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Szacuny 8 Napisanych postów 226 Wiek 38 lat Na forum 15 lat Przeczytanych tematów 12340
For Axio they tested 2- the test C, and the stanaplex 50---- The test c it said the water content was high, and that there were amines present. The bacteria on the other hand was nill. The stanaplex50 had a very high bacteria amount according to there test.

For Diamond they tested th Deca250 and the bacteria count was high as reported by their tests.

Does anyone know anything about Methyl Benzoate? It came back as one of the ingredients in a sample of a lab and when I look it up wikipedia damn near said it is cocaine. (maybe I read it wrong, but if anyone can shed some light on this that would be great)

Asia pharma cyp was tested and was superb- no contaminents, heavy metals less than .002%, which is within any real lab standards, and almost dead on with mg/ml
Dutch lab Drostanolone prop everything came back same as above, but there were trace amounts of other steroids and carboline. It said the trace amounts could be cause all their stuff may be made on the same equipment.
Euro Pharm Boldenone tests came back as almost as perfect as they get. Dose was exact.
Thats all for now
You know whats weird tho, I just noticed axio test c, there was no benzyl Alc, or benzyl benzoate

Over 20 tests, so too tough to list them all, but many did good. Diamond got their ass handed to them. Endosyn did perfect. However, the most contaminated was Axio Labs Stanazolol. Most products were <100 count. Axio's product came in at 21,000. They didn't even test it beyond that point. But as stated, their Test Cyp did ok except for high moisture which questions the process.

And Methyl Benzoate is often used to cut cocaine, it's not the actual component. It's a pheromone based product found naturally in the wild. I'm not a biologist, so someone on here may have more data. But that's my 2 cents.

A couple more top performers
Geneza Mast 100-- everything good, a little overdosed, and like almost all other labs had a contaminant of carboline
Lyka labs test prop- same as above
R.O.H.M. tren ace- same as above, except very slightly underdosed and had trace amounts of other steroids
Sciroxx tren ace-- bacteria, water, metals- all good pH a little low, and listed contaminants are amines, parrafins, Bis(2-ethyl hexyl) phthalate
Gen-shi Masteron- heavy metals at <.004%, slightly overdosed, and contaminants were testosterone and amines
IP china test prop- heavy metals <.004%, dosed exactly as stated, contaminant was stated as amines

eurochem deca- under by 20mg/ml
goldengear Masteron- under by 50mg/ml
Prochem testC- 80mg/ml under
stealth methenolone Enan- 20mg/ml under
Unigen test E- 30mg/ml under

Heavy Metals-
Balkan at <.007% ( Also significant overdose of what label claimed- (Test C Amp) also contained Test E as a contaminant
Eurochem at <.004%
Gen-shi at <.004%
IP China at <.004%
Jinan at <.007%

Alpha Pharma- Rexogin(1st sample) -400 Aerobic Plate Count per gram
Alpha pharma- rexogin (2nd sample) - <100 (Very acceptable)
Axio stanaplex50- 21,000
Diamond deca- 1500
Elite test prop- 100
Geneza test susp- 4,000
Golden gear Mast- 100
Unigen test E- 100
Everything else came back as <100
Endosyn and Morning star did not get bacteria or heavy metal tests
Ekspert SFD
Pochwały Postów 686 Wiek 32 Na forum 11 Płeć Mężczyzna Przeczytanych tematów 13120


Nowa ulepszona formuła, zawierająca szereg specjalnie dobranych ekstraktów roślinnych, magnez oraz chrom oraz opatentowany związek CAPSIMAX®.

Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 8 Napisanych postów 226 Wiek 38 lat Na forum 15 lat Przeczytanych tematów 12340
Manufacturer: Scirrox

Product: Trenadex

Content: Trenbolone Acetate

Labeled Dose: 100mg/ml

Lot Number: 2608

Expiration Date: 09/13


Bacteria (Aerobic Plate Count per Gram): <100

Karl Fisher Water: n/a

Heavy Metals: <.002%

pH 2.9


Benzyl Alcohol
Benzyl Benzoate
Fatty Acids
Organic Acids
Ethyl Oleate
Glycerol Tricaprylate
TenboloneAcetae (90 mg*)
*estimated concentration based on chromatographic purity

Bis (2-ethyl hexyl) phthalate

Product may be considered acceptable, but it would be useful to determine the source of the amines and related compounds. presence of a trace level of a phthalate plasticizer may or may not be significant. The pH of this solution is also low.
Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 8 Napisanych postów 226 Wiek 38 lat Na forum 15 lat Przeczytanych tematów 12340
Manufacturer: Axio Labs

Product: Stanaplex 50

Content: Stanozolol

Labeled Dose: 50mg/ml

Lot Number: TV7R86

Expiration Date: 12 2012


Bacteria (Aerobic Plate Count per Gram): 21,000

This product was contaminated with a high concentration of bacteria.
Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 8 Napisanych postów 226 Wiek 38 lat Na forum 15 lat Przeczytanych tematów 12340
Manufacturer: Alpha Pharma

Product: Rexogin

Content: Stanozolol

Labeled Dose: 50mg/ml

Lot Number: RX8001

Expiration Date: 01 2011


Bacteria (Aerobic Plate Count per Gram): <100

This product was not contaminated with bacteria.
Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 8 Napisanych postów 226 Wiek 38 lat Na forum 15 lat Przeczytanych tematów 12340
Manufacturer: ProChem Laboratories

Product: Tetosterone Cypionate

Content: Testtosterone Cypionate

Labeled Dose: 200mg/ml

Lot Number: 0218A

Expiration Date: 09/10


Bacteria (Aerobic Plate Count per Gram):

Karl Fisher Water: n/a

Heavy Metals: <.002%

pH 4.5


Benzyl Alcohol
Benzyl Benzoate
Fatty Acids
Ethyl Oleate
Testosterone Cypionate (120mg*)
*estimated concentration based on chromatographic purity


This product contained a significantly lower concentration of steroid compared to the label claim dosage. otherwise, the product appears to be of acceptable quality. the presence of the plasticizer at trace levels may or may not be significant
Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 8 Napisanych postów 226 Wiek 38 lat Na forum 15 lat Przeczytanych tematów 12340
milej lektury
Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 85 Napisanych postów 14048 Na forum 18 lat Przeczytanych tematów 165707
eee, myslalem, ze odpowie wreszcie na odwieczne pytanie - "czy waluja omke?"


adin, dwa, tri .... tolka spakojna

Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 23 Napisanych postów 3110 Na forum 16 lat Przeczytanych tematów 26608
pewnie wszystkie probki omki jakie posiadal sam wbil bo szkoda mu bylo marnowac towaru
Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 8 Napisanych postów 226 Wiek 38 lat Na forum 15 lat Przeczytanych tematów 12340
Tak wala omke i w duzych ilosciach
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