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Szacuny 11152 Napisanych postów 51607 Wiek 31 lat Na forum 24 lat Przeczytanych tematów 57816
jakos się obywam bez gadgetów a'la Monica Levinsky hrhr

niektórzy koledzy sie ucieszą - kolejne potwierdzenie że panie bardziej cenią obwód

however ....

/nie wiem czy te 40 cm ich nie załamie/


dobra, pora dotlenić mózg bo goopoty piszę (as always)

cul8r >*^^^^^^^^^^^======-----
Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 125 Napisanych postów 6135 Na forum 22 lat Przeczytanych tematów 30354
"ile razy miałbym chęć na coś..."

Za cieniutką tą zasłoną ona słodko śpi,
Co podniosę tę zasłonę to opada mi...

"Wszystko jedno gdzie się żyje,
Raz się chudnie, raz się tyje..."

Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 11152 Napisanych postów 51607 Wiek 31 lat Na forum 24 lat Przeczytanych tematów 57816
we feel sorry for you hrhr

Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 125 Napisanych postów 6135 Na forum 22 lat Przeczytanych tematów 30354
...a dla odczuwających potrzebę zjedzenia czegoś słodkiego proponuję np. przygotowanie sobie brokuła w polewie czekoladowej... ew. szpinaku w sosie truskawkowym...

"Wszystko jedno gdzie się żyje,
Raz się chudnie, raz się tyje..."

Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 11152 Napisanych postów 51607 Wiek 31 lat Na forum 24 lat Przeczytanych tematów 57816
ja tam bym proponował słodycz ust niewieścich abo jakich kto tam lubi hrhrhrhr
Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 125 Napisanych postów 6135 Na forum 22 lat Przeczytanych tematów 30354
j.w.: kwestia współczynnika glikemicznego bądź 'towarzyskiego'

"Wszystko jedno gdzie się żyje,
Raz się chudnie, raz się tyje..."

Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 10 Napisanych postów 4520 Wiek 46 lat Na forum 19 lat Przeczytanych tematów 18018
Panowie jestescie nieznosni normalnie

Uka 26,5cm kontra 40cm... nie mialas szans zmiazdzyla CIE masa

Tyka mysle, że pani Tykosiowa jest wdzieczna że nie złamałes sie dla "my God, ile razy ja już przez to przechodziłem hrhrhr bynajmniej nie w dziedzinie strucli buhehehe hrhrhr lol"

Jogger "Za cieniutką tą zasłoną ona słodko śpi, Co podniosę tę zasłonę to opada mi..." - mhmmm moze niech sie nie kladzie za zaslonka

BTW- to byl prosze panstwa SPAM, a pozniej mnie i Uce sie oberwie

Your body cannot go where the mind has not gone first.


Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 11152 Napisanych postów 51607 Wiek 31 lat Na forum 24 lat Przeczytanych tematów 57816
Proszę, tu jest coś bardziej serio :

Why do I snack?
By Wendy Lubell


Americans are grazers. We love to eat a bagel while driving to work, munch on popcorn during a movie, eat a bag of chips while walking to school, and stand at our kitchen counter and gobble down a plate of pasta. Rarely do we sit down in a calm and quiet environment and focus on what goes into our bodies. If we really sat down and contemplated the choices we made and the consequences of those choices we may do differently.

How do I stop snacking?

You must start by being an observer of yourself. You need to figure out what foods you crave, when you crave them, what is occurring emotionally when you snack or purchase them, and then become aware of what you are actually doing. All too often, we eat and do not even realize we just ate. Many dieters write journal about food consumption but fail to include snacks because truly they forgot about eating them. These dieters are essentially sleepwalking through their lives.

What key things can I do to stop snacking?

Create a ritual around drinking water. Carry a water bottle around with you (you can add lemon for flavor) and drink at least on sip every hour. This will allow you to start connecting action with intention. Perhaps you would like to set an alarm on your watch to beep every hour to help integrate this routine as well.

Practice taking deep breathes before you eat. Stop and breathe in through your nose while expanding your stomach and then slowly exhale out through your mouth while contracting your stomach. This will get you in touch with your body and focus your attention on the present action rather then the stresses you have been experiencing.

Make a mental note of what you are doing. Go through the senses and ask yourself:

&#183; What does my snack look like?

&#183; How does it smell?

&#183; What sounds do I hear when I chew my food?

&#183; How does it feel to touch? Is it soft, chewy, crispy or cold?

Explore your feelings of loneliness, boredom, anger and fear. We often snack to avoid feelings of discomfort. Food temporarily replaces the feelings but they don&#8217;t go away. Ask yourself why you feel the way you do and how can you honor the feelings and move through them.

When we are conscious of our eating habits we will be able to let our bodies be our &#8220;diet gurus&#8221;. Our bodies will determine what feels right to us, when we really need to eat, and how much food our stomachs can digest in order to prevent sluggishness and fat
Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 11152 Napisanych postów 51607 Wiek 31 lat Na forum 24 lat Przeczytanych tematów 57816
Quit Sugar Forever and Lose Fat
By: Shane Ellison, M.Sc.

