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"Pierwszy rok mezczyzny na SAA" L.Rea

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Szacuny 10 Napisanych postów 1358 Na forum 17 lat Przeczytanych tematów 13454
a gdzie tam jest 10tyg ?
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Szacuny 1 Napisanych postów 209 Wiek 34 lat Na forum 17 lat Przeczytanych tematów 14191
Wg mnie cykl bez Testosteronu to g**** nie cykl !!! a po takim cyklu jak rozpisał ten profesorek to chyba już by sobie ktoś nieporuchał
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Szacuny 0 Napisanych postów 180 Wiek 40 lat Na forum 20 lat Przeczytanych tematów 16226
btw. w poprzednim poscie, piszac 'autor' nie mialem na mysli twojej osoby, natomiast pomyslodawce calego zamieszania, peace.
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Szacuny 0 Napisanych postów 180 Wiek 40 lat Na forum 20 lat Przeczytanych tematów 16226
"17-26 Metanabol"
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Szacuny 10 Napisanych postów 1358 Na forum 17 lat Przeczytanych tematów 13454
to sie wkraqdl blad, ma byc 17-24 meta i deka
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Szacuny 0 Napisanych postów 106 Na forum 17 lat Przeczytanych tematów 1956
tylko to nie sa 4tyg cykle ale jeden 32tyg cykl z dwoma 4tyg przerwami, w tym wypadku odblokowanie po dece nie ma sensu dopiero ma sens tak jak jest opisane, spotkalem sie z wieloma podobnymi kombinacjami ale byly one stosowane okolo 10lat temu i wiecej tak samo program HATFIELDA ponoc byl idealny glownie opieral sie na primce, dece, winsie i mecie w kombinacji ktora teraz kazdy by nazwal cylkem z dupy a on ponoc byl madry facet i tylko najlepsi mieli dostep do jego wykladow i twierdzil ze po tych cyklach spadkow nie ma bo i przerw na spadki nie bylo z tym ze cykle trwaly po 6tyg z krotkimi przerwami
jednak czasy poszly do przodu i wiele sie zmienilo i jakie cykle stosuja najlepsi tego pewnie sie nie dowiemy
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Szacuny 5 Napisanych postów 1219 Na forum 19 lat Przeczytanych tematów 18719
Nord podyskutować zawsze można, poza tym nie wiem jak on takie cykle naukowo wydedukował...
dla mnie co najmniej dziwnie to wygląda
a może po prostu to inna niż polska mentalność do rozpisywania soku

no pain, no game

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Szacuny 10 Napisanych postów 1358 Na forum 17 lat Przeczytanych tematów 13454
First Year Male Example Cycles week 1-4:
First a series of urine and blood test were performed by a health care professional: HDL/LDL, BLOOD CELL COUNTS (CBC),
LYMPHOCYTE, HEMOGLOBIN, and other health indicators including BLOOD
PRESSURE were evaluated. Getting a copy of the results was always my goal for future
comparisons. I would did this about 5 weeks after each cycle and again 2 months later if
any results had altered negatively. Creating a training log containing: diet, training,
cycles/effects good and bad was a must, of course.
The most common first cycle was brief (week #1-4). Deca Durabolin, 200-mg
every 7th day. For those who were under 200-LBS, this short cycle provided good
strength gains with lasting lean mass gains which were be mostly maintained after
discontinuance of the AAS. Deca is a strong anabolic/moderately androgenic drug that
promotes a high rate of protein synthesis. For this reason, a high protein intake of 1-2-g
per LB of body weight daily was a must. Average total calorie intake was 18-20 calories
per pound of body weight daily. Since the dosage was low and the cycle short, antiestrogens
were not utilized nor was there need for HPTA stimulating compounds postcycle.
According to available literature, Deca is very liver friendly (as is all Nandrolones)
so toxicity was not an issue.

First year male examples weeks 9-12.
The second cycle most commonly
employed was a bit more aggressive than this but personally I used Primobolan Depot
100-mg twice weekly (Mon. & Thurs) stacked with Oxandrolone SPA. This cycle
provided good strength gains and improved muscle mass with quality. However, my main
goal was to harden the new mass acquired from my first cycle. Oxandrolone provided an
increase in Phosphocreatine (CP) production and storage which translated into an
increase in strength and improved nitrogen balance. The strong anabolic qualities of
Primobolan Depot improved lean muscle mass to a respectable degree. I gained 6-8 LBS
of lean mass during this brief cycle with improved body composition. Again, antiestrogens
were not necessary nor were HPTA stimulating compounds. This was due to
Oxandrolone's lack of aromatization at any dosage. It also did not decrease HPTA
function which was commonly confirmed by my own and other reported experiences.
Primobolan Depot does not aromatize either and only slightly decreased HPTA function
at higher dosages. I utilized a diet providing 1.5-2g of protein and 18-20 calories per
pound of body weight daily. Post-cycle retention of new quality mass excellent.
*Oxandrolone is a c17-Alfa-alkylated compound and liver toxic. However, in lower dosages
for brief periods, toxicity is low-moderate. Primobolan Depot is only slightly liver toxic
when administered in higher dosages.

