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w0jt Dana White
Szacuny 11 Napisanych postów 13762 Na forum 19 lat Przeczytanych tematów 93464
poniżej wklejam czat który odbył się 9 kwietnia, pytania zadawali fani

devilman What do you think, is there a fighter who can beat you at this moment and who would that be?
CROCOP Reply to devilman: Everyone can be beaten. I'm id good shape and I'll prove that in my next fight
deodorian hey mirko.. 1 question.. you will open your school in zagreb one day? thx..hrvoje
CROCOP Reply to deodorian: I hope that I'll open a martial arts academy in Zagren soon
devilman What do you think, what is you current position on MMA rankings?
CROCOP Reply to devilman: I don't know about my place and I don't think that those lists are objective. Many fighters didn't fight each other
Godra how is your elbow injury?
CROCOP Reply to Godra: Surgery coming up soon after my next fight
hrvman Mirko, how do you feel now about yout carreer, did you take confidence again to reach your goal ?
CROCOP Reply to hrvman: Yes, I'm still very very confident
nopain Mirko, are you still motivated as much as before your last fight?
CROCOP Reply to nopain: my motivation is very high, I've never been so motivated!
Angela Are you still in politics?
CROCOP Reply to Angela: No, I'm not.
croatian-blade How much u weight right now?
CROCOP Reply to croatian-blade: 105 kg at the moment
ferenci130 will you ever be fighting in the US again?
CROCOP Reply to ferenci130: Yes, I'm looking forward to fight again in the States
Angela How do you deal with criticism?� it's hard for us fans to read it, so i wondered how you deal with it
CROCOP Reply to Angela: I don't know from where this criticism is coming from. I'm doing my job and I don't do any public work so crisitism is way out of control
chadedward Did you turn down fights with Mighty Mo, Alistair Overeem, and Gokin Saki�for your DREAM debut?
CROCOP Reply to chadedward: No!
likma Do you have a wrestling trainer?
CROCOP Reply to likma: Yes I have. It's a secret!
hyeong-uk-choi Do you have any religion ?
CROCOP Reply to hyeong-uk-choi: Not really.
alexanderz28 What rematch are you looking forward the most right now?
CROCOP Reply to alexanderz28: Against Fedor. Then Minotauro and Kongo
Hibberdons1987 what is your most satisfying win mirko?
CROCOP Reply to Hibberdons1987: I like all my wins really
prispodoba who is your next oponent, regards, go on Mirko
CROCOP Reply to prispodoba: I still don't know unfortunately
utoka How your plans for this year look like?
CROCOP Reply to utoka: 2 more fights for DREAM, then I want Fedor for NYE or the UFC. But definitely 2 more fights
AaronJoseph who's the�strongest guy u ever fighted?
CROCOP Reply to AaronJoseph: Ron Waterman
hyeong-uk-choi Who is your favorite movie actor?�
CROCOP Reply to hyeong-uk-choi: De Niro
NEOHEMAS What was the first martial art you studied?
CROCOP Reply to NEOHEMAS: kickboxing
Angela Ron Waterman?� really?
CROCOP Reply to Angela: Psyhically yes
Zrebak Hello Mirko, how are you ?
CROCOP Reply to Zrebak: I don't think about that
vladek Are you planing on returning to the UFC to show them who you really are?
CROCOP Reply to vladek: I'll be back to the UFC definitely
hrvman I heard that you put 10kg on your legs and hit 100 high kicks everyday, is that true ?
CROCOP Reply to hrvman: 10 kg is too much, I use weights but not 10 kg. About 1.5 kg is fine
hyeong-uk-choi Have you ever been to the�south korea?�
CROCOP Reply to hyeong-uk-choi: No, never.
hyeong-uk-choi Can you name one person that you respect very much ?
CROCOP Reply to hyeong-uk-choi: my mother
utoka Will you ever fight in Croatia for some other organisation?
CROCOP Reply to utoka: I would like to fight in our new Zagreb Arena
alexanderz28 How did you like to be back in Japan fighting
CROCOP Reply to alexanderz28: I feel great I like Japan really much
hyeong-uk-choi What kind of hobbies do you have ?
CROCOP Reply to hyeong-uk-choi: No particular hobbies indeed
Angela has your son expressed interesting in MMA?
CROCOP Reply to Angela: he is way too young but I'll definitely get this out of his head
vladek Are you afraid of getting too old and hot having the time to complete your goals?
CROCOP Reply to vladek: As a sportsman, I don't think about this. But sometime I'll have to retire. Let's hope not in the next 3-4 years

