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Tribulus Terrestris

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witam mam takie pytanie zamierzam sobie kupic Hi Tec Tribulus Terrestris
jakich moge sie po tym spodziwewac efektow
Ekspert SFD
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co do aromatyzacji przy tt - znalazłam info nt istniejących spekoolacji, iż tt jest o tyle 'słabo' działającym środkiem, że organizm jest w stanie sam dostosować stopień aromatyzacji (ktoora i tak moosi zachodzić)

zakładam, że wiadomo, iż tt wpływa na stymoolację przysadki do prodookcji LH, ktoory poboodza ICSH do syntezy testosteronu

info dotyczące kwestii konwertowania t do estrogenoow - dość kontrowersyjne imho

Q: I'm confused about the whole testosterone - estrogen - aromatization issue. I know from experience that the more an androgenic hormone aromatizes the more effective at building muscle it is. Any time I try to stop this aromatization then the hormone's muscle building effects go way down. Can you explain why this happens and why companies sell anti-estrogen supplements?

A: First off, I have yet to see any supplement company/magazine exhibit a true understanding of the key hormonal involvements in muscle growth with respect to testosterone and its unmitigated reliance on estrogen.
The layman "researchers" that are writing articles in many of the fitness magazines and the individuals that are developing (developing is probably the wrong choice of words) products for supplement companies are apparently oblivious to the fact that estrogen is actually an integral and necessary piece to the hormone puzzle as it relates to testosterone's effect on building muscle. In fact, without estrogen testosterone's (the primary muscle building hormone) effects on muscle growth is greatly diminished.
What you mostly read about estrogen from the "experts" (I use this term very lightly) is that it's a bodybuilder's worst enemy. Nothing could be further from the truth. Estrogen is not a bodybuilder's worst enemy. It is a key hormone necessary for the full anabolic effects of testosterone.
To understand this you have to realize the close relationship shared between estrogen and testosterone. Estrogen acts a receptor trigger for testosterone. In fact, estrogen is responsible for signaling the androgen receptor to accept testosterone. Reducing the amount of estrogen available for receptor (a receptor is a protein molecule on the surface of a cell that binds or accepts hormone molecule) signaling can reduce circulating androgens from binding to the receptor sites by 30 fold. In essence, reducing circulating estrogen makes the circulating androgens 30 times less effective.
Men and women produce both testosterone and estrogen. Men of course produce more testosterone than women and women produce more estrogen than men. But men also produce estrogen. What most "experts" don't realize is that there is a reason men produce estrogen and that reason is to assist the function of testosterone.
Men produce estrogen in two ways. One is through natural hormone production in the testes and another way is through the aromatization of testosterone into estrogen. This is where the mass confusion and complete misunderstanding of estrogen in men comes in. Aromatization is not a nasty out of control side effect of excess testosterone. It's is more of a precisely controlled hormonal equilibrium modulator that specifically assists the utilization of testosterone.
In other words, aromatization is a necessary function in the hormone pathway to produce the very hormone, estrogen, necessary to trigger or signal the androgen receptors. Without aromatization, testosterone would only mildly exert its effects. Aromatization has been completely misunderstood and misinterpreted by all but a few immensely perceptive researchers. And because of this the athletic population has been led down the wrong path of hormonal understanding.
The reason you have a corresponding increase in estrogen when you increase your levels of testosterone is to provide the key, if you will, to unlock the door so that testosterone can exert it's anabolic effects (protein synthesis, muscle growth, strength increase) within the muscle.
Because estrogen is a female hormone it is associated with female characteristics. This association has carried over to effects in men as well, but at the expense of a true understanding of why men need estrogen. Because of this the "experts" have mistakenly coined estrogen as an unwanted hormone in men. Not only is it wanted, but for maximum anabolic effects it is needed.
Following the "experts" advice and taking drugs (Nolvadex) or supplements (Chrysin and IC3) designed to blunt or reduce aromatization will actually diminish, not only supplemental testosterone, but your natural testosterone as well. In other words, taking supplements like Chrysin will diminish the anabolic effects of your naturally occurring testosterone.
It's not just about increasing your testosterone that helps increase muscle mass and strength, it's about enhancing the total hormonal supply to allow for full androgen receptor participation. Any time you increase testosterone you have to have a corresponding increase in estrogen to utilize this testosterone increase. You can jack your testosterone levels to the the moon, but if corresponding estrogen is blocked or eliminated the increased testosterone will have very little effect on muscle growth.
The only time estrogen presents a problem is when you have too much. Then you may see estrogenic side effects. However, the way to go about minimizing this is not by blunting or eliminating estrogen (remember, this will diminish testosterone's muscle building properties). What you need to do is supply a more accurate increase in testosterone with natural correlating estrogen assistance. In other words, find out the maximum increase in testosterone your body will use and maintain this level without going over.
So what you need to do is boost your testosterone levels to the point where you realize the muscle building effects of this increase and not past this level to where you experience residual estrogen effects due to unused testosterone. In other words, if the level of testosterone increase causes a noticeable estrogenic effect then the increase is too much and your body will not utilize or benefit from the excess. You do not combat this excess with anti-estrogen compounds. You simply lower the level of the testosterone increase.
This is where everyone drops the ball. Wouldn't it be nice if we could capture all the positive effects of testosterone and eliminate all the negative effects from estrogen? Well wake up. It doesn't work like that, it can't work like that, and it won't work like that. Your body is a much more complicated machine than these "yo-yo" supplement shysters would have you to believe. Let make something else clear here. It's not always that these supplement companies are out to scam you. In fact, that probably happens less than I elude to. The main problem is they simply are not educated enough to truly understand the complexities of ergogenic performance enhancement. Through their ignorance they market flawed and worthless supplements that they actually think are good. And since they do no research their supplements hit the market and are backed entirely on hype and disinformation.
Supplement companies that are selling "anti-estrogen" supplements are doing you a grave injustice because of their own ignorance of testosterone's physiological effects. Honestly, when I read the ads and promotional material these companies are using to promote their products it looks like they've gleaned their knowledge from a newspaper article. Most likely the comic section. It's more than obvious few companies employ individuals that possess the skills to interpret and disseminate the real research. A casual look at the ads in the magazines solidifies this.
I'm not saying this just to slam other supplement companies. I'm just trying to show you how truly amateurish and far from the real research these companies really are. And ultimately it slaps the consumer right in the face. You see, when it's all said and done these supplement companies still rake in the cash while the consumers that fall for their product are left with nothing but a smaller bank account, empty supplement bottles, and no results to show for it.

