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Szacuny 1681 Napisanych postów 3713 Wiek 44 lat Na forum 16 lat Przeczytanych tematów 39280
W dobie internetu ty pytasz sie gdzie cos kupic? Walisz w Googlu "deprenyl buy pharmacy" i jazda.


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Fuckmaster ZASŁUŻONY
Szacuny 202 Napisanych postów 31902 Wiek 37 lat Na forum 21 lat Przeczytanych tematów 94099
dobra ****a a co z tymi odglosami do nauki ****a odpowie ktos ?
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Szacuny 1 Napisanych postów 191 Na forum 15 lat Przeczytanych tematów 4528
Kazam miało nie być o ziołach, ale jak napisałeś wczoraj o tej nikotynie i acetylocholinie to mam taką informację, że szałwia blokuje enzym rozkładający acetylocholine, nie powodując skutków ubocznych, podobno rozważa się nawet jej zastosowanie w leczeniu alzheimera
Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 1681 Napisanych postów 3713 Wiek 44 lat Na forum 16 lat Przeczytanych tematów 39280
Huperzine-A tez jest naturalne i podobno calkiem niezle.(naturalny inhibitor wychwytu acetycholiny)


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Szacuny 183 Napisanych postów 12431 Wiek 38 lat Na forum 21 lat Przeczytanych tematów 185431
do mnie wlasnie dotarl zapas hupercyny

kilka ostatnich dni siedzialem na pubmedzie i podobnych serwisach probujac znalezc alternatywe dla drogiej galantaminy i ustalilem ze pod wzgledem inhibicji acetylocholinoesterazy hupercyna nawet przewyzsza galantamine

a stymulacja receptorow nikotynowych moze byc wywolana malymi dawkami nikotyny

tak wiec poloczenie hupercyny i nikotyny /w moim wypadku 2x200mcg hupercyny i 2x2mg nikotyny/ powinno dzialac wybornie

badan nie wklejam bo nie chce mi sie ich znowu szukac
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krzykacz Moderator
Szacuny 21777 Napisanych postów 71338 Wiek 41 lat Na forum 21 lat Przeczytanych tematów 575967
yyy eee aaaale, że o co chodzi, bo nie jestem w temacie?

doping & zdrowie

Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 183 Napisanych postów 12431 Wiek 38 lat Na forum 21 lat Przeczytanych tematów 185431
i jeszcze

fajnym produktem jest


tylko rozsadna dawka to 3-4 kaps dziennie wiec miesiecznie wychodzi okolo 400zl


maly artykulik

Thursday, November 6, 2008
Vitamin Holds Promise for Alzheimer's Disease
Treatment cured memory problems in mice, researchers found

By Randy Dotinga
HealthDay Reporter

(HealthDay News) -- Researchers report that huge doses of an ordinary vitamin appeared to eliminate memory problems in mice with the rodent equivalent of Alzheimer's disease.

At the moment, there's no way to know if the treatment will have the same effect in humans. Researchers are beginning to enroll Alzheimer's patients in a new study, and scientists aren't ready to recommend that people try the vitamin on their own outside of normal doses.

Still, "it's definitely promising, and if we combine this with other things already out there, we'd probably see a large effect," said study author Kim Green, a researcher at the University of California at Irvine.

Alzheimer's disease affects an estimated 5.2 million Americans, causing senility and often leading to death. The Alzheimer's Association estimates that the disease will strike one in eight Baby Boomers.

There's no cure for the neurodegenerative condition, and medications have only limited effects.

In the new study, Green and colleagues looked at nicotinamide, a form of Vitamin B3 that is found in foods such as pork, peanuts, turkey, chicken, veal, fish, salmon, swordfish, tuna and sunflower seeds.

Previous research has suggested that vitamins such as Vitamin E, Vitamin C and Vitamin B12 may help people lower their risk of developing Alzheimer's disease, said Dr. Ralph Nixon, vice chair of the Alzheimer's Association Medical & Scientific Advisory Council.

In the new study, researchers genetically engineered mice to develop the equivalent of human Alzheimer's disease. They tested their memory by putting them in a shallow pool of water and seeing if they could remember the location of a platform that would allow them to emerge from the water.

The researchers then gave Vitamin B3 to some of the mice; the amount was equal to about 2 grams to 3 grams of the vitamin for humans, Green said. The mice were again tested in the pool.

The findings were published online Nov. 5 in The Journal of Neuroscience.

The forgetful mice who took the vitamin did well. "Cognitively, they were cured," Green said. "They performed as if they'd never developed the disease."

The vitamin appears to work by clearing "tangles" of a protein known as tau in brain cells. In Alzheimer's disease, the protein becomes poisonous and contributes to dangerous clogging inside brain cells.