hyeong-uk-choi What do you think is the most important thing in your life ?
CROCOP Reply to hyeong-uk-choi: my family
Fedja are you interested in playing in a movie?
CROCOP Reply to Fedja: Not anymore
crogiant what kind of music do you listen?
CROCOP Reply to crogiant: More or less everything but 80's are my favorite
croat1234 Why Ultimate 7 was such a debacle?
CROCOP Reply to croat1234: Because it was really bad
Zrebak Are you friend with Fedor ?
CROCOP Reply to Zrebak: I respect him but we are not friends
Hibberdons1987 Who will take fedor vs sylvia and how?
CROCOP Reply to Hibberdons1987: It's hard to say. Minor advantage goes to Fedor
deodorian why your using wild boys as your theme song?
CROCOP Reply to deodorian: I like this song
Zielony Do you like mountains or sea?
CROCOP Reply to Zielony: Sea
stefanlind How much do you bench (maximum)
CROCOP Reply to stefanlind: 160 kg
crocopisback how does it feel to be training with Marijan Zizanovic again?
CROCOP Reply to crocopisback: Ziza is a legend. It's a pleasure.
tuco where do you se yourself in ten years from now?
CROCOP Reply to tuco: In Zagreb with more kids and martial arts academy
nopain "Do you watch ""Farma"" (Croatian reality show)? Who would be a winner between Lupino and Drvis?"
CROCOP Reply to nopain: I saw only the last fight. My bet would be Lupino
Rayco What is your exact height?
CROCOP Reply to Rayco: 186 centimeters
triple x How many hours you train per day?
CROCOP Reply to triple x: Depends on the training schedule, but the average is 3 hours
Ivuj Did you get�to�see George Bush while he was in Zagreb?
CROCOP Reply to Ivuj: of course not
lester81 Hello, Mirko! Do you use Muay Thai technique in your training process? Good luck!
CROCOP Reply to lester81: only a few techniques
dakeyras What do you think of elbows in MMA? Should it be allowed? I think it destroys the game with all the cuts and son on.
CROCOP Reply to dakeyras: I don't know. I don't like elbows, much damage is done with them. Fights are being stopped due to a bleeding.
K1Best What is your worst injury?(fighting or not)
CROCOP Reply to K1Best: Broken bones in the left foot
vladek What's your relation to Van Damme? Is he a cocky or a normal person?
CROCOP Reply to vladek: He's a legend and I respect him. I was really suprised with him, in a positive way.
hyeong-uk-choi What do you think of�mike tyson?
CROCOP Reply to hyeong-uk-choi: Greatest boxer ever
aliquid What are You think about possiblle Fedor vs., Couture fight ? Who acording to You will be the winner ?
CROCOP Reply to aliquid: Fedor for sure.
rhythmshockzero Have you ever kicked anybody in the head in the line of duty as a police officer?
CROCOP Reply to rhythmshockzero: No, never
croat1234 "Is it true that your soccer club ""Cibalia"" earned tons of cash by selling your jerseys in Japan?"
CROCOP Reply to croat1234: No that's rubbish
croatian-blade Have you watched your knockout against Gonzaga, it must be difficult?
CROCOP Reply to croatian-blade: i saw it, it wasn't easy but that's the job. If it was easy, it wouldn't got me (laugh)
alexanderz28 Ever been in any bar fights?
CROCOP Reply to alexanderz28: Yes.
BenZ Du you train on sunday?
CROCOP Reply to BenZ: No.
hyeong-uk-choi Have you ever done any volunteer work? What?
CROCOP Reply to hyeong-uk-choi: No.
crogiant did you watched bruce lee movies?
CROCOP Reply to crogiant: of course
Angela is your nose completely healed?
