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Jak w temacie cena powala czy ktoś to stosował Spartan Cerberus

Product Description

Cerberus is the pinnacle of mass, size, and strength. Cerberus is the strongest prohormone on the market. Cerberus can help you become a brutal monster by increasing size, strength, and power beyond any Earthly measure, a power only availed to the God’s and their reigning objects.


Cerberus is the purest, strongest, most potent combination to effectively increase muscle mass, size and strength, comparable to that of the Elite Spartans.

Cerberus is non-estrogenic, offers the ideal composition to maximize muscle mass and size, with almost little to no side effects of typical prohormones like lethargy or gyno. Cerberus is anti-estrogenic, non-methylated, anabolic, anti-catabolic, and harnesses the forces of the Heavens and Hell to create in all in one effective and powerhouse Tri-Andro.
Cerberus contains Androsterone, Super-Rb DHEA, and Super-19 DHEA, an incredibly synergistic blend formulated by Sparta Nutrition to help you reach the gains of the Gods and the force of the underworld.

Cerberus Benefits:

Increase Muscle Mass
Increase Strength
Increase Size
Insane Power
What is Androsterone?
Androsterone, also known as 3-Alpha-Hydroxyetioallocholan-17-One, is legal prohormone – commonly found in pine pollen and found naturally occurring within most mammals, excreted in urine as part of human metabolism. [1] [2]

Androsterone and Epiandrosterone are extremely similar, essentially the same molecule. The main difference is that Androsterone is a 3-Alpha isomer whereas Epiandrosterone is a 3-Beta isomer. Both Androsterone and Epiandrosterone convert to stanolone, but Androsterone does not convert to estrogen, meaning that it has anti-estrogenic effects. That means that estrogenic effects like gyno are not possible. The main benefit of Androsterone is when it’s paired with a bulking prohormone, like Super-19 DHEA, as it’s anti-estrogenic properties reduce any possible sides.


Androsterone, which converts to Stanolone, is very androgenic but seems to be light on sides like hair loss. Androsterone is known to increase strength, libido, endurance, and multiple studies suggest neurological effects like aggression coupled with strength.

Androsterone is extremely versatile, which is mainly why at Sparta Nutrition we have decided to pair it up with the powerhouse prohormone: Super-19 DHEA.

What is Super-Rb DHEA?
Super-Rb DHEA is 3-beta-undecanoyloxy-5-alpha-androstan-17-one which is more commonly knonwn as Epiandrosterone. Epiandrosterone and Androsterone (sometimes referred to as ‘R-DHEA’) are almost identical in structure, with Epiandrosterone being the 3-beta isomer (thus why it may also be referred to as Isoandrosterone) and Androsterone being the 3-alpha isomer. It is a naturally produced metabolite of the adrenal hormone Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) by the enzyme 5a-reductase.

DHT also functions as an antagonist of estrogen which may cause gynecomastia in some men by reducing DHT levels in the body, and thus reducing DHT’s antagonism of estrogen in the body. DHT directly inhibits estrogens activity on tissues, either by acting as a competitive antagonist to the estrogen receptor or by decreasing estrogen-induced RNA transcription at a point subsequent to estrogen receptor binding. It also directly blocks the production of estrogens from androgens by inhibiting the activity of aromatase. Studies done in breast tissue showed that DHT, Androsterone, and 5alpha-Androstandione inhibit the formation of Estrone from Androstenedione.

Since many Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS), Prohormones (PH) and Designer Steroids (DS) are incapable of converting to DHT like Testosterone to fulfill the biological demands the body has while also suppressing endogenous Testosterone production and thus DHT production as well, it is extremely common to see reports of lethargy and libido crash while on cycle. This is why it is also common to see recommendations for Epiandrosterone to be used as a ‘Test Base’, because it helps mitigate lethargy and low libido by fulfilling the body’s biological demands.

It is possible that Epiandrosterone may cause some HPTA suppression, and therefore it is always recommended to run a properly planned Post-Cycle Therapy (PCT) following any prohormone containing Epiandrosterone.

What do we know about Super-Rb DHEA?