First year male example weeks #17-34:
Like most who opted to utilize AAS as part of a
training regime my goal during and after my fist two AAS cycles was to gain as much
quality muscle mass as possible. Since I was successful, repeating both cycles again
before proceeding to stronger more androgenic combinations / stacks was prudent. Once I
proceeded to higher dosages or stronger AAS, going backward had little augmentative
value until I increased dosages.
The cycle example outlined in week #17-34 was a longer and stronger stack.
Dosages were increased slowly to accommodate the body's adaptive ability, then tapered
back down so as to avoid a sudden anabolic/androgenic crash (while HCG/Clomid kickup
endogenous androgen production). Though I did not necessarily agree with this
protocols “tapered back down” aspect many reported this approach had lessor post-cycle
psychological issues to deal with due to a gradual weening effect. Personally, I learned
that this actually resulted in greater post-cycle lean mass tissue loss due to a prolonged
negative feed-back loop within the HPTA.
The use of Novladex and Proviron to minimize estrogen, produced from
aromatization of Dianabol, was reported as necessary by about half of those interviewed.
However, the inclusion did result in reduced the effectiveness of this stack. Personally I
introduced the anti-estrogens at the first sign of gyno or female pattern fat deposits only.
Post cycle it was commonly necessary to utilize anti-estrogens as a means of avoiding an
estrogen dominance while my HPTA function returns to normal. As with my prior cycle
containing Deca, the gains made during this cycle were of a high quality muscle mass
gain due to Deca's high protein synthesis inducing qualities. Most reported the same.
The use of the oral Dianabol greatly increased strength while creating water
retention. Since Dianabol is a c17-alfa-alkylated oral AAS, liver toxicity was a concern.
This stack usually resulted in a very rapid build-up of strength and weight with good
regenerative qualities.
1.5-2-g of protein and 18-20 calories per pound of bodyweight daily were the
normally agreed as “most productive”. Since this was a mass phase type cycle, the higher
calorie intake was necessary to realize optimal results. A reduction in calories to 17-18
calories per pound of body weight daily with out reducing protein intake was a necessary
adjustment for those who already had excessive adipose (fat) tissue pre-cycle to avoid
excess fat gain beginning week #33.
The use of HCG / Clomid was almost unanomously agreed to be necessary for
those who reported this cycles use since higher dosages of Deca where utilized, and
Dianabol does suppress /decrease HPTA function. Failing to do so often resulted in an
anabolic/ androgenic lag period (which greatly reduced retention of mass gained during
this AAS cycle). Continuing the cycle as outlined in weeks #27-34 usually depended
upon negative side effects realized during the use of Dianabol during weeks #17-24. The
use of HCG /Clomid during weeks #24-26 aided regeneration of the HPTA thus
normalizing endogenous testosterone production and up-regulation of somewhat normal
androgen receptor-site activity. This made the Winstrol Depot/Equipoise stack much
more effective. The Winstrol Depot/Equipoise combination greatly reduced post-cycle
muscle mass loss and had a hardening effect upon mass gained during the Deca
phase. This was obviously in comparison to protocols that did not
employ this technique.
When I intended a competition date, it fell at the end of week #30 or 31. In that case, I
begin the use of an anticatabolic/thermalgenic such as Ephedrine or Clenbuterol during
week #27 and discontinued it at week #34-35. If I did not choose a competition date, I
normally employed the use of Clenbuterol or Ephedrine for 4 weeks beginning week #32.
This again reduced post-cycle losses. Winstrol Depot/Equipoise caused little water
retention while creating a superior protein synthesis environment.
Most athletes who focused on long term results years later repeated this cycle
after a 1-3 month "off period". The addition of other AAS was not considered by most
until this cycle failed to provide effective results. I personally know of some NPC
competitors who still used this first year cycle structure after several years with great
During week #17-24 the Dianabol was occationally replaced with Primobolan
tabs to avoid liver toxicity issues: week #17-50MG/day, #18-75mg/day, #19-100mg/day,
#20-125mg/day, #21-150mg/day, #22-150mg/day,#23-100mg/day, #24-50mg/day. The
use of Nolvadex/Proviron for estrogen control was not reported to be necessary in this
case. The use of Equipoise during weeks #27-32 was of little or no concern when liver
toxicity was an issue since, according to available literature and based upon personal
experience, it is not toxic at any dosage. Winstrol Depot was only somewhat liver toxic in
the example dosage range and 6 week periods, in most cases. (And injections were less
toxic than orals usually due to dosage differences)
Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 31 Napisanych postów 5394 Na forum 19 lat Przeczytanych tematów 70736
nordland jak myslisz npp dalo by tez rade czy potrzebna jest tutaj deca?

wydymac caly swiat

Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 10 Napisanych postów 1358 Na forum 17 lat Przeczytanych tematów 13454
NPP to tylko krotkszy estr wiec moesz uzyskac takie same stezenia nadrolonu
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