CROCOP Reply to Angela: Yes it is
deodorian what do you thing on ufc president dana..? thx mirko
CROCOP Reply to deodorian: Very capable guy
CRO COP FAN- Rijeka What is your opinion on tragic death of Hrvoje Custic (Croatian soccer player)?
CROCOP Reply to CRO COP FAN- Rijeka: A really tragedy
Godra what about that high kick at Hustle's New Year Eve Show?
CROCOP Reply to Godra: Shit happens (laugh)
rhythmshockzero Is the switch to board shorts style trunks instead of the tigher trunks permanent?
CROCOP Reply to rhythmshockzero: I will use the new shorts from now on
triple x What's your favourite sport after MMA?
CROCOP Reply to triple x: I don't have the time for other sports, but I like gymnastic
Angela do you have any particular diet?� I have heard you hate vegetables?!
CROCOP Reply to Angela: I have no diet program
croboy Do you think that professional sport is bad for athletes' health?
CROCOP Reply to croboy: Professional sport can be everything, but certainly not healthy
BenZ What can you advice to a young practicer of kickboxing to train regular even if he had big study? Thx Mirko
CROCOP Reply to BenZ: train hard
StephenQuadros MIRKO! How are you!!! SQ
CROCOP Reply to StephenQuadros: Glad to have you here Stephen
hrvman What do you think about Eduardo's injury for the Croatian team and euro 2008 ?
CROCOP Reply to hrvman: They are a very good team and I wish them the best
dakeyras Now that you have fought in both. Do you prefer a ring or a octagon?
CROCOP Reply to dakeyras: I prefer ring, but I'll fight in the cage again
lester81 What do you think about Vladimir Putin?
CROCOP Reply to lester81: Impressive guy
madmaxq you are big pussy
CROCOP Reply to madmaxq: Come and say that in front of me
deodorian you and bas are frends?
CROCOP Reply to deodorian: I like and respect Bas very much
Moskau what is your favorite movie?
CROCOP Reply to Moskau: Heat
TreeTrunk Have you ever been knocked out in practice?
CROCOP Reply to TreeTrunk: Never
Crocopfan Who is the most pretty woman for you?
CROCOP Reply to Crocopfan: The most beatiful women are anonymous. Charlize Theron if we talk celebrities
risk11 All hail to Mirko, I am your fan from korea. I heard you trained Taekwondo when you were young. Did it have influence on your kicks?
CROCOP Reply to risk11: Not really
deodorian you watch other mma organizations? like cage rage, elite ....itd
CROCOP Reply to deodorian: Sometimes
hyeong-uk-choi What do you think to be your most successful achievement in your job?�
CROCOP Reply to hyeong-uk-choi: A title of course and to beat everyone who defeated me
croboy Mirko you have the support from Croatian living in Bosnia-Herzegovina!
CROCOP Reply to croboy: Thanks
Angela what are your thoughts on fighters becoming free agents and fighting across organizations?
CROCOP Reply to Angela: I support this
MS Bmw ili� Mercedes ?
CROCOP Reply to MS: Mercedes
LHKsecurity Do you ever look at forums on sherdog.com?
CROCOP Reply to LHKsecurity: No
nopain "Leafy meat/cheese-pie or sausages (""cevapi"")?"
CROCOP Reply to nopain: Cheese-pie in the morning and cevapi in the evening
donaldfux Do you think you've lost some speed since you've put on weight ? Thanks Mirko
CROCOP Reply to donaldfux: Yes, I'll still have my speed
khaos f griffin or q jackson?
CROCOP Reply to khaos: jackson
FreeBird Will you ever drop weightclass to 205lbs. to fight at light-heavyweigt?
CROCOP Reply to FreeBird: Only if I chop off my leg