artystyczny leniwy' grasik
~doradca w dziale suplementacja~

Bądź silnym i niezłomnym, aby umocnić słabość tych, którzy się chwieją.

Zmieniony przez - Grasik w dniu 2003-08-20 01:25:49

That is when the world will end.

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O tym bylo juz tyle postow, ze moglbys troche poszukac. Skorzystaj z wyszukiwarki: https://www.sfd.pl/search.asp

Pozdr.- Gregu
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szukalem aleco chcialem nie znlezlem aha masz jescze jedno pytanie jestem po cyklu z meta czy jak to teraz wezme cos urosne
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kojot w Twoim wieku efekty beda zadne oprocz oczywiscie przeciągu w portwelu. lepiej zainwestuj te pieniadze w bialko i ewentualnie l-glutamine. bedzie z tego duzo wiekszy pozytek



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Szacuny 63 Napisanych postów 5807 Wiek 49 lat Na forum 21 lat Przeczytanych tematów 40905
cyklu z metą??? jeeeezu czlowieku a nie zapytałeś się siebie wcześniej czy naprawde warto tak sie wyniszczać. jak tak dalej masz zamiar sie bawić to mów swoim przyszłym dziewczynom, żeby do seksu brały kogoś innego, ty mozesz byc tylko maskotką



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Szacuny 0 Napisanych postów 122 Na forum 20 lat Przeczytanych tematów 3144
to byl slabiutki cykl w***alem tylko 40 tabletek
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Szacuny 10 Napisanych postów 1683 Na forum 21 lat Przeczytanych tematów 27917
Wilhellm dobrze prawi. TT jest sens brać co najmniej powyżej 21 lat a najlepiej od 25. W twoim wieku jedynie odchudzi portfel i to będzie jedyny efekt jego stosowania
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po metce tt ma sens niezaleznie od wieku ale polecam ultimate

atleta.pl -najbardziej szczery i uczciwy dealer odzywek w necie
Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 10 Napisanych postów 1683 Na forum 21 lat Przeczytanych tematów 27917
A nie lepiej ZMA? Wiem że metce ma sens ale dlatego żeby przywrócić wydzielanie testosteronu przez organizm. Chodzilo mi o to że ogólnie branie TT w tym wieku nie ma sensu. Może sie nieskładnie wyraziłem.
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atleta.pl -najbardziej szczery i uczciwy dealer odzywek w necie
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tu masz racje Bull bo jego gospodarka hormonalna przypomina juz sredniozaawansowanego staruszka, wiec TT jest jak najbardziej wskazane.
a przy nastepnej wizycie u lekarza popros go o przepisanie viagry



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