The vitamin holds promise for people, because it's cheap -- Green bought a year's supply for $30 -- and appears to be safe. Even so, "until we've done the proper clinical trials, I wouldn't advocate people rush out and eat grams of this stuff each day," he said.

Nixon said the new study is "intriguing," but people should be cautious and not assume that "more is better" when it comes to possible treatments, even ones that appear to be safe.


In the nicotinamide study, Green and his colleague, Frank LaFerla, added the vitamin to drinking water fed to mice. They tested the rodents' short-term and long-term memory over time using water-maze and object-recognition tasks and found that treated Alzheimer's mice performed at the same level as normal mice, while untreated Alzheimer's mice experienced memory loss.
The nicotinamide, in fact, slightly enhanced cognitive abilities in normal mice. "This suggests that not only is it good for Alzheimer's disease, but if normal people take it, some aspects of their memory might improve," said LaFerla, UCI neurobiology and behavior professor.
Scientists also found that the nicotinamide-treated animals had dramatically lower levels of the tau protein that leads to the Alzheimer's tangle lesion. The vitamin did not affect levels of the protein beta amyloid, which clumps in the brain to form plaques, the second type of Alzheimer's lesion.
Nicotinamide, they found, led to an increase in proteins that strengthen microtubules, the scaffolding within brain cells along which information travels. When this scaffolding breaks down, the brain cells can die. Neuronal death leads to dementia experienced by Alzheimer's patients.
"Microtubules are like highways inside cells. What we're doing with nicotinamide is making a wider, more stable highway," Green said. "In Alzheimer's disease, this highway breaks down. We are preventing that from happening."

i dla tych ktorzy obawiaja sie obnizania poziomu sirt1

Comment by: David Sinclair
Submitted 11 November 2008

One must be careful when calling nicotinamide an "inhibitor" in this
experiment. While it is true that our lab showed that nicotinamide is a
direct inhibitor of SIRT1 enzyme, it is also a precursor of NAD+, and
NAD+ is a co-substrate (i.e., activator) of SIRT1.

In vivo, there is an abundant enzyme called Nampt in cells and serum
that initiates the conversion of nicotinamide to NAD+. Therefore we
should entertain the possibility that nicotinamide is activating SIRT1
in vivo, not inhibiting it. This would fit with other papers showing
that SIRT1 is neuroprotective.
Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 183 Napisanych postów 12431 Wiek 38 lat Na forum 21 lat Przeczytanych tematów 185431
jak to kurva o co chodzi!

o musk chodzi!

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Szacuny 1681 Napisanych postów 3713 Wiek 44 lat Na forum 16 lat Przeczytanych tematów 39280
Ja tam nie rozkminiam tej nikotyny Kazam...nie lepiej fajka zajarac? Skoro przy lajtowych tematach jestesmy to powiem ze poranna szklanka dobrej, zielonej herbaty dziala na mnie swietnie. Mysli sie jakos jasniej i humor lepszy...A huperzine kozak podobno na pamiec. Ten lek Smartu ciekawie wyglada - tyle ze pewnie samemu mozna sobie takie cos zrobic. Ja juz mam czesc skladnikow Ale tych wszystkich Vinpocetinow boje sie trochenie chce jakiegos wylewu w mozgu dostac, bo czytalem o takim przypadku. Ja jak robie klate na skosnej lawce w dol to mi sie we lbie koluje i mi czacha pulsuje, a co dopiero jakbym takie leki bral

Ja tez cos wkleje - stara wypowiedz Steva Silwy, zalozyciela Cognitive Nutrition (pewnie znana firma ) na temat poszczegolnych srodkow ktore bierze :

L-Huperzine A
Why? Gives me elephant memory and has a powerful effect on my dreams.

Why? Memory and motivation boost is nice

Why? Overall True Cognitive Enhancement and helps improve speech so I sound smarter than I am.

Why? Best supplement I've used for focus plus the fun buzz effects of thc and mdma.

Why? Kills any brain fog a may have from drug induced causes.

Why? Has that great wided eye opening effect.

Why? Relaxes me.

Why? Relaxes me and gives me some focus.

Why? A nice rush.

Why? Helps me sleep.

Why? Nice presex/preworkout enhancement

Why? It mellows me.

Why? It's fun to listen to music on.

Why? The mental clarity effect for me is pleasant

Alpha GPC or CDP-Choline
Why? Improves memory but takes a few days to kick in. Nice add on effect.

Why? Helps with ringing in the ears and the enhanced blood flow is nice.

BTW - leci do mnie tez Resveratrol i Idebenone mniam.


Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 183 Napisanych postów 12431 Wiek 38 lat Na forum 21 lat Przeczytanych tematów 185431
idebenon fajny, lepszy od q10 i ma ten plus ze nie staje sie w pewnych warunkach prooksydacyjny zamiast antyoksydacyjnego

resweratrol jak dla mnie za drogi na chwile obecna przy skutecznych dawkach
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