Sugar addiction is a real and present danger. Addiction to sucrose may be considered the number one cause of obesity. Obesity is a well-established risk factor for heart disease. The addiction is best illustrated by our natural tendency to refer to our little girls as &#8220;Sugar.&#8221;

The voluntary act of relating our loved ones to sugar is due to the fact that like sugar, love for our children feels good. Said another way, love blocks pain.

Scientists have discovered this similarity between sugars and love to be their ability to trigger opioid receptors. When these receptors are triggered, a complex cascade of reactions is ignited. This cascade culminates in the inability to feel pain. The end result is happiness.

In addition to sugar and love, drugs can also trigger opiod receptors. These drugs include opium, codeine, morphine and oxycodone. Accordingly, they are known as opiates. Beyond just plain ol&#8217; happiness, opiates can elicit unequivocal feelings of euphoria. This in part explains why they can be so addictive &#8211; this euphoria is hard to come by naturally, but not impossible. It also might explain why those people who lack the feeling of being loved reach to either sugar (i.e. your wife eats chocolate when upset) or drugs.

Most anything that triggers opioid receptors may become addictive for some people. Some addictions are healthy. Some are not, as in sugar addiction.

Happiness is the most sought after feeling in the world. Sugar is among the most abundant chemicals around. Herein lies the problem. Because sugar makes people happy and because it is so readily available, it can be addictive. This is unhealthy due to the many side effects of sugar, and specifically obesity.

A sugar addiction is rationalized by a myriad of excuses. They typically go like this: Everyone drinks soda, If it was bad for me they would not sell it, Kids eat it, it must be O.K., It said &#8220;sugar free&#8221; on the label, I&#8217;ll quit tomorrow, I don&#8217;t mind being fat, it&#8217;s in my genetics, Everyone is fat, Fat is healthy, I read somewhere that sugar is not addictive.

Knowing how the sugar addiction develops provides great insight into how to treat it. When consumed, sugar increases serotonin levels within the brain. This increases the production of endorphins. Like drugs, these brain chemicals trigger opioid receptors, thereby eliciting happiness, or blocking pain. If opiod receptors are repeatedly triggered by sugar, thereby artificially increasing serotonin levels, the human body down regulates its natural production and release of serotonin. Serotonin is responsible for controlling mood and appetite. Without serotonin a person is depressed and craves more sugar. This forges an emotional bond between happiness and sugar. Sugar addicts become dependent on it to increase serotonin and therefore make them happy. This phenomenon has been referred to as &#8220;emotional eating.&#8221;

Over time, emotional eating results in fat gain because it revolves around eating sugar, which blocks thermogenesis. To overcome this, sugar addicts need to develop a healthy addiction that increases serotonin levels without eliciting negative side effects like sugar. Two habits fit these criteria, exercise and the use of the essential amino acid L tryptophan (not 5-HTP).

The well-known &#8220;runners high&#8221; is the result of endorphins triggering opioid receptors. This feeling of happiness can be attained with even moderate exercise. It is a superb replacement to sugar. Admittedly, this replacement requires substantially more effort than eating Dairy Queen and can result in an unhealthy addiction &#8211; as seen by those who exercise daily. Balance is required.

L-tryptophan is an easy replacement to sugar and supplementing with it periodically should be combined with exercise. It increases the body&#8217;s own supply of serotonin by serving as a "building block" of it. Resultantly, L-tryptophan users eliminate their biological craving to sugar. This essential amino acid also increases melatonin. This is a welcome benefit to those who enjoy a good night&#8217;s sleep.

Alternatives to sugar are few. The only suitable ones are stevia, xylitol or agave. High fructose corn syrup, aspartame, acesulfame-K, sucralose or Splenda, mono-sodium glutamate, and hydrolyzed vegetable proteins do not count as alternatives. Read the labels and discard products with these ingredients.

Once the sugar addiction is ended, thermogenesis will be activated &#8211; allowing anyone the ability to live thin and slim. This also greatly decreases your chances of suffering from the pandemic killer known as heart disease.
Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 10 Napisanych postów 4520 Wiek 46 lat Na forum 19 lat Przeczytanych tematów 18018
zaraz przeczytam

A tak z wlasnych doswiadczen wczoraj zapomnialam zabrac ze soba moj serek a bylam glodna jak Wilk, musialam jechac do supermarketu po zarlo, dodam ze to dla mnie wyprawa 40min samochodem w 1 strone.. Stalam przy batonach, fakt ze tych dla sportowcow, proteinowych, low carb, bylam tam z 30min i ostatecznie nie kupilam zadnego WYGRALAM Z NIMI/wiem ze strata czasu, ale jednak co nalog to nalog/.. poszlam na dzial mleczny i zakupilam serek grani ale sie ludzie na mnie patrzeli jak wyjelam lyzeczke i wciagalam ser heheh

Your body cannot go where the mind has not gone first.


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