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winstol i suspen w oleju recepta!!

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Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 22 Napisanych postów 1619 Na forum 20 lat Przeczytanych tematów 15507

TNE suspention 75mg/ml
Supplies needed
1.5 Grams TNE powder
2 .22um whatman filter
1 10ml vial
1 20ml vial
2 18ga pins with 3ml plungers
1 5 ml plunger
1 10ml plunger
2 ml Benzyl Benzoate (10%)
.4 ml Benzyl Alcohol (2%)
.6 ml Polysorbate 80 (3%)
15.875 ml Distilled water

1. Add your BB and PS80 to your beaker (10ml vial) with your TNE powder and heat until it is in liquid form.

2. reduce heat enough to keep it liquid (med low temp on a hot plate) ***note: you must keep it on heat so it does not crash while filtering into the distilled water***

3 Put .4 ml BA and 15.875 ml distilled water in your 20ml vile.

4. Most of you will prefer to filter the BB/PS80/TNE mix which it great, but I prefer just to use a glass dropper to slowly drop it into the water 1ml at a time (BECAUSE GLASS WILL NOT MELT IN YOUR HAND) However, if you want to filter the concentrate use a .45um whatman filter and only do 1 ml at a time.

5. slowly add your BB/PS80/TNE mixture to your water 1 ml at a time, and after every ml you add put the stopper on the vile and shake vigerously. REMEMBER ONE ML AT A TIME. **THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT**

By the time you're done it should be milky white and perfect, with this method it won't clump or seperate to the bottom like it did with PEG. The TNE will stay milky and completely seperated and will go through a 30ga by 1/2" slin pin like pure water with no clogging and no pain at all!

Winny in Oil:

1 Gram winstrol
1 20 ml glass vial or larger
1 20 ml sterile glass vial or larger
1 .45 Whatman sterile syringe filter.
2 5 or 10 ml syringes
2 3 ml syringes
3 18 or 20 gauge pins
2 22 gauge pins
17 ml of sesame seed oil
.2 ml of benzyl alcohol
2 ml of Mr. T super solvent (http://www.finakit.8k.com/index.html) or Animals super solvent (http://www.animalkits.be/) Research Kits, may have a similar solvent, but I'm not sure. I am using Mr. T super solvent.

This will make 20ml at 50mg/ml.

Tip: Only try to convert winstrol powder 1 gram at a time, it is very easy to ruin it in the conversion

1) Weigh out 1 gram of winstrol powder, you will need a scale (I got mine here http://under-50.balances.com/) use the tare function to take away the weight of the container that holds your powder, and weigh it out to 1 gram.

2)Draw out 2 ml of the super solvent, using 1 of the 3 ml syringes.

3)Place the powder in the open glass vial, then add the super solvent to the powder in the vial.

Step 4

Place back on rubber stopper, put one of the 20g pins in the stopper. Place the vial in a small pan, and place on eye of the stove (you can do this step in the oven, but I have found this method works better). Cut on heat, heat until powder disolves into a liquid (the melting point of winstrol is between 239.8-242 degrees F). Turn off heat, and let it cool down still in the pan, until it reaches room temp. again takes about 15 minutes.

Vial will be VERY HOT, so use an oven mit.

Also heat seseame oil (heat more than 17ml because you won't get it all out) it can be heated on a stove eye, or in the oven, I heated mine in the oven in a muffin pan, the oil needs to reach 212 F., to help sterilize the oil. I put mine in the oven at 275 F. Just to make sure.

Step 5

Draw out .2 ml of benzyl alcohol, this is 1% of the final solution. It is very important that you do not use more than 1% of the solution with winstrol, or it could crash when finished.

Step 6

Add BA to the solution in the vial. Shake very gently.

Step 7a

Draw out the oil with the 10 ml syringe, (Be sure you have allowed it to cool down some) add the 15ml of oil to the solution. Shake very gently again.

**Note - After adding the oil to the solution the winstrol may begin to clump up back into a powder, if it does, you just need to reheat it again like in Step 4a, remember to let it cool slowly. My powder did this, and this took care of it.**

Step 7b

Save 2 ml of oil in the syringe, and re-cap it. You need this later during the sterile filter process to make sure none of the winstrol is left in the filter.

Step 8

Place 1 of the 18 guage pins in the steile unopened vial, and attach the whatman sterile filter.

Draw out the solution using the other 10ml syringe, attach to the filter, and slowly press solution into the sterile vial.

Then use the remainding 2ml of oil in the other syringe, to run through the filter, to make sure that none of the winstrol is left in the filter.

Step 9

After filtering, leave the pin in the sterile vial, remove the filter. Place the vial in a small pan, and place on eye of the stove (you can do this step in the oven, but I have found this method works better). Cut on heat, heat solution for about 15 to 20 minutes. Turn off heat, and let it cool down still in the pan, until it reaches room temp. again this takes about 15 minutes.

Finished Product

tak dla ciekawostki podalem!

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swietnie a teraz po PL
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i skad wziac gram stanozololu???
Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 22 Napisanych postów 1619 Na forum 20 lat Przeczytanych tematów 15507
ja to dalem tak dal ciekwawosci slabo znam angilski naczy dogadac sie doagadam i rozumi co tam pisze ale zeby doslowni tlumaczyc to nie!!

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Gdy ty się op*****lasz ktoś inny trenuje(koksuje) zeby skopać ci Dupe

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Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 22 Napisanych postów 1619 Na forum 20 lat Przeczytanych tematów 15507
co oni nie speak english!

Gdy ty się op*****lasz ktoś inny trenuje(koksuje) zeby skopać ci Dupe

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anabolex to samo ...
Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 22 Napisanych postów 1619 Na forum 20 lat Przeczytanych tematów 15507
oki to skasujcie zeby nei zasmiecac!

Gdy ty się op*****lasz ktoś inny trenuje(koksuje) zeby skopać ci Dupe

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skad wziac gram stanozololu???

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