hyeong-uk-choi Do you have any licenses or other special qualifications ?
CROCOP Reply to hyeong-uk-choi: I'm afraid not.
ZeinesZeichen Are you Fight this year vs. Fedor?
CROCOP Reply to ZeinesZeichen: Hopefully on NYE
Moskau has Zelg Galesic ever trained with you?
CROCOP Reply to Moskau: Yes, he's good.
Hibberdons1987 are you afraid of anything?
CROCOP Reply to Hibberdons1987: Boring persons, snakes, broken car, crazy dogs over 30 kgs of weight ... (laugh)
Tihach "Would you apply for ""Farma"" (Croatian TV show with celebrities)"
CROCOP Reply to Tihach: Of course, if Charlize Theron is there
K1Best do you think ray sefo can still win k1 gp?
CROCOP Reply to K1Best: maybe
leevee Have you ever been bitten by dogs?
CROCOP Reply to leevee: Yes!
Denny boy And Croatian version of Charlize ... Aleksandra?
CROCOP Reply to Denny boy: only originals please (laugh)
rhythmshockzero Have any pets?
CROCOP Reply to rhythmshockzero: three dogs and a rabbit
ikab Have you ever smoked?
CROCOP Reply to ikab: Never
CRO COP FAN- Rijeka Did your wife choose those pets or did you?
CROCOP Reply to CRO COP FAN- Rijeka: Me
StolenAnguish Whats Your PLan After Retiring ??? Politics ?? Movies ???/
CROCOP Reply to StolenAnguish: Opening my own academy
K1Best how many miles can you run?
CROCOP Reply to K1Best: Depends who's after me
croat1234 Your academy ... Which sports will be featured in it?
CROCOP Reply to croat1234: If I told that it's going to be a martial arts academy, I have no intention to teach swimming, tennis or rhytmics
dakeyras how many miles can you run if a crazy 30kg dog is behind you =).
CROCOP Reply to dakeyras: Ultra maraton, 64 kilometers I guess
Ch0zen How many miles could you run with Charlize Theron infront of you??? heh
CROCOP Reply to Ch0zen: Until she falls down (laugh)
K1Best do you own any firearms?
CROCOP Reply to K1Best: Yes.
vladek If someone offers 3 million Euros to you to retire, what would be your answer?
CROCOP Reply to vladek: I wouldn't retire, this has nothing to do with money anymore
nopain Would you shoot at paparazzi's in your backyard?
CROCOP Reply to nopain: No,m but I would give them a free lesson from MMA
K1Best What do you think about Kyokushin karate?
CROCOP Reply to K1Best: I like it
notn So you are supporting Goran Ivanisevic?
CROCOP Reply to notn: Absolutely
Tihach Pozdrav iz Vara§dina,Does Van Damme weight 75 kilograms with or without a bed?
CROCOP Reply to Tihach: 90 kgs without a bed
dakeyras Do you have any belt/grade in BJJ?
CROCOP Reply to dakeyras: No.
CRO COP FAN- Rijeka You are almost never a topic in gossip columns?
CROCOP Reply to CRO COP FAN- Rijeka: They have no reason to write about me
Fedja Obama, clinton or Cain?
CROCOP Reply to Fedja: Obama
OLAK When have you lost your last chess game?
CROCOP Reply to OLAK: The last time that I played (laugh)
nopain Do you visit betting houses?
CROCOP Reply to nopain: I don't like gambling
mladjo Do you believe that the UFC is the most dominant mixed martial arts organisation?
CROCOP Reply to mladjo: at the moment, yes
satyr Do you listen to turbo folk?
CROCOP Reply to satyr: No
DuO Do you think that MMA fighters are generally underpaid?
CROCOP Reply to DuO: Definitely!
satyr would you strip for the cover of some adult magazine?
CROCOP Reply to satyr: It depends on the offer (laugh)
Crocopfan How you felt after Nogueira submited you?
CROCOP Reply to Crocopfan: like a shit (laugh)
alexanderz28 Chuck Liddell says he would like move to HW to fight you, what do you think about that?
CROCOP Reply to alexanderz28: Indeed. I would like to fight him
FreeBird Besides Fedor, which fighter would you most like to fight?
CROCOP Reply to FreeBird: Nogueira, Kongo, Gonzaga
vladek Do you get attracted to material things (boats, cars...) or you are just a humble guy.
CROCOP Reply to vladek: I consider myself a humble person, although cars are my passion. I drive A-class cars, but other then that I live like an average person.
chadedward Was training with Dean Lister especially helpful for your ground game?
CROCOP Reply to chadedward: He's a superb expert and can't wait to train with him again
satyr How often do you masturbate and do you keep away from it before your fights?
CROCOP Reply to satyr: This question is way to personal (laugh)
crocopminia do you think you are rich now??
CROCOP Reply to crocopminia: Some people are rich no matter if they have money or not
Moskau Which team would you like to win the UEFA Champions League? (go chelsea!)
CROCOP Reply to Moskau: Cibalia from Vinkovci (laugh)
Markthrone Do you think that you could have a chance to beat Fedor if you hadn't slipped?
CROCOP Reply to Markthrone: It has nothing to do with that, it's not a reason for my defeat. It was just a bad day for me, he was better and he deserved to win
