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Biniu Moderator
Szacuny 251 Napisanych postów 41358 Wiek 52 lat Na forum 22 lat Przeczytanych tematów 126211
dokladnie :D
w Polsce malo firm odzywkowych robi cos kompleksowego
ala (:D) Vit 75+ z Now

moze ktoras z firm sprobuje ??
Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 91 Napisanych postów 14530 Wiek 38 lat Na forum 21 lat Przeczytanych tematów 62110
nie żebym reklamował.. akurat biniu zarzucił hasło

GG 1844256

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Biniu Moderator
Szacuny 251 Napisanych postów 41358 Wiek 52 lat Na forum 22 lat Przeczytanych tematów 126211
beuhe :D
ale wyszlo :D

prosze pamiatac ze to co trec proponuje to glownie Antioxidants

ja mowie o ogolnym 'mocnym' preparacie (vit i mineraly + ew te dodoatki co ma to cos nowego z treca)
krotko mowiac wiecej minaralow :D
Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 91 Napisanych postów 14530 Wiek 38 lat Na forum 21 lat Przeczytanych tematów 62110
hehe. czaje biniu jak dlamnie marzy się multi pro AST. luknij se 100 kapletów.
co ty na to że spec od produkcji witamin mowi ze witaminy tracą wartości przy ubijaniu tablet w dosyc duzych temperaturach?

odpisz na priv, bo kanara nie ma a nie jestem pewien ktory to jego numer na kom w moim telefonie [zapomniałem dodać

GG 1844256

Zgłoś naruszenie
Biniu Moderator
Szacuny 251 Napisanych postów 41358 Wiek 52 lat Na forum 22 lat Przeczytanych tematów 126211
co ty na to że spec od produkcji witamin mowi ze witaminy tracą wartości przy ubijaniu tablet w dosyc duzych temperaturach?

nie wiem :(
nie moja dzialka zainteresowan :D
sa osoby ktore beda jednak znaly odpowiedz na to pytanie :D
z checia sam sie dowiem :D
po czesci moze to i byc racja :D
ale na tym sie nie znam :D
prv poszedl :D
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bimsalabim ZASŁUŻONY
Szacuny 24 Napisanych postów 2399 Na forum 21 lat Przeczytanych tematów 8832
cos w tym jest
bo wiekszosc firm ktora proponuje obie wersje to w kapsulkach mają drozsze
przy takim samym skladzie
np . super complet z ultimata
optimum tez ma w kapsach
ja szczerze mowiac wole wersje w kapsach
wydaje mi sie ze szybciej i lepiej sa wchlaniane
Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 20 Napisanych postów 1002 Na forum 20 lat Przeczytanych tematów 19653
Wziołem daily complet 100 kapsułek za 25 zł i czuje ,że to był dobry wybór.
Zgłoś naruszenie
Biniu Moderator
Szacuny 251 Napisanych postów 41358 Wiek 52 lat Na forum 22 lat Przeczytanych tematów 126211
bimek moze zrobisz przekroj witamin wraz z minaralami jakie masz dostepne porownamy z innymi ofertami ??

sadze ze jest to wazniejsze niz dyskusja typu ktora kreatyna lepsza ?? olimpa treca czy hiteca :D
Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 91 Napisanych postów 14530 Wiek 38 lat Na forum 21 lat Przeczytanych tematów 62110
mi sie podoba AST MultiPro 32x! i nie ma bata! 100 kapletów!
patrzec na skład i cene!

MultiPro 32x
100 kapletów 15$

Supplement Facts

Serving Size: 1 Caplet

Amount Per Serving: %DV*
Vitamin A (as Beta Carotene/Vitamin A Acetate) 10,000 iu 200%
Vitamin C (as Ascorbic Acid) 200 mg 333%
Vitamin D (as Vitamin D3) 400 iu 100%
Vitamin E (as dl-Alpha Tocopheryls) 60 iu 200%
Vitamin K 25 mcg 31%
Thiamin 30 mg 2000%
Riboflavin 30 mg 1765%
Niacin (as Niacinamide) 30 mg 150%
Vitamin B6 30 mg 1500%
Folic Acid 400 mcg 100%
Vitamin B12 30 mcg 500%
Biotin 60 mcg 20%
Pantothenic Acid 30 mg 300%
Calcium (as Di-Calcium Phosphate) 75 mg 8%
Iron (as Ferrous Fumarate) 18 mg 100%
Phosphorus (as Di-Calcium Phosphate) 45 mg 5%
Iodine (as Potassium Iodine) 150 mcg 100%
Magnesium (as Magnesium Oxide) 100 mg 25%
Zinc (as Zinc Chelate) 30 mg 200%
Selenium (as Selenium Chelate) 25 mcg 36%
Copper (as Copper Chelate) 2 mg 100%
Manganese (as Manganese Sulfate) 5 mg 250%
Chromium (as Chromium Chelate) 25 mcg 21%
Molybdenum (as Molybdenum Chelate) 25 mcg 33%
Chloride (as Potassium Chloride) 36 mg < 2%
Potassium (as Potassium Chloride) 40 mg < 2%
Silicon 30 mg *
Tin (as Tin Chelate) 10 mcg *
Vanadium (as Vanadium Chelate) 10 mcg *
Boron (as Boron Chelate) 150 mcg *
Nickel (as Nickel Chelate) 25 mcg *
*Daily Value not established
Other Ingredients: Croscarmellose Sodium, Magnesium Stearate, Microcrystalline Cellulose

skłąd jaki trzeba. lepsze są tego typu preparaty gdzie jest średnio witamin i dużo minerałów (chodzi o konskie dawki )

bo np, now foods robi witaminy - gdzie w 1 tab jest po 5000% witamin a tylko 50% minerałów.