~Non-Methylated/Non-Liver Toxic (Doesn’t require liver support such as TUDCA or NAC)

~Dry Compound/Non-Aromatizing (Won’t convert estrogen nor cause water retention or


~Anti-estrogenic Effect

~Increases Aggression

~Increases Energy/Combats Lethargy

~Increases Muscle Hardness and Density

~Increases Strength via CNS Activation

~Increases Vascularity

~Reduces Water Weight (Leading to a drier/tighter appearance)

~Supports Libido

~Excellent for Cutting/Recomping

~Excellent Stacker

What is Super-19 DHEA?
Super-19 DHEA, also known as 19-Nor- Dehydroepiandrosterone, is an anabolic precursor that converts to Nandrolone. It is a legal prohormone that stimulates hormone production within the body.

Nandrolone is known to have a better anabolic effect than testosterone. The main purpose of using Super-19 DHEA is to increase muscle mass and strength. 19-DHEA is also found to aid in the retention of muscle and, in some cases, increases appetite.

19nor-Dehydroepiandrosterone is controversial in sporting and athletics as it is considered to be part of the DHEA substance supplements. DHEA supplements are banned by most competitive organizations. Many athletes will use 19nor-Dehydroepiandrosterone during training and gain cycles and then cease the supplement during the lean and cut phase of preparing for competition.

Boost Bioavailability
Cerberus amplifies absorption and bioavailability with 6,7,-dihydroxybergamottin (DHB), an organic chemical compound found in grapefruit juice. The basic belief behind DHB is that it alters the metabolism, as DHB blocks the enzyme CYP3A4 – most commonly found within the liver and intestines to heighten the concentration of medication within the blood. Resultantly, you end up with enhanced bioavailability of Androsterone, Super-Rb DHEA, and Super-19 DHEA for the maximum absorption of Cerberus.

† These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

[1] Simons, R. G., & Grinwich, D. L. (1989). Immunoreactive detection of four mammalian steroids in plants. Canadian Journal of Botany. 67, 288-96.

[2] Metcalf MG. (1972). The excretion of androsterone and etiocholanolone as a function of adrenocrotical and gonadal activity. Clinical Biochemistry. 5(1), 19-32.

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Nowa ulepszona formuła, zawierająca szereg specjalnie dobranych ekstraktów roślinnych, magnez oraz chrom oraz opatentowany związek CAPSIMAX®.

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anubis84 Instruktor Marcin Moderator
Szacuny 17701 Napisanych postów 132186 Wiek 39 lat Na forum 14 lat Przeczytanych tematów 1460792
To jest prohormon, a nie suplement czyli mówiąc prosto sterydy, więc w dziale doping powinieneś uzyskać odpowiedź.

Gdyby ilość pieniędzy, jakie posiadamy, zależała od tego, jak traktujemy innych ludzi, bylibyśmy milionerami.

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Szacuny 11150 Napisanych postów 51589 Wiek 31 lat Na forum 24 lat Przeczytanych tematów 57816
Tu zapytaj https://www.sfd.pl/PH_alternatywa_dla_SAA_cz.3-t1051233-s207.html#post4 tylko nie wstawiaj tej całej litani po angielsku.

Zmieniony przez - zioekt w dniu 2016-04-30 14:15:38
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lodzianin1 Moderator
Jest liderem w tym dziale Szacuny 95525 Napisanych postów 365934 Wiek 48 lat Na forum 18 lat Przeczytanych tematów 1673350
to jest Polskie forum

treningi,suplementacja,odblokowanie [email protected]

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Dostałeś odpowiedź gdzie pytac
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bez szału produkt coś na wzór pierwszej generacji prohormonów typu 4 AD i 19 NOR
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..."Gdy wzywa Thor bym poszedł z nim w bój moim honorem zwycięstwo jest
więc nie liczy się nic prócz przelanej krwi i dumy mych braci walczących by żyć..."

doradca C/S ze wskazaniem na combat

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lodzianin1 Moderator
Jest liderem w tym dziale Szacuny 95525 Napisanych postów 365934 Wiek 48 lat Na forum 18 lat Przeczytanych tematów 1673350
szkoda kasy na to

treningi,suplementacja,odblokowanie [email protected]

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