vladek You said that cars are your passion. So German or Japanese cars?
CROCOP Reply to vladek: Only German cars
croboy Your favourite city besides Vinkovic?
CROCOP Reply to croboy: Zagreb, Pula, Vara§din ... But I like my Privlaka the most
triple x Is it true that you lost 5 kilograms before your fight against Kongo?
CROCOP Reply to triple x: Yes, it's true.
dakeyras Anything special you want to improve for a possible rematch against Fedor?
CROCOP Reply to dakeyras: nothing. It wasn't my day.
DuO Having faced both of them, do you think that Barnett has the skills to beat Fedor?
CROCOP Reply to DuO: Barnett has a chance if he's having one of his best days
Hrvach37 Which car do you drive?
CROCOP Reply to Hrvach37: BMW X5 and Mercedes S
nopain It wasn't your day but you kicked Fedor's ass ... What would have happened if it was your day?
CROCOP Reply to nopain: Well if I have kicked his ass then I guess I would have won?
deodorian Your opinion on Josh Barnett?
CROCOP Reply to deodorian: Excellent guy
nopain Are you nervous before a fight?
CROCOP Reply to nopain: Of course
hyeong-uk-choi why did you choose this job?
CROCOP Reply to hyeong-uk-choi: I don't know why really (laugh)
vladek What's in your head when you go to the ring?
CROCOP Reply to vladek: Staying alive (laugh)
Mile Do you hate Serbs? You have many fans in Serbia.
CROCOP Reply to Mile: I don't hate anyone
CRO COP FAN- Rijeka It seems to me that you dislike Silva. Is that true?
CROCOP Reply to CRO COP FAN- Rijeka: I have no opinion on him
likma Were you familliar with that member of special forces who got killed?
CROCOP Reply to likma: No
crogiant But you hate Silva?
CROCOP Reply to crogiant: I don't, I have no reason. I don't like his behaviour out of the ring, but I don't hate him.
DuO Many people say that DREAM is the new PRIDE, do you think that this assesment is accurate?
CROCOP Reply to DuO: YES
leevee Do you like confectionery? such as chocolate, cookie
CROCOP Reply to leevee: Yes
ivan cro cop You cheat on your wife?
CROCOP "Reply to ivan cro cop: Ivan ... Let me tell you a joke. James Bond came to Mujo from Bosnia and said ""Bond, James Bond"". Mujo's reply was ""Off, f*** off"" (laugh) you get the message?"
Tony How did you like training with the dutch fighters/trainers (hippolyte, Yvel, Bonjasky)? Do you feel your standup is getting worse in comparison with your K1 yours?
CROCOP Reply to Tony: Great experience. On Monday I go to their gym again.
Hibberdons1987 Would you like to fight in the UK again?
CROCOP Reply to Hibberdons1987: Of course! If I'll ever fight again in the UFC, I would like to appear on the Uk card
BebaRamone Do you like tattoo's and piercing?
CROCOP Reply to BebaRamone: I'm not a fan.
satyr You want to fight in England again, after two embarrasments?
CROCOP Reply to satyr: Once again doesn't sound too painful (laugh)
Hrvach37 What's your opinion on people who put you down and spit on you?
CROCOP Reply to Hrvach37: A very good question. Everyone has a right to have an opinion. But spitting on someone makes no sense. If he feels happy that way, let it be. But, they should look at the mirror and ask themselves who gave them the right to judge other people and things that they are not familliar with, things that they saw on TV. They should ask themselves if they would have the courage to step into the ring. There's an old saying - don't talk to the fools because people might not tell the difference
hyeong-uk-choi What kind of a student were you in high school
CROCOP Reply to hyeong-uk-choi: Average
nopain Do you write or only others what to write?
CROCOP Reply to nopain: I only talk, I'm not very good in typing!
GranDaddo Choose - BJJ with great jaw or your standup+sprawl?
CROCOP Reply to GranDaddo: Standup+sprawl
Angela Do you really view your MMA-ID page on occasion?
CROCOP Reply to Angela: Of course, I check my messages every day
likma Do you have a secret account on some forums?
CROCOP Reply to likma: No
pankratios If you fight a kick boxer and you know that you have big advantage on the ground...will you take this person to the ground? How good are your takedowns?
CROCOP Reply to pankratios: Takedowns? Well I don't do that
BebaRamone Is it too late to start training at 24?
CROCOP Reply to BebaRamone: Not if you are not thinking to go pro.
uscrushdude Are you fighting on DREAMS April 29 card?
CROCOP Reply to uscrushdude: No
CRO COP FAN- Rijeka Do you really respect all yours oponnents?
CROCOP Reply to CRO COP FAN- Rijeka: Yes
CROCOP Thank everyone for this chat. Now I have to go to prepare for my training. I hope you liked my answers and see on MMA-ID.

