzo.
Od poczatku roku akademickiego (pazdziernika) mozemy zadzialac w tej sprawie. Teraz nie bo w najblizszych dniach znikam na miesiac do Turcji,a pozniej mam mala obiegowke po Polsce.

Wasz unizony moderator Sztuk Walk i Gier Komputerowych.
Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 29 Napisanych postów 2971 Wiek 43 lat Na forum 22 lat Przeczytanych tematów 17426
A Kosei mysle, ze tez jestes mile widziany z racji dobrych judockich tradycji :)

Pierwsze Polskie Radio Internetowe
BJJ -studying the art, living the life, having the passion

Moderator dzialu Prawo, Ekonomia i Gospodarka.
Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 29 Napisanych postów 2971 Wiek 43 lat Na forum 22 lat Przeczytanych tematów 17426
Luz - od pazdziernika to mam 2 kierunki studiow, praca i bjj u Pawla :) ale ufam, ze da sie cos wymyslic.

Jak do tej pory ktos cos wymysli to chetnie poslucham.

Pierwsze Polskie Radio Internetowe
BJJ -studying the art, living the life, having the passion

Moderator dzialu Prawo, Ekonomia i Gospodarka.
Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 1 Napisanych postów 178 Na forum 21 lat Przeczytanych tematów 1340
Panowie. Podczytywalem wasze rozmowki ( w koncu temat niby do mnie ).
Jest jakas szansa na to, aby skorzystac z sali na ktorej ja trenuje.
Tylko jesli mozna przyblizcie mi, o czym dokladnie myslicie.
Moze cos wskuramy, w koncu w jednosci sila

Sei ryoku zen yo jitta kyo ei

Sei ryoku zen yo jitta kyo ei

Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 29 Napisanych postów 2971 Wiek 43 lat Na forum 22 lat Przeczytanych tematów 17426
Kolego, :)

Ja chcialem tylko zwrocic uwag, ze mieszkam w Gdyni Oksywiu i dojazd do Niedzwiednika ( nie wiem gdzie to jest lecz i tak boje sie sprawdzic na mapie bylby dla mnie troszke klopotliwy.

AWF jest o tyle wygodny, ze znajduje sie bardzo blisko kolejki SKM.

Moge postarac sie zalatwic sale na Flotcie ale :

1) moze wiazac sie to z kosztami
2) watpie, ze chcialoby Wam sie dojezdzac ( ja mam 10 min :)

Jezezli jednak dysponujesz jakas sala w rozsadnym dla mnie zasiegu,wybacz moje wygodnictwo, to jestem bardzo zainteresowany. Chetnie poucze o-soto-gari i innych uczimat od specjalisty :)

Pierwsze Polskie Radio Internetowe
BJJ -studying the art, living the life, having the passion

Moderator dzialu Prawo, Ekonomia i Gospodarka.
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