a tu walniemy se 2 kaplety i mamy dużo witamin i dodatkowo dużo minerałów.
To jest ta magia, która mnie ciagnie do tego preparatu.

a o witaminach i tym procesie wklejam słowa kolesia z forum avantlabs pod nickiem VITAMINSPECIALIST
jego wypowiedzi są ciekawe, co lepsze jest chemikiem ktory pracuje w firmie produkujacej witaminy --> http://www.yourvitamins.com/ 

All vitamins are not created equal!!!
There are several things you want to watch out for.

Hard tablet v.s. gel capsule v.s. liquid multi

Hard tablets have many issues.
#1. When the tablet press hits the powder to form the tablet, a tremendous amount of friction is created and the tablet is heated. This can be a problem since heat can destroy and denature some of the potency of the vitamins ( I used to be a tablet press operator and the tablets have to sit in a large rubber can for several hours and cool off).
Later some tablets have coatings (making it easier to swallow) heated on to them as well, further destoying the potency of the vitamins.

#2. Absorbancy issues. Some of the coatings make it difficult for the body to break down the vitamin before it passes through the small intestines. Also the binders or glues that help hold the tablet together can make it difficult to break down.

#3. What grade of product are they using? Nutriceutical, A, B, C grade. A lot of companies can keep the price of their multi low by using low grade product ( possibly containing other impurities).

#4. Synthetic vs naturally derived nutrients. Some natural sourced nutrients can have higher bioavailibilty and higher antioxidant capabilities (eg. gamma alpha vitamin E. compared to d-l alpha tocopherol)

#5. Fillers, binders, flowing agents, preservatives, and artificial colors. Have you guys ever checked the other ingredients in your multis? Who the hell wants additional crap in their multi that could possibly cause stomache upset? I personally like to pay for just vitamins and minerals when I buy a multi.

Easier to absorb, but some of the liquid multis use a naturally sourced "proprietary blend" of vitamins. They use the words proprietary because every new batch they make can have a different amount of nutrients, eg. I could eat 2 oranges that are the same size, but each orange will have a different amount of vit. C and other nutrients. I would prefer to know the exact amount of nutrients contained in the multi.

Gel caps with ultra fine powder inside
Easy to break down. Open-up capsule and mix powder in liquid if you are worried about gelatin absorbtion.
The Multi I use is pure vitamin and mineral with no other added ingredients. Maximum Complete Plus

Melkor- I used to work for Pharmanex. It's an excellent product, but it still had some added preservatives and added ingredients, and it costs WAY to much money!!!
P.S. My last biophotonic reading was at 63,000. When I used LifePak it was at 32,000

Back to the post- Look for a high potency multi with high water soluble vitamins and possibly some electrolytes like Pottasium-Magnesium Aspartate-Citrate when depleteing your calories and when including higher amounts of cardiovascular exercise.!

When you buy a cheap hard tablet multi, you're just creating expensive waste in your toilet!

"Kylixer- I checked out the supplement fact label on your Super Nutrition's Opti-Pack. I do like the fact that they use an overly coated carbonyl source of iron that is seperate from the other tablets. To Bad they are TABLETS! I don't know why they can't put these nutrients in gel capsules. Probably because of the added cost over time.
Take a glass and use 1 part vinegar (close to the same acidity level of our stomache acid) and 2 parts water. Drop your 2 tablets in the glass and let it sit for 30mins. Take a look at how much of the tablet has broken down and dissolved, because what ever is still left after 30-45mins is what will usually pass through your body.

By definition a rock= highly compressed minerals. Therefore a vitamin/mineral supplement in a tablet=a rock!
How well will a rock absorb if you were to swallow one?
BTW, I thought all olympic athletes were using Pharmanex's LifePak.
It must have been a doctor who recommended a hard tablet multi. A lot of older doctors don't know their asshole from their armpit when it comes to nutrition and supplementation!"

QUOTE (kimboinatl @ Aug 1 2004, 04:12 PM)
Here's something I have a question about - the multi I used to use and the multi I now use are both in tab form. I dropped them in a glass of water and they dissolved pretty quickly. So given that they dissolve in water, is it safe to assume that they'd be asborbed?

Did it dissolve within 30-45 mins.?
When it disolved was an ultra fine powder left?

Breaking down the tablet/s is just the first barrier. Next you would need to find out if the binders (glues that hold that tablet together) flowing agents, etc. have seperated from the nutrients. If the binders are still attached to the nutrients, they may pass straight through without being absorbed.

Vitamins/ minerals that are naturally sourced tend to have a higher bioavailabilty and you have greater chance of toxic doses with synthetic nutrients (Vit. A as Retiniol v.s. Beta Carotene).

Are the nutrients in your multi naturally sourced? High quality or grade? It is one thing to be able to absorb them, it is quite another thing to absorb junk!

In answer to your qustion, I guess you could check your crap, next time you take a dump. J/k

miłego czytania i wyciagania wniosków.
BINIU Im waiting for your opinion!

GG 1844256

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wole sobie sam poskladac z uwzglednieniem indywidualnych zapotrzebowan i preferencji...
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