źródło: mma-id.com

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Nowa ulepszona formuła, zawierająca szereg specjalnie dobranych ekstraktów roślinnych, magnez oraz chrom oraz opatentowany związek CAPSIMAX®.

Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 1 Napisanych postów 171 Wiek 39 lat Na forum 21 lat Przeczytanych tematów 3834
o kurcze, troche tego jest .. przetłumacz prosze
Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 209 Napisanych postów 8489 Wiek 37 lat Na forum 20 lat Przeczytanych tematów 129311
Dzieki. Z przyjemnoscia sie czytało.

Tekst nie jest bardzo trudny wiec mysle ze zrozumiesz bez problemu

madmaxq you are big pussy -
Zgłoś naruszenie
w0jt Dana White
Szacuny 11 Napisanych postów 13762 Na forum 19 lat Przeczytanych tematów 93464
myśle że niema potrzeby tłumaczenia, angielski na poziomie podstawówki


ivan cro cop You cheat on your wife?
CROCOP "Reply to ivan cro cop: Ivan ... Let me tell you a joke. James Bond came to Mujo from Bosnia and said ""Bond, James Bond"". Mujo's reply was ""Off, f*** off"" (laugh) you get the message?"

Zrebak Hello Mirko, how are you ?
CROCOP Reply to Zrebak: I don't think about that


Godra what about that high kick at Hustle's New Year Eve Show?
CROCOP Reply to Godra: Shit happens (laugh)

madmaxq you are big pussy
CROCOP Reply to madmaxq: Come and say that in front of me

satyr would you strip for the cover of some adult magazine?
CROCOP Reply to satyr: It depends on the offer (laugh)

Zmieniony przez - w0jt w dniu 2008-04-10 14:23:53

